Google Earth Engine——多光谱/潘氏图像集包含了从原始12位数据上移的五个16位波段的图像。B、G、R和近红外波段的分辨率约为每像素2米,而Pan波段的分辨率约为0.8米

简介: Google Earth Engine——多光谱/潘氏图像集包含了从原始12位数据上移的五个16位波段的图像。B、G、R和近红外波段的分辨率约为每像素2米,而Pan波段的分辨率约为0.8米

This data from Planet labs Inc. SkySat satellites was collected for the experimental "Skybox for Good Beta" program in 2015, as well as for various crisis response events and a few other projects. The data is available in both a 5-band Multispectral/Pan collection, and a Pansharpened RGB collection.


Each image's asset ID contains the acquisition date and time, for example, image s01_20150304T080608Z was acquired on March 4, 2015 at 08:06 Zulu (UTC). For more information, please see the [Planet Imagery Product Specifications] ( and visit the [Planet Imagery and Archive] (Satellite Imagery and Archive | Planet) site.

This Multispectral/Pan collection contains images with five 16-bit bands shifted up from the original 12-bit data. The B, G, R, and Near-IR bands have a resolution of approximately 2m per pixel, while the Pan band is approximately 0.8m resolution (closer to 1m for off-nadir images).

这些数据来自Planet labs Inc. SkySat卫星在2015年为实验性的 "Skybox for Good Beta "项目,以及各种危机应对事件和其他一些项目收集的数据。这些数据有5个波段的多光谱/全景收集,以及一个全景锐化的RGB收集。

每张图片的资产ID包含了采集日期和时间,例如,图片s01_20150304T080608Z是在2015年3月4日08:06 Zulu(UTC)采集的。欲了解更多信息,请参见[行星图像产品规格](,并访问[行星图像和档案](网站。


Dataset Availability

2014-07-03T00:00:00 - 2016-12-24T00:00:00

Dataset Provider

Planet Labs Inc.

Collection Snippet


Bands Table

Name Description Min* Max* Resolution Wavelength
B Blue 878 62089 2 meters 450-515nm
G Green 341 62007 2 meters 515-595nm
R Red 107 63393 2 meters 605-695nm
N Near-IR 16 62874 2 meters 740-900nm
P Panchromatic 16 65520 0.8 meters 450-900nm

* = Values are estimated


Name Type Description
catalogID String Unique catalog ID corresponding to a single collection event; same across all three detectors.
collectionEndTime String ISO 8601 collection end time (UTC).
collectionStartTime String ISO 8601 collection start time (UTC).
collectionType String 'Strip', 'Point', 'Area', or 'Path'.
productType String Product type identifying the product level ('Orthorectified Imagery').
productionID String ID of this version of this product, generated by Singer/TileMill.
productionSystemVersion String N/A
resamplingMethod String The method used for interpolated pixel values.
satelliteAzimuthAngleMax Double Maximum satellite azimuth angle over the collection (degrees).
satelliteAzimuthAngleMean Double Mean satellite azimuth angle over the collection (degrees).
satelliteAzimuthAngleMin Double Minimum satellite azimuth angle over the collection (degrees).
satelliteElevationAngleMax Double Maximum satellite elevation angle over the collection (degrees).
satelliteElevationAngleMean Double Mean satellite elevation angle over the collection (degrees).
satelliteElevationAngleMin Double Minimum satellite elevation angle over the collection (degrees).
satelliteName String Unique name identifying the spacecraft.
snaptoAlignmentConfidence Double N/A
snaptoReferenceAssets String N/A
solarAzimuthAngle Double Solar azimuth angle at the time of collection.
solarElevationAngle Double Solar elevation angle at the time of collection.
terrainBlendEpoch Double N/A


var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('SKYSAT/GEN-A/PUBLIC/ORTHO/MULTISPECTRAL');
var falseColor =['N', 'G', 'B']);
var falseColorVis = {
  min: 200.0,
  max: 6000.0,
Map.setCenter(-70.892, 41.6555, 15);
Map.addLayer(falseColor, falseColorVis, 'False Color');

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