Google Earth Engine——飓风最佳轨迹数据库(HURDAT2)。太平洋盆地1949-2018年。

简介: Google Earth Engine——飓风最佳轨迹数据库(HURDAT2)。太平洋盆地1949-2018年。

Hurricane best track database (HURDAT2).

Pacific basin 1949-2018.



Dataset Availability

1949-06-11T00:00:00 - 2018-11-09T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet


Name Type Description
seq Double ATCF cyclone number for that year
name String Hurricane name. e.g. "ALEX"
datetime String Observation time in UTC. Format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.
record_id String Single letter desinating a specific event in a hurricane track. An empty string if no code. - C – Closest approach to a coast not followed by a landfall - G – Genesis - I – An intensity peak in terms of both pressure and wind - L – Landfall (center of system crossing a coastline) - P – Minimum in central pressure - R – Provides additional detail on the intensity of the cyclone when rapid changes are underway - S – Change of status of the system - T – Provides additional detail on the track (position) of the cyclone - W – Maximum sustained wind speed
status String Status of system: - DB – Disturbance (of any intensity) - ET - Unknown. The only occurrence is in HARVEY. - EX – Extratropical cyclone (of any intensity) - HU – Tropical cyclone of hurricane intensity (> 64 knots) - LO – A low that is neither a tropical cyclone, a subtropical cyclone, nor an extratropical cyclone (of any intensity) - SD – Subtropical cyclone of subtropical depression intensity (< 34 knots) - SS – Subtropical cyclone of subtropical storm intensity (> 34 knots) - TD – Tropical cyclone of tropical depression intensity (< 34 knots) - TS – Tropical cyclone of tropical storm intensity (34-63 knots) - WV – Tropical Wave (of any intensity)
max_wind_kts Double Maximum wind speed
min_pressure Double Minimum pressure
numEntries Double Number of points for a particular hurricane
radii_ne_34kt Double 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in northeastern quadrant
radii_se_34kt Double 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in southeastern quadrant
radii_sw_34kt Double 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in southwestern quadrant
radii_nw_34kt Double 34 kt wind radii maximum extent in northwestern quadrant
radii_ne_50kt Double 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in northeastern quadrant
radii_se_50kt Double 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in southeastern quadrant
radii_sw_50kt Double 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in southwestern quadrant
radii_nw_50kt Double 50 kt wind radii maximum extent in northwestern quadrant
radii_ne_64kt Double 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in northeastern quadrant
radii_se_64kt Double 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in southeastern quadrant
radii_sw_64kt Double 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in southwestern quadrant
radii_nw_64kt Double 64 kt wind radii maximum extent in northwestern quadrant
basin String Ocean basin. Always "AL" for Atlantic.
id String Code for a particular hurricane. "AL" followed by a 2 digit cyclone number followed by a 4-digit year. e.g. "AL162018"
year Double Year in which the hurricane occurred


NOAA data, information, and products, regardless of the method of delivery, are not subject to copyright and carry no restrictions on their subsequent use by the public. Once obtained, they may be put to any lawful use.NOAA的数据、信息和产品,无论其交付方式如何,都不受版权保护,对公众的后续使用也没有限制。一旦获得,它们可以被用于任何合法用途。


// Show hurricane tracks and points for 1993.
var hurricanes = ee.FeatureCollection('NOAA/NHC/HURDAT2/pacific');
var year = '1993';
var points = hurricanes.filter('year')));
// Find all of the hurricane ids.
var GetId = function(point) {
  return ee.Feature(point).get('id');
var storm_ids = points.toList(1000).map(GetId).distinct();
// Create a line for each hurricane.
var lines = ee.FeatureCollection({
  var pts = points.filter(ee.Filter.eq('id', ee.String(storm_id)));
  pts = pts.sort('system:time_start');
  var line = ee.Geometry.LineString(pts.geometry().coordinates());
  var feature = ee.Feature(line);
  return feature.set('id', storm_id);
Map.addLayer(lines, {color: 'red'}, 'tracks');
Map.addLayer(points, {color: 'black'}, 'points');
Map.setCenter(210, 30, 3);

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