Google Earth Engine ——全球资源管理系统火灾信息(FIRMS)1公里数据集

简介: Google Earth Engine ——全球资源管理系统火灾信息(FIRMS)1公里数据集

The Earth Engine version of the Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) dataset contains the LANCE fire detection product in rasterized form. The near real-time (NRT) active fire locations are processed by LANCE using the standard MODIS MOD14/MYD14 Fire and Thermal Anomalies product. Each active fire location represents the centroid of a 1km pixel that is flagged by the algorithm as containing one or more fires within the pixel. The data are rasterized as follows: for each FIRMS active fire point, a 1km bounding box (BB) is defined; pixels in the MODIS sinusoidal projection that intersect the FIRMS BB are identified; if multiple FIRMS BBs intersect the same pixel, the one with higher confidence is retained; in case of a tie, the brighter one is retained.


The data in the near-real-time dataset are not considered to be of science quality.

Additional information can be found here.

资源管理系统火灾信息(FIRMS)数据集的地球引擎版本包含了LANCE栅格化形式的火灾探测产品。LANCE使用标准的MODIS MOD14/MYD14火灾和热异常产品处理近实时(NRT)活动火灾位置。每个活动火点代表一个1公里像素的中心点,该像素被算法标记为包含一个或多个火点。数据的栅格化过程如下:为每个FIRMS活动火点定义一个1公里的边界框(BB);识别MODIS正弦投影中与FIRMS BB相交的像素;如果多个FIRMS BB与同一像素相交,则保留置信度较高的那个;如果出现并列,则保留较亮的那个。


Dataset Availability

2000-11-01T00:00:00 - 2021-09-06T00:00:00

Dataset Provider


Collection Snippet



1000 meters

Bands Table

Name Description Min Max Units
T21 The brightness temperature of a fire pixel using MODIS channels 21/22. K
confidence A detection confidence intended to help users gauge the quality of individual active fire pixels. The confidence estimate ranges between 0% and 100% for all fire pixels within the fire mask. The confidence field should be used with caution; it is likely that it will vary in meaning in different parts of the world. 0 100 %
line_number Line number in the FIRMS CSV file that the pixel came from.

* = Values are estimated

var dataset = ee.ImageCollection('FIRMS').filter('2018-08-01', '2018-08-10'));
var fires ='T21');
var firesVis = {
  min: 325.0,
  max: 400.0,
  palette: ['red', 'orange', 'yellow'],
Map.setCenter(-119.086, 47.295, 6);
Map.addLayer(fires, firesVis, 'Fires');


NASA promotes the full and open sharing of all data with the research and applications communities, private industry, academia, and the general public. Read the [NASA Data and Information Policy] (Data & Information Policy | Science Mission Directorate).

If you provide the [Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) / Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS)] (LANCE: NASA Near Real-Time Data and Imagery | Earthdata) data to a third party, follow the guidelines in the [LANCE Citation, Acknowledgements, and Disclaimer] (LANCE Citation, Acknowledgements and Disclaimer | Earthdata) site and replicate or provide a link to the [disclaimer] (LANCE Citation, Acknowledgements and Disclaimer | Earthdata).


MODIS Collection 6 NRT Hotspot / Active Fire Detections MCD14DL. Available on-line Fire Information for Resource Management System (FIRMS) | Earthdata. doi:10.5067/FIRMS/MODIS/MCD14DL.NRT.006

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