策略模式( Strategy Pattern )又叫也叫政策模式( Policy Pattern) ,它是将定义的算法家族、分别封装起来,让它们之间可以互相替换,从而让算法的变化不会影响到使用算法的用户。属于行为型模式。
原文: Define a family of algor ithms, encapsulate each one, and make them inter changeable.
策略模式可以解决在有多种算法相似的情况下,使用if…else 或swith…case所带来的复杂性和臃
1、针对同-类型问题,有多种处理方式,每- -种都能独立解决问题;
从类图中我们可以看到, 委派模式有三个参与角色:
抽象任务角色( Task ) : 定义一个抽象接口, 它有若干实现类。
委派者角色( Delegate ) : 负责在各个具体角色实例之间做出决策并判断并调用具体实现的方法。
具体任务角色( Concrete ) 真正执行任务的角色。
注意: 策略模式中的上下文环境 (Context) , 其职责本来是隔离客户端与策略类的耦合, 让客户端完全与上下文环境 沟通, 无需关系具体策略。
优惠策略会有很多种可能如 : 领取优惠券抵扣、返现促销、拼团优惠。下面我们用代码来模拟,
PromotionStrategy :
/** * 促销策略抽象 */ public interface IPromotionStrategy { void doPromotion(); }
然后分别创建优惠券抵扣策略 CouponStrategy 类、返现促销策略 CashbackStrategy 类、拼团优惠策略 GroupbuyStrategy 类和无优惠策略 EmptyStrategy 类 :
public class CouponStrategy implements IPromotionStrategy { public void doPromotion() { System.out.println("使用优惠券抵扣"); } }
CashbackStrategy 类 :
public class CashbackStrategy implements IPromotionStrategy { public void doPromotion() { System.out.println("返现,直接打款到支付宝账号"); } }
GroupbuyStrategy 类 :
public class GroupbuyStrategy implements IPromotionStrategy { public void doPromotion() { System.out.println("5人成团,可以优惠"); } }
EmptyStrategy 类 :
public class EmptyStrategy implements IPromotionStrategy { public void doPromotion() { System.out.println("无优惠"); } }
然后创建促销活动方案 PromotionActivity 类 :
public class PromotionActivity { private IPromotionStrategy strategy; public PromotionActivity(IPromotionStrategy strategy) { this.strategy = strategy; } public void execute(){ strategy.doPromotion(); } }
编写客户端测试类 :
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { PromotionActivity activity618 = new PromotionActivity(new CouponStrategy()); PromotionActivity activityllll = new PromotionActivity(new CashbackStrategy()); activity618.execute(); activityllll.execute(); } }
使用优惠券抵扣 返现,直接打款到支付宝账号
们的代码通常会这样写 :
public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { PromotionActivity promotionActivity = null; String promotionKey = "COUPON"; if (StringUtils.equals(promotionKey, "COUPON")) { promotionActivity = new PromotionActivity(new CouponStrategy()); } else if (StringUtils.equals(promotionKey, "CASHBACK")) { promotionActivity = new PromotionActivity(new CashbackStrategy()); } promotionActivity.execute(); } }
合单例模式和工厂摆式。创建 PromotionStrategyFactory 类 :
public class PromotionStrategyFacory { private static final IPromotionStrategy EMPTY = new EmptyStrategy(); private static Map<String, IPromotionStrategy> PROMOTIONS = new HashMap<String, IPromotionStrategy>(); static { PROMOTIONS.put(PromotionKey.COUPON, new CouponStrategy()); PROMOTIONS.put(PromotionKey.CASHBACK, new CashbackStrategy()); PROMOTIONS.put(PromotionKey.GROUPBUY, new GroupbuyStrategy()); } private PromotionStrategyFacory() { } public static IPromotionStrategy getPromotionStrategy(String promotionKey) { IPromotionStrategy strategy = PROMOTIONS.get(promotionKey); return strategy == null ? EMPTY : strategy; } public static Set<String> getPromotionKeys() { return PROMOTIONS.keySet(); } private interface PromotionKey { String COUPON = "COUPON"; String CASHBACK = "CASHBACK"; String GROUPBUY = "GROUPBUY"; } }