- 关于蓝牙权限被拒绝上架的问题。
- 因为推广了微信小程序,昨天因为
3. 2.2
被拒绝了 - Invalid App Store Icon
- iOS14.5以上隐私选项被打回
- 金融类APP被拒方案
I 蓝牙权限被拒绝上架的案例
1.1 拒绝原因
Your app declares support for bluetooth-central in the UIBackgroundModes key in your Info.plist but does not provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality. The Bluetooth Background modes are for apps that communicate to other devices using Bluetooth Low Energy and the Core Bluetooth framework.
1.2 解决方案
- 功能演示说明
Use a Bluetooth connection to print a small ticket for a demo: https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQ3NjEyOTY4NA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1 使用蓝牙连接,进行打印小票的演示说明:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDQ3NjEyOTY4NA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1
- 英文版
Hello, our app offers provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality for printing small tickets. The specific scenario is: code plates and other devices that do not have the function of printing, when they receive a successful collection, the app will receive a print ticket message to connect to the Bluetooth printer for small ticket printing. When the app is in the background, you need to determine the bluetooth connection status, when the connection will be printed small ticket. API: _centralmanager =[[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0) options:@{CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey : [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]}]; The app uses Bluetooth features in places such as printing commodity price tags, printing trading tickets, code plates and other devices that do not have the printing function, when they receive a successful collection, the app will receive a message to connect to the Bluetooth printer for small ticket printing. When the app is in the background, you need to determine the bluetooth connection status, when the connection will be printed small ticket. Ways to use Bluetooth: First, the printing method of native transactions 1, open the auto-print ticket switch: My -Settings- Small Ticket Management - Small Ticket Auto Print 2, return to the cash register, input amount: 222 3, choose the payment method: cash 4, payment success interface has a print button can be connected to the Bluetooth printer for printing
Second, printing transactions of the order information small ticket method 1, switch tab into the collection information module, select the bill flow, enter the collection details, click the print button for small ticket printing 2, switch tab into the store module, select a quick order or sales order, enter the list, click print ticket to connect Bluetooth printer print small ticket 3, switch tab into the store module, click on the product, enter the product category, click more button slots on the list, select the print price tag button, the price tag printing. Third, support for print code trading small tickets 1, switch tab, enter my, click on the settings icon in the upper right corner, enter the settings interface 2, choose terminal management 3, choose a device 4, turn on the voice broadcast switch, and at the same time turn on the print switch when receiving voice 5, the use of simple equipment for collection 6, this time the app is in the background, will receive a printed message, to connect to the Bluetooth printer, print small tickets. Supported Bluetooth devices are: Gambo GP-2120TU model
- 中文版
您好,我们应用提供了provide Bluetooth Low Energy functionality,用于打印小票。具体的场景是:码牌等不具备打印功能的设备,当它们收款成功时,app将会收到打印小票的消息来进行连接蓝牙打印机进行小票打印。app 处于后台的时候,需要需要判断蓝牙的连接状态,如果连接蓝牙成功将进行打印小票。具体的API有: _centralmanager =[[CBCentralManager alloc] initWithDelegate:self queue:dispatch_get_global_queue(0, 0) options:@{CBCentralManagerOptionShowPowerAlertKey : [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]}]; 此app使用蓝牙功能的地方有:打印商品价格标签、打印交易小票;码牌等不具备打印功能的设备,当它们收款成功时,app将会收到打印小票的消息来进行连接蓝牙打印机进行小票打印。app 处于后台的时候,需要需要判断蓝牙的连接状态,连接的时候将进行打印小票。具体使用蓝牙功能的方法:
一、本机交易的打印的方法 1、打开自动打印小票开关:我的-设置-小票管理-小票自动打印 2、返回收银台,输入金额:222 3、选择支付方式:现金 4、支付成功界面有打印按钮可以进行连接蓝牙打印机进行打印
二、打印交易记录的订单信息小票方法 1、切换tab 进入收款信息模块之后,选择账单流水,进入收款详情,点击打印按钮进行小票打印 2、切换tab 进入店铺模块,选择快捷订单或者销售订单,进入列表之后,点击打印小票进行连接蓝牙打印机打印小票 3、切换tab 进入店铺模块,点击商品,进入商品类别,点击列表的更多按钮,选择打印价签按钮,进行商品价格标签的打印。
三 、支持打印码牌交易小票 1、切换Tab,进入我的,点击右上角的设置icon,进入设置界面 2、选择终端管理 3、选择一个设备 4、打开语音播报开关,并同时打开接收语音时打印开关 5、使用简易设备进行收款 6、这个时候app处于后台的时候,将收到打印的消息,进行连接蓝牙打印机,打印小票。支持的蓝牙设备有:佳博GP-2120TU型号
II 3. 2.2 Business: Other Business Model Issues - Unacceptable
III Invalid App Store Icon
ERROR ITMS-90717: "Invalid App Store Icon. The App Store Icon in the asset catalog in 'xxx.app' can't be transparent nor contain an alpha channel."
app icon不能透明,也不能包含alpha通道。可以使用进行icon的生成
IV iOS14.5以上隐私选项被打回
- (NSString*)testIDFA { NSString __block *idfaString = @""; // // // if (@available(iOS 14, *)) { [ATTrackingManager requestTrackingAuthorizationWithCompletionHandler:^(ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatus status) { if (status == ATTrackingManagerAuthorizationStatusAuthorized) { idfaString = [[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier].UUIDString; } }]; } else { // 使用原方式访问 IDFA if ([[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] isAdvertisingTrackingEnabled]) { idfaString = [[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager] advertisingIdentifier].UUIDString; } } NSLog(@"idfaString: %@", idfaString); return idfaString; }
V 金融类APP被拒方案
- 开发者申请的邮箱最好是公司邮箱进行申请公司类型的开发者账号。
- 在备注中注明 APP与公司的关系,例如:xxx项目属于xxx公司旗下,把营业执照和APP版权发给苹果公司,如果有跟银行合作的协议,把协议也一并发过去。
VI iOS审核1.1.6被拒(安全-令人反感的内容)的解决方案: