1. Expect
- a program to control interactive applications
- it maybe possible to control interactive applications from other scripting languages as well
- python, perl
- it maybe possible to control interactive applications from other scripting languages as well
- expect programming is very easy compared to perl!
- crackers use expect to try and gain access to machines via ssh, ftp, telnet
- ask AJC Blyth
- crackers use expect to try and gain access to machines via ssh, ftp, telnet
2. Expect example uses
- as system administrators we may have need for automating interactive activities
- testing remote access works (telnet, ftp)
- down loading ftp files
- changing password
- running security checks
- we could build a script which test that our server is safe
- from guest accounts
- no telnet access is allowed
- no ssh from lab machines is allowed
- but ssh from privileged machines is working
3. Expect and examples
- automatically creating passwords
- can be done via C
- takes a lot of time to write such programs
- will it work with NIS, shadow passwords or Kerboros?
- can be done via C
- with expect we run the user program passwd and send keyboard input
4. Password Trial
- advice first run the program that you want to connect to expect by hand
- note the output and build expect around it
- so let us change a password for bob
passwd bob Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
- passwords were entered, but obviously the passwd program did not echo back our input!
- passwords were entered, but obviously the passwd program did not echo back our input!
5. Trial results
- we note that the program prompted us for a password twice
- both times it ended its sentence with password:
- as we are lazy we can wait until we see password: and ignore anything that was before
- why is this good practice?
- what must we watch out for?
#!/usr/bin/expect spawn passwd [lindex $argv 0] set password [lindex $argv 1] expect "password:" send "$password\r" expect "password:" send "$password\r" expect eof
6. Testing the example
./exp1.exp bob 123 spawn passwd bob Enter new UNIX password: Retype new UNIX password: passwd: password updated successfully
- here we change user bob password to 123
7. Script explanation
#!/usr/bin/expect spawn passwd [lindex $argv 0] set password [lindex $argv 1] expect "password:" send "$password\r" expect "password:" send "$password\r" expect eof
- #!/usr/bin/expect script is interpreted via expect located in directory /usr/bin
- spawn passwd [lindex $argv 0]
- run the program passwd bob and connect expect to this program
- note that [lindex $argv 0] resolves to bob
- actually argument one (hmm..)
- actually argument one (hmm..)
8. Script explanation
- set password [lindex $argv 1]
- defines a variable password and sets it to 123
- expect "password:"
- waits for the program passwd to issue password: before continuing
- send "$password\r"
- sends the users password to passwd followed by a carriage return
- note the script repeats the last two commands, why?
- finally expect eof wait for passwd to finish
9. Anchoring
- you might want to match text at the beginning or end of a line, this is via
- ^ for the beginning of a line
- $ for the end of a line
- also note that * means any number of characters
10. Pattern action pairs
#!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 15 expect "hi" { send "You said hi\n" } \ "hello" { send "Hello to you\n" } \ "bye" { send "Goodbye\n" } \ timeout { send "I’m fed up\nbye\n" }
- if we run the script as shown below and type nothing we get:
I’m fed up bye
- note that different actions can be associated with different input
- note also that the default timeout time is set at 10 seconds to disable the timeout facility
- set timeout -1
11. Autoftp and expect
- so far we have built the front end to autoftp
- scans the input file for URLs
- handles arguments
- we will use expect to control ftp, we will build this up this utility
- firstly we will ftp manually
12. Ftp session
fred@merlin:$ ftp guenevere Connected to guenevere. 220 guenevere FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(1)) Name (guenevere:fred): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail 331 address as password. Password:nobody@nowhere.com 230-Welcome, archive user anonymous@merlin ! 230- 230-The local time is: Mon Feb 12 15:18:14 2001 230- 230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> dir 200 PORT command successful. 150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls. total 20 d--x--x--x 2 0 0 4096 Aug 10 2000 bin d--x--x--x 2 0 0 4096 Aug 10 2000 etc d--x--x--x 2 0 0 4096 Aug 10 2000 lib dr-xr-xr-x 4 0 0 4096 Sep 28 22:17 pub -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 346 Aug 10 2000 welcome.msg 226 Transfer complete. ftp> quit 221-You have transferred 0 bytes in 0 files. 221-Total traffic for this session was 1182 221-bytes in 1 transfers. 221-Thank you for using the FTP service on 221-guenevere. Goodbye.
13. Simple semi automated ftp script
- this script will log us into a site and then interact with the user
#!/usr/bin/expect set site [lindex $argv 0] spawn ftp $site expect "Name" send "anonymous\r" expect "Password:" send "nobody@nowhere.com\r" interact
- note the interact statement
- connects the keyboard to the ftp program
- most ftp servers do not check for a valid email address!
14. Expect control constructs
- expect uses extends the Tcl language
- expect provides: if then else, while, set, interact, expect, for, switch, incr, return, proc
if {$count < 0} { set total 1 }
if {$count < 5} { puts "count is less than five" } else { puts "count is not less than five" }
- you must place the statement begin brace on the same line as the if or else
- if in doubt follow the templates in these notes
- if in doubt follow the templates in these notes
15. More complex if
if {$count < 0} { puts "count is less than zero" } elseif {$count > 0 { puts "count is greater than zero" } else { puts "count is equal to zero" }
16. While statement
#!/usr/bin/expect set count 10 while {$count > 0} { puts "the value of count is $count" set count [expr $count-1] }
- note the effect of the braces in {$count > 0}
- they defer evaluation of $count
- if you remove the braces then $count > 0 is internally replaced via: 10 > 0
17. for command
- has the syntax
for start expression next {
#!/usr/bin/expect for {set count 10} {$count > 0} {incr count -1} { puts "the value of count is $count" }
18. Expressions
- 0 is false, 1 is true
- boolean operators || (or), && (and), ! (not)
- comparison operators <=, ==, != etc
- the brackets [ ] give this expression a higher precedence
- so in the example
set count [expr $count-1]
- the [expr $count-1] is evaluated before the set!
19. proc and return
#!/usr/bin/expect proc mycompare {a b} { if {$a < $b} { puts "$a is less than $b" return -1 } elseif {$a > $b} { puts "$a is greater than $b" return 1 } else { puts "$a is equal to $b" return 0 } } set value [mycompare 1 4] puts "comparison returned $value"
./exp6.exp 1 is less than 4 comparison returned -1
20. Autoftp Tutorial
#!/usr/bin/expect # this program is called exp7.exp proc connect {} { expect { "Name*:" { send "anonymous\r" expect { "Password:" { send "nobody@nowhere.com\r" expect "login ok*ftp>" return 0 } } } } # timed out return 1 }
set site [lindex $argv 0] spawn ftp $site while {[connect]} { send "quit\r" expect eof spawn ftp $site } send "binary\r" send "cd [lindex $argv 1]\r" send "get [lindex $argv 2]\r" send "quit\r" expect eof
21. Laboratory session
- work on your assignment
- try out the following expect example
- you will need to add your password at the position yourpassword
#!/usr/bin/expect log_user 0 spawn pwd expect -re "(^.*/.*)$" set localdir $expect_out(1,string) expect eof log_user 0 spawn ssh moppsy.comp.glam.ac.uk expect "assword: " send "yourpassword\r" expect "\\$" send "cd $localdir" interact