RDS for MySQL 通过分区归档历史数据
1. 原始表
create table order_history
id bigint unsigned auto_increment primary key,
order_id bigint unsigned not null,
customer_id bigint unsigned not null,
goods_id bigint unsigned not null,
payment_id bigint unsigned not null,
details text,
comments text,
order_date datetime not null,
status tinyint
2. 分区
MySQL 分区要求分区字段必须是主键或者唯一键的一部分,因此需要修改主键定义。
alter table order_history algorithm=inplace, lock=none, drop primary key, add primary key (id, order_date);
-- algorithm=inplace, lock=none 是 RDS for MySQL 5.6 支持的 online DDL 特性。
-- 如果要修改主键,删除主键和添加主键建议放在一条语句中,以便充分利用 5.6 版本的 Online DDL 特性。
alter table order_history partition by range columns (order_date) (
partition p1606 values less than ('2016-07-01'),
partition p1607 values less than ('2016-08-01'),
partition p1608 values less than ('2016-09-01'),
partition p1609 values less than ('2016-10-01'),
partition p1610 values less than ('2016-11-01'),
partition p1611 values less than ('2016-12-01'),
partition p1612 values less than ('2017-01-01'),
partition p0 values less than maxvalue
-- 将数据按月份分区
3. 用于分区维护的存储过程
删除最久的一个月份分区,新建下个月份分区,总体保留最近 6 个月份的数据。
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drop procedure sp_order_his_rotate//
create procedure sp_order_his_rotate ()
declare todrop_par varchar(10) default null;
declare toadd_par varchar(10) default null;
declare toadd_day varchar(10) default null;
declare last_par varchar(10) default null;
declare new_par varchar(10) default null;
declare v_sql varchar(200) default null;
select date_format(date_sub(curdate(), interval 6 month), 'p%y%m') into todrop_par;
select date_format(date_add(curdate(), interval 1 month), 'p%y%m') into toadd_par;
select date_format(date_add(curdate()-day(curdate())+1,interval 2 month), '%Y-%m-%d') into toadd_day;
select partition_name into last_par from information_schema.partitions
where table_name = 'order_history'
and table_schema = 'db_name'
and partition_description != 'maxvalue'
order by partition_description asc limit 1;
if todrop_par = last_par then
select concat('alter table order_history drop partition ',todrop_par,';') into v_sql;
set @v_sql=v_sql;
prepare stmt from @v_sql;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
end if;
select partition_name into new_par from information_schema.partitions
where table_name = 'order_history'
and table_schema = 'db_name'
and partition_description != 'maxvalue'
order by partition_description desc limit 1;
if toadd_par != new_par then
select concat('alter table order_history reorganize partition p0 into (partition ', toadd_par, ' values less than (''', toadd_day,'''), partition p0 values less than (maxvalue));') into v_sql;
set @v_sql=v_sql;
prepare stmt from @v_sql;
execute stmt;
deallocate prepare stmt;
end if;
delimiter ;
4. 每月调用存储过程的事件
每月月末 28 日调用分区管理存储过程,来自动维护分区。
drop event if exists order_his_rotate;
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create event order_his_rotate
on schedule every 1 month starts '2016-12-28 02:00:00'
on completion preserve enable do
call sp_order_his_rotate();
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