PostgreSQL 操作符与优化器详解

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PostgreSQL 支持自定义操作符,本质上是调用函数来实现的。


postgres=# create function f_avg(numeric,numeric) returns numeric as $$
postgres$#   select ($1+$2)/2;
postgres$# $$ language sql strict;


postgres=# select f_avg(1,null);
(1 row)
postgres=# select f_avg(1,2);
(1 row)


postgres=# create operator ## (procedure=f_avg, leftarg=numeric, rightarg=numeric, commutator='##');
postgres=# select 1 ## 2;
(1 row)


    [, COMMUTATOR = com_op ] [, NEGATOR = neg_op ]
    [, RESTRICT = res_proc ] [, JOIN = join_proc ]
    [, HASHES ] [, MERGES ]

1. commutator,指明x op1 y等效于y op2 x,即操作数调换,返回的值一样。例如2>1 和1<2结果是一致的。那么>就是<的commutator或者反之。又例如1+2和2+1是等价的,那么+就是+的commutator。commutator只需要在创建其中一个操作符时指定,创建另一个对应的操作符时可以不需要指定,PostgreSQL会自动建立这个关系。例如创建>操作符时指定了它的commutator是<,那么在创建<操作符时可以不需要指定>是它的commutator。
另外需要注意,有commutator操作符的操作符的左右两侧的参数类型必须一致,这样才能满足x op1 y等价于y op2 x。
优化器如何利用commutator呢?例如索引扫描,必须列在操作符的左侧才能使用索引。1 > tbl.c这个条件,如果>没有commutator的话,是不能使用索引的。

postgres=# select oprcom::regoper from pg_operator where oprname='>' and oprcode='int4gt'::regproc;
(1 row)
postgres=# select oprcom::regoper from pg_operator where oprname='<' and oprcode='int4lt'::regproc;
(1 row)


postgres=# select * from pg_operator where oprname='>' and oprcode='int4gt'::regproc;
 oprname | oprnamespace | oprowner | oprkind | oprcanmerge | oprcanhash | oprleft | oprright | oprresult | oprcom | oprnegate | oprc
ode |   oprrest   |     oprjoin     
 >       |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |      23 |       23 |        16 |     97 |       523 | int4
gt  | scalargtsel | scalargtjoinsel
(1 row)
postgres=# select * from pg_operator where oprname='<' and oprcode='int4lt'::regproc;
 oprname | oprnamespace | oprowner | oprkind | oprcanmerge | oprcanhash | oprleft | oprright | oprresult | oprcom | oprnegate | oprc
ode |   oprrest   |     oprjoin     
 <       |           11 |       10 | b       | f           | f          |      23 |       23 |        16 |    521 |       525 | int4
lt  | scalarltsel | scalarltjoinsel
(1 row)


postgres=# update pg_operator set oprcom=0 where oprname='>' and oprcode='int4gt'::regproc;
postgres=# update pg_operator set oprcom=0 where oprname='<' and oprcode='int4lt'::regproc;


postgres=# create table tbl(id int);
postgres=# insert into tbl select generate_series(1,100000);
INSERT 0 100000
postgres=# create index idx_tbl_id on tbl(id);


postgres=# explain select * from tbl where id<10;
                                QUERY PLAN                                 
 Index Only Scan using idx_tbl_id on tbl  (cost=0.29..8.45 rows=9 width=4)
   Index Cond: (id < 10)
(2 rows)
postgres=# explain select * from tbl where 10>id;
                        QUERY PLAN                        
 Seq Scan on tbl  (cost=0.00..1361.00 rows=33333 width=4)
   Filter: (10 > id)
(2 rows)

重新建立这两个 operator的commutator关系后,优化器会自动将10>id转换为id<10,并且走索引了:

postgres=# update pg_operator set oprcom=521 where oprname='<' and oprcode='int4lt'::regproc;
postgres=# update pg_operator set oprcom=97 where oprname='>' and oprcode='int4gt'::regproc;
postgres=# explain select * from tbl where 10>id;
                                QUERY PLAN                                 
 Index Only Scan using idx_tbl_id on tbl  (cost=0.29..8.45 rows=9 width=4)
   Index Cond: (id < 10)
(2 rows)

2. negator,指x op1 y 等价于 not(y op2 x),或者x op1等价于not( y op2),或者op1 x 等价于not(op2 y),因此negator支持一元和二元操作符。
如果=和<>是一对negator操作符,NOT (x = y) 可以简化为 x <> y。

postgres=# explain select * from tbl where 10=id;
                                QUERY PLAN                                 
 Index Only Scan using idx_tbl_id on tbl  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=4)
   Index Cond: (id = 10)
(2 rows)
postgres=# explain select * from tbl where not(10<>id);
                                QUERY PLAN                                 
 Index Only Scan using idx_tbl_id on tbl  (cost=0.29..8.31 rows=1 width=4)
   Index Cond: (id = 10)
(2 rows)


3. restrict,是用于评估选择性的函数,仅适用于二元操作符,例如where col>100,这个查询条件,如何评估选择性呢?是通过操作符的restrict来指定的,选择性乘以pg_class.reltuples就可以评估得到这个查询条件的行数。
选择性函数的代码在 src/backend/utils/adt/ 

-rw-r--r--. 1 1107 1107  33191 Jun 10 03:29 array_selfuncs.c
-rw-r--r--. 1 1107 1107   2316 Jun 10 03:29 geo_selfuncs.c
-rw-r--r--. 1 1107 1107    720 Jun 10 03:29 network_selfuncs.c
-rw-r--r--. 1 1107 1107  33895 Jun 10 03:29 rangetypes_selfuncs.c
-rw-r--r--. 1 1107 1107 218809 Jun 10 03:29 selfuncs.c


postgres=# select distinct oprrest from pg_operator order by 1;
 eqsel  相等
 neqsel  不相等
 scalarltsel  小于等于
 scalargtsel  大于等于
(20 rows)


 * Operator selectivity estimation functions are called to estimate the
 * selectivity of WHERE clauses whose top-level operator is their operator.
 * We divide the problem into two cases:
 *              Restriction clause estimation: the clause involves vars of just
 *                      one relation.  一种是符合WHERE条件的选择性(百分比)。
 *              Join clause estimation: the clause involves vars of multiple rels.
 * Join selectivity estimation is far more difficult and usually less accurate
 * than restriction estimation.  -- JOIN的选择性评估通常没有WHERE条件的选择性准确。
 * When dealing with the inner scan of a nestloop join, we consider the
 * join's joinclauses as restriction clauses for the inner relation, and
 * treat vars of the outer relation as parameters (a/k/a constants of unknown
 * values).  So, restriction estimators need to be able to accept an argument
 * telling which relation is to be treated as the variable.
在使用nestloop JOIN时,一个表的字段将作为变量,另一个表的字段(及其统计信息)与操作符作为JOIN评估子句。
 * The call convention for a restriction estimator (oprrest function) is
 *              Selectivity oprrest (PlannerInfo *root,
 *                                                       Oid operator,
 *                                                       List *args,
 *                                                       int varRelid);
 * 评估选择性需要4个参数:
 * root: general information about the query (rtable and RelOptInfo lists
 * are particularly important for the estimator).   plannerinfo信息。
 * operator: OID of the specific operator in question. 操作符的OID
 * args: argument list from the operator clause.  操作符子句中的参数列表
 * varRelid: if not zero, the relid (rtable index) of the relation to
 * be treated as the variable relation.  May be zero if the args list
 * is known to contain vars of only one relation.   表示where条件所包含的参数来自哪些relation。
 * This is represented at the SQL level (in pg_proc) as
 *              float8 oprrest (internal, oid, internal, int4);   在pg_proc数据字典中表示为oprrest指定的函数。
 * The result is a selectivity, that is, a fraction (0 to 1) of the rows
 * of the relation that are expected to produce a TRUE result for the
 * given operator.  选择性函数的评估结果就是一个百分比。乘以pg_class.reltuples就可以得到记录数。
 * The call convention for a join estimator (oprjoin function) is similar
 * except that varRelid is not needed, and instead join information is
 * supplied:
 * JOIN选择性的计算函数与WHERE选择性的计算函数参数有轻微差别,么有varRelid, 增加了join信息的参数。
 *              Selectivity oprjoin (PlannerInfo *root,
 *                                                       Oid operator,
 *                                                       List *args,
 *                                                       JoinType jointype,
 *                                                       SpecialJoinInfo *sjinfo);
 *              float8 oprjoin (internal, oid, internal, int2, internal);
 * (Before Postgres 8.4, join estimators had only the first four of these
 * parameters.  That signature is still allowed, but deprecated.)  The
 * relationship between jointype and sjinfo is explained in the comments for
 * clause_selectivity() --- the short version is that jointype is usually
 * best ignored in favor of examining sjinfo.
 * Join selectivity for regular inner and outer joins is defined as the
 * fraction (0 to 1) of the cross product of the relations that is expected
 * to produce a TRUE result for the given operator.  For both semi and anti  (半连接与预连接)
 * joins, however, the selectivity is defined as the fraction of the left-hand
 * side relation's rows that are expected to have a match (ie, at least one
 * row with a TRUE result) in the right-hand side.
 * For both oprrest and oprjoin functions, the operator's input collation OID
 * (if any) is passed using the standard fmgr mechanism, so that the estimator
 * function can fetch it with PG_GET_COLLATION().  Note, however, that all
 * statistics in pg_statistic are currently built using the database's default
 * collation.  Thus, in most cases where we are looking at statistics, we
 * should ignore the actual operator collation and use DEFAULT_COLLATION_OID.
 * We expect that the error induced by doing this is usually not large enough
 * to justify complicating matters.

4. join,是joinsel即join的选择性计算函数。

postgres=# select distinct oprjoin from pg_operator order by 1;
(19 rows)

5. hashes
6. merges
hashes和merges表示该操作符是否允许hash join和merge join, 只有返回布尔逻辑值的二元操作符满足这个要求。

Name Type References Description
oid oid   Row identifier (hidden attribute; must be explicitly selected)
oprname name   Name of the operator
oprnamespace oid pg_namespace.oid The OID of the namespace that contains this operator
oprowner oid pg_authid.oid Owner of the operator
oprkind char   b = infix ("between"), l = prefix ("left"), r = postfix ("right")
oprcanmerge bool   This operator supports merge joins
此操作符是否支持merge join
oprcanhash bool   This operator supports hash joins
此操作符是否支持hash join
oprleft oid pg_type.oid Type of the left operand
oprright oid pg_type.oid Type of the right operand
oprresult oid pg_type.oid Type of the result
oprcom oid pg_operator.oid Commutator of this operator, if any

oprnegate oid pg_operator.oid Negator of this operator, if any
oprcode regproc pg_proc.oid Function that implements this operator
oprrest regproc pg_proc.oid Restriction selectivity estimation function for this operator
oprjoin regproc pg_proc.oid Join selectivity estimation function for this operator

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## 简介 PostgreSQL 的开发源自上世纪80年代,它最初是 Michael Stonebraker 等人在美国国防部支持下创建的POSTGRE项目。上世纪末,Andrew Yu 等人在它上面搭建了第一个SQL Parser,这个版本称为Postgre95,也是加州大学伯克利分校版本的PostgreSQL的基石[1]。
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  • 云原生数据库 PolarDB