For an experienced software engineer, what would be a preferred new programming language to learn?

简介: For an experienced software engineer, what would be a preferred new programming language to learn?Chanaka Fernando, knows Sin...

For an experienced software engineer, what would be a preferred new programming language to learn?

Chanaka Fernando, knows Sinhala
Answered Sep 7

I would say Go (by Google), Kotlin (by JetBrains) and Ballerina (by WSO2) are 3 interesting programming languages to learn.

Go is a more general purpose programming language written from scratch and it is more towards C,C++ type of people.

Kotlin is the new face of Java DSL. It it 100% interoperable with Java and comes with some cool syntax and new features which are missing in even Java 9.

Ballerina is a programming language designed from scratch and heavily focusing on writing micro services and integrations in the enterprise world. It comes with a set of tools which allows users to write programs visually as well we textually.

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