Windows IPSEC监控,使用C#编写,输出为一行字符串,可以按照既有IPSEC规则生成模板
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Text; namespace WindowsIPSecMonitor { class WindowsIPSecMonitor { //*****颜色提示***** //红色警告 private static void RedError(string text) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(text); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } //黄色提示 private static void YellowWarn(string text) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine(text); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } //绿色提示 private static void GreenPrint(string text) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.WriteLine(text); Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } //系统命令执行函数 private static string Execute(string command, int seconds) { string output = ""; //输出字符串 if (command != null && !command.Equals("")) { Process process = new Process();//创建进程对象 ProcessStartInfo startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); startInfo.FileName = "cmd.exe";//设定需要执行的命令 startInfo.Arguments = "/C " + command;//“/C”表示执行完命令后马上退出 startInfo.UseShellExecute = false;//不使用系统外壳程序启动 startInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false;//不重定向输入 startInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; //重定向输出 startInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;//不创建窗口 process.StartInfo = startInfo; try { if (process.Start())//开始进程 { if (seconds == 0) { process.WaitForExit();//这里无限等待进程结束 } else { process.WaitForExit(seconds); //等待进程结束,等待时间为指定的毫秒 } output = process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();//读取进程的输出 } } catch { } finally { if (process != null) process.Close(); } } return output; } //追加写入文件函数 private static void FileRec(string input, string filename) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Append); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); //开始写入 sw.Write(input); //清空缓冲区 sw.Flush(); //关闭流 sw.Close(); fs.Close(); } //追加一个文件到另一个文件末尾 private static void AppendFile(string Filenamesrc, string Filenamedst) { string command = "type " + Filenamesrc + ">>" + Filenamedst; Execute(command, 1); } //生成机器当前操作模板用作比对 private static void GenCurrentLocalTemplates() { //命令全局变量 string cmd; //获取所有的策略名 //cmd = "netsh ipsec static show policy all | findstr \"策略名称\" 2>&1"; //适用中文简体语言环境 cmd = "netsh ipsec static show policy all | findstr \"Policy name\" 2>&1";//适用于英文环境 string[] policy = Execute(cmd, 1).Replace("策略名称", "").Replace("Policy Name", "").Replace("\r\n", "").Replace(":", "").Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string policyname in policy) { //执行命令生成文件 cmd = "netsh ipsec static show rule all policy = " + policyname + " level = Verbose Format = table>CurrentFullIPSec.log 2>&1"; Execute(cmd, 1); //处理文件 try { //int Counter = 0; string line; //处理文件中“是”/“YES”开头不连续的行 StreamReader file1 = new StreamReader("CurrentFullIPSec.log", Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); while ((line = file1.ReadLine()) != null) { //if (line.StartsWith("是"))//适用于中文简体语言环境 if (line.StartsWith("YES"))//适用于英文环境 { string ProcessedData = Environment.NewLine + line.TrimEnd(); FileRec(ProcessedData, "Temp1.log"); } else { FileRec(line + Environment.NewLine, "Temp1.log"); } //Counter++;//计数 } file1.Close();//关闭文件读取流 //截取所有YES开头的行保存到文件 //Counter = 0; StreamReader file2 = new StreamReader("Temp1.log", Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); while ((line = file2.ReadLine()) != null) { //if (line.StartsWith("是") || line.StartsWith("YES") || line.StartsWith("筛选器列表名称") || line.StartsWith("Rule Name") || line.StartsWith("筛选器操作名称") || line.StartsWith("FilterAction Name") || line.StartsWith("操作") || line.StartsWith("Action") || line.StartsWith("筛选器数目") || line.StartsWith("No. of Filters")) if (line.StartsWith("是") || line.StartsWith("YES") || line.StartsWith("操作") || line.StartsWith("Action")) { string ProcessedData = line.Trim() + Environment.NewLine; ProcessedData = ProcessedData.Replace(" ", "").Replace("\t", ""); FileRec(ProcessedData, "LocalTemplate.log"); } //Counter++;//计数 } file2.Close();//关闭文件读取流 //删除临时文件 File.Delete("Temp1.log"); File.Delete("CurrentFullIPSec.log"); //Counter = 0; StreamReader file3 = new StreamReader("LocalTemplate.log", Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); while ((line = file3.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.StartsWith("操作") || line.StartsWith("Action")) { //用操作名作为文件名 string NewFilename = line.Trim() + ".txt"; //将文件内容读取进操作名文件 AppendFile("Temp2.log", NewFilename); File.Delete("Temp2.log"); } else { FileRec(line + Environment.NewLine, "Temp2.log"); } //Counter++;//计数 } file3.Close();//关闭文件读取流 File.Delete("LocalTemplate.log"); } catch (IOException) { Console.WriteLine("IO Error! Please consult the programmer!" + Environment.NewLine); } } } //根据监控模板生成比对文件 private static void GenMonitorTemplates(string TemplateFile) { string line; try { StreamReader file = new StreamReader(TemplateFile, Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); line = file.ReadToEnd(); string[] policylines = line.Split(new string[] { "BLOCK", "PERMIT" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); FileRec(policylines[0], "MonitorPermitTemplate.txt"); FileRec(policylines[1], "MonitorBlockTemplate.txt"); file.Close();//关闭文件读取流 } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("File IO Error!"); } } //比对文件 private static string CompareFile(string FileSRC, string FileDST) { //int Counter = 0; string lineA; string lineB; string lineC = ""; if (!File.Exists(FileSRC) || !File.Exists(FileDST)) { return "Files don't exist! Comparation failed!"; } else { try { StreamReader fileA = new StreamReader(FileSRC, Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); StreamReader fileB = new StreamReader(FileDST, Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312")); lineB = fileB.ReadToEnd(); while ((lineA = fileA.ReadLine()) != null) { if (!lineB.Contains(lineA.Trim())) { lineC += lineA + Environment.NewLine; } //Counter++;//计数 } fileA.Close();//关闭文件读取流 fileB.Close();//关闭文件读取流 } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("File IO error!"); } return lineC; } } //删除临时文件 private static void DeleteFile() { //File.Delete("操作允许.txt");//中文简体环境 //File.Delete("操作阻止.txt");//中文简体环境 File.Delete("ActionPERMIT.txt");//英文环境 File.Delete("ActionBLOCK.txt");//英文环境 File.Delete("MonitorPermitTemplate.txt");//删除根据监控模板生成的PERMIT对比文件 File.Delete("MonitorBlockTemplate.txt");//删除根据监控模板生成的BLOCK对比文件 } //数据类 public class Data { public string time; public string result; public string status; public string JobID; public void Print_data() { Console.WriteLine("{\"result\":\"" + result + "\",\"status\":\"" + status + "\",\"time\":\"" + time + "\",\"id\":\"" + JobID + "\",\"info\":\"\"}"); } } //主函数 static void Main(string[] args) { string Current_Path = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; //一次赋值使用的全局变量,用于接收命令行字符串 string cmd; try { //*****帮助***** if (args[0] == "-h" || args[0] == "--help") { GreenPrint("Usage:"); GreenPrint("Use WindowsIPSecMonitor.exe --Backup to backup current localmachine's IPSec"); GreenPrint("Use WindowsIPSecMonitor.exe --GCLMT to generate current localmachine's IPSec monitor tempalte"); GreenPrint("Use WindowsIPSecMonitor.exe --Investigate --idle [MonitorTemplateFileName] to see the IPSec comparation result"); GreenPrint("Use WindowsIPSecMonitor.exe [JobID] [Server] [MonitorTemplateFileName] to see the monitor result"); Environment.Exit(0); } //备份IPSec if (args[0] == "--Backup") { string time = DateTime.Now.ToString(""); cmd = "netsh ipsec static exportpolicy file=" + time; Execute(cmd, 1); YellowWarn("IPSec has been backed up as " + time + ".ipsec!"); Environment.Exit(0); } //生成当前机器用作监控的模板 if (args[0] == "--GCLMT") { //生成用作对比的当前机器模板 GenCurrentLocalTemplates(); //cmd = "(echo PERMIT&type 操作允许.txt&echo BLOCK&type 操作阻止.txt)>NewlyGeneratedTempalteForMonitor.txt";//简体中文环境 cmd = "(echo PERMIT&type ActionPERMIT.txt&echo BLOCK&type ActionBLOCK.txt)>NewlyGeneratedTempalteForMonitor.txt";//英文环境 Execute(cmd, 1); YellowWarn("Template generated! Filename is NewlyGeneratedTempalteForMonitor.txt."); //File.Delete("操作允许.txt");//简体中文环境 //File.Delete("操作阻止.txt");//简体中文环境 File.Delete("ActionPERMIT.txt");//英文环境 File.Delete("ActionBLOCK.txt");//英文环境 Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception) { RedError("Parameter error! Use -h or --help for help"); Environment.Exit(0); } //实例化类 Data D = new Data(); D.status = "2"; D.result = "IPSec is fine!"; D.time = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { D.JobID = args[0]; } catch (Exception) { RedError("Parameter error! Use -h or --help for help"); Environment.Exit(0); } //检查IPSec是否开启 cmd = "netsh ipsec static show policy all"; bool NotAssigned1 = Execute(cmd, 1).Contains("Assigned : NO"); bool NotAssigned2 = Execute(cmd, 1).Contains("已分配 : 否"); if (NotAssigned1 || NotAssigned2) { D.status = "4"; D.result = "Policy is not assigned!"; D.Print_data(); Environment.Exit(0); } //生成用作对比的当前机器模板 GenCurrentLocalTemplates(); try { //处理生成监控模板对比文件,使用命令行参数做文件名 GenMonitorTemplates(Current_Path + args[2]); //比对文件 //string result1 = CompareFile("MonitorPermitTemplate.txt", "操作允许.txt");//中文简体环境 //string result2 = CompareFile("操作允许.txt", "MonitorPermitTemplate.txt");//中文简体环境 //string result3 = CompareFile("MonitorBlockTemplate.txt", "操作阻止.txt");//中文简体环境 //string result4 = CompareFile("操作阻止.txt", "MonitorBlockTemplate.txt");//中文简体环境 string result1 = CompareFile("MonitorPermitTemplate.txt", "ActionPERMIT.txt");//英文环境 string result2 = CompareFile("ActionPERMIT.txt", "MonitorPermitTemplate.txt");//英文环境 string result3 = CompareFile("MonitorBlockTemplate.txt", "ActionBLOCK.txt");//英文环境 string result4 = CompareFile("ActionBLOCK.txt", "MonitorBlockTemplate.txt");//英文环境 //显示调试信息 if (args[0] == "--Investigate") { YellowWarn("LocalPermit lacks the following line(s):"); Console.WriteLine(result1); YellowWarn("MonitorPermit lacks the fowllowing line(s):"); Console.WriteLine(result2); YellowWarn("LocalBlock lakcs the following line(s):"); Console.WriteLine(result3); YellowWarn("MonitorBlock lacks the following line(s):"); Console.WriteLine(result4); DeleteFile(); } else { if (result1 != "" || result2 != "" || result3 != "" || result4 != "") { D.status = "4"; D.result = "IPSec error!"; D.Print_data(); DeleteFile(); Environment.Exit(0); } //如果没有错误则输出正确结果 D.Print_data(); DeleteFile(); Environment.Exit(0); } } catch (Exception) { RedError("Error! No filename parameter provided!"); DeleteFile(); } } } }