HANDLECOLLISIONS是我们使用goldengate过程中常有的一个REPLICAT参数,该参数依赖于主键或唯一索引处理冲突数据,常用于初始化阶段。对于无主键或唯一索引的表无法处理冲突,且可能导致重复记录。注意打开此参数则所有数据错误不管reperror如何配置均不再写discard文件,即所有数据冲突信息被默认规则处理,没有任何日志(则会忽略error mapping数据错误,而且不会报告到discard文件),因此日常复制不建议使用该参数;可予以考虑的特殊场景为只需新增数据,无需复制历史数据。 使用HANDLECOLLISIONS的几个场景:
- target丢失delete记录(missing delete),忽略该问题并不记录到discardfile
- target丢失update记录(missing update)
- 更新的键值是主键=》 update转换成INSERT ,默认情况下插入记录不完整
- 更新的键值是非主键=》 忽略该问题并不记录到discardfile
- 重复插入已存在的主键值到target表中,这将被replicat转换为UPDATE现有主键值的行的其他非主键列
C:\Users\ML>sqlplus / as sysdba SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Sep 18 13:38:03 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options SQL> conn sender/oracle Connected. SQL> create table handlec(t1 int primary key,t2 int); Table created. SQL> insert into handlec values(1,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into handlec values(3,2); 1 row created. SQL> insert into handlec values(4,2); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 3 2 4 2 target : SQL> conn receiver/oracle Connected. SQL> create table handlec(t1 int primary key,t2 int); Table created. SQL> insert into handlec values(1,2); 1 row created. SQL> commit; SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 SQL> GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 1> alter extract load2 , begin now EXTRACT altered. GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 4> alter replicat rep2, begin now REPLICAT altered. GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 13> add trandata sender.* Logging of supplemental redo data enabled for table SENDER.HANDLEC. Logging of supplemental redo log data is already enabled for table SENDER.TV. GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 14> start mgr MGR is already running. GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 15> start er * Sending START request to MANAGER ... EXTRACT LOAD2 starting Sending START request to MANAGER ... REPLICAT REP2 starting GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 16> info all Program Status Group Lag at Chkpt Time Since Chkpt MANAGER RUNNING EXTRACT RUNNING LOAD2 00:00:00 00:00:01 REPLICAT RUNNING REP2 00:00:00 00:00:08 ***SOURCE端删除一条TARGET没有的数据 SQL> delete handlec where t1=3; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. 出现SQL error 1403错误,REPLICAT ABORT 2012-09-18 13:45:48 WARNING OGG-01004 Aborted grouped transaction on 'RECEIVER.HANDLEC', Database error 1403 (OCI Error ORA-01403: no data found, SQL ). 2012-09-18 13:45:48 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 1091 in seqno 3. 2012-09-18 13:45:48 WARNING OGG-01154 SQL error 1403 mapping SENDER.HANDLEC to RECEIVER.HANDLEC OCI Error ORA-01403: no data found, SQL . 2012-09-18 13:45:48 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 1091 in seqno 3. Source Context : SourceModule : [er.errors] SourceID : [er/errors.cpp] SourceFunction : [take_rep_err_action] SourceLine : [623] ThreadBacktrace : [8] elements : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\gglog.dll(??1CContextItem@@UEAA@XZ+0x3272) [0x000000018010BDD2]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\gglog.dll(?_MSG_ERR_MAP_TO_TANDEM_FAILED@@YAPEAVCMessage@@PEAVCSourceContext@@AEBV?$CQualDBObjName@$00@ggapp@gglib@ggs@@1W4MessageDisposition@CMessageFactory@@@Z+0x138) [0x00000001800AD508]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(ERCALLBACK+0x6e1e) [0x0000000140099D5E]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(shutdownMonitoring+0x4411) [0x00000001400C9BE1]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(shutdownMonitoring+0x289cd) [0x00000001400EE19D]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(CommonLexerNewSSD+0x9440) [0x00000001402AE980]] : [C:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll(BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd) [0x000000007733652D]] : [C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll(RtlUserThreadStart+0x21) [0x000000007746C521]] 2012-09-18 13:45:48 ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from SENDER.HANDLEC to RECEIVER.HANDLEC. *********************************************************************** * ** Run Time Statistics ** * *********************************************************************** Last record for the last committed transaction is the following: ___________________________________________________________________ Trail name : D:\ogg\V34342-01\ex\ze000003 Hdr-Ind : E (x45) Partition : . (x04) UndoFlag : . (x00) BeforeAfter: B (x42) RecLength : 9 (x0009) IO Time : 2012-09-18 13:45:38.000000 IOType : 3 (x03) OrigNode : 255 (xff) TransInd : . (x03) FormatType : R (x52) SyskeyLen : 0 (x00) Incomplete : . (x00) AuditRBA : 44 AuditPos : 3337232 Continued : N (x00) RecCount : 1 (x01) 2012-09-18 13:45:38.000000 Delete Len 9 RBA 1091 Name: SENDER.HANDLEC ___________________________________________________________________ Reading D:\ogg\V34342-01\ex\ze000003, current RBA 1091, 0 records Report at 2012-09-18 13:45:48 (activity since 2012-09-18 13:45:48) From Table SENDER.HANDLEC to RECEIVER.HANDLEC: # inserts: 0 # updates: 0 # deletes: 0 # discards: 1 Last log location read: FILE: D:\ogg\V34342-01\ex\ze000003 SEQNO: 3 RBA: 1091 TIMESTAMP: 2012-09-18 13:45:38.000000 EOF: NO READERR: 0 2012-09-18 13:45:48 ERROR OGG-01668 PROCESS ABENDING. 2012-09-18 13:45:48 INFO OGG-01237 Trace file D:\ogg\V34342-01\REP_TRACE1.TRC closed. 2012-09-18 13:45:48 INFO OGG-01237 Trace file D:\ogg\V34342-01\REP_TRACE2.TRC closed. CACHE OBJECT MANAGER statistics CACHE MANAGER VM USAGE vm current = 0 vm anon queues = 0 vm anon in use = 0 vm file = 0 vm used max = 0 ==> CACHE BALANCED CACHE CONFIGURATION cache size = 2G cache force paging = 3.41G buffer min = 64K buffer highwater = 8M pageout eligible size = 8M ================================================================================ 使用skiptransaction跳过上述失败事务 GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 18> start rep2 skiptransaction Sending START request to MANAGER ... REPLICAT REP2 starting情景2 target丢失update记录(missing update),更新的键值是主键 :
继续我们的测试, 针对source的某条记录进行更新 SQL> update handlec set t1=5 where t1=4; 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. 对于在target 丢失更新(miss update)的情况也会造成 Database error 1403+OGG-01296 2012-09-18 13:49:30 WARNING OGG-01004 Aborted grouped transaction on 'RECEIVER.HANDLEC', Database error 1403 (OCI Error ORA-01403: no data found, SQL <UPDATE "RECEIVER"."HANDLEC" SET "T1" = :a1 WHERE "T1" = :b0>). 2012-09-18 13:49:30 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 1218 in seqno 3. 2012-09-18 13:49:30 WARNING OGG-01003 Repositioning to rba 1218 in seqno 3. Source Context : SourceModule : [er.errors] SourceID : [er/errors.cpp] SourceFunction : [take_rep_err_action] SourceLine : [623] ThreadBacktrace : [8] elements : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\gglog.dll(??1CContextItem@@UEAA@XZ+0x3272) [0x000000018010BDD2]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\gglog.dll(?_MSG_ERR_MAP_TO_TANDEM_FAILED@@YAPEAVCMessage@@PEAVCSourceContext@@AEBV?$CQualDBObjName@$00@ggapp@gglib@ggs@@1W4MessageDisposition@CMessageFactory@@@Z+0x138) [0x00000001800AD508]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(ERCALLBACK+0x6e1e) [0x0000000140099D5E]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(shutdownMonitoring+0x4411) [0x00000001400C9BE1]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(shutdownMonitoring+0x289cd) [0x00000001400EE19D]] : [D:\ogg\V34342-01\replicat.exe(CommonLexerNewSSD+0x9440) [0x00000001402AE980]] : [C:\windows\system32\kernel32.dll(BaseThreadInitThunk+0xd) [0x000000007733652D]] : [C:\windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll(RtlUserThreadStart+0x21) [0x000000007746C521]] 2012-09-18 13:49:30 ERROR OGG-01296 Error mapping from SENDER.HANDLEC to RECEIVER.HANDLEC. 加入HANDLECOLLISIONS后,rep可以继续工作且不生成discard记录 GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 23> view params rep2 replicat rep2 userid receiver , password oracle trace ./rep_trace1.trc trace2 ./rep_trace2.trc ASSUMETARGETDEFS HANDLECOLLISIONS map sender.*, target receiver.*; GGSCI (XIANGBLI-CN) 18> start rep2 SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 5这里出现T1=5 T2 NULL记录的原因是 ,丢失update的更新操作是针对主键的更新,此时replicat会尝试插入一条记录而非忽略该update。 注意插入的记录可能不是完整的行,如上例中的T2 为NULL ,若要求完整的行记录则要求EXTRACT使用PKUPDATE选项。 需要加入的选项是FETCHOPTIONS FETCHPKUPDATECOLS 将以上选项加入到EXTRACT参数文件中,并重启EXTRACT。 这将引起extract捕获完整的主键更新镜像。 如以下的例子:
SQL> conn receiver/oracle Connected. SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 10 100 5 20 200 SQL> delete handlec where t1=5; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 10 100 20 200 SQL> conn sender/oracle Connected. SQL> update handlec set t1=t1+1000 where t1=5; 1 row updated. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> conn receiver/oracle Connected. SQL> SQL> SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 10 100 20 200 1005 2如上述实验验证FETCHOPTIONS FETCHPKUPDATECOLS将捕获完整的redo image镜像到trail中,这保证把primary key的更新通过HANDLECOLLISIONS转换为对target的一个完整记录的插入。 情景3 重复插入已存在的主键值到target表中,这将被replicat转换为UPDATE现有主键值的行的其他非主键列:
*** TARGET SQL> conn receiver/oracle Connected. SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 10 9 5 target中已经存在 t1=10 t2=9的记录 ,此时再在source中插入(10,100)的记录 >>SOURCE SQL> insert into handlec values(10,100); 1 row created. SQL> commit; >>TARGET SQL> select * from handlec; T1 T2 ---------- ---------- 1 2 10 100 5 上面可以看到在source的insert操作,因为在target中已有对应的主键记录所以被启用HANDLECOLLISIONS的REPLICAT转换为UPDATE非主键的其他COLUMNS总结 HANDLECOLLISIONS是我们使用goldengate过程中常有的一个REPLICAT参数,该参数依赖于主键或唯一索引处理冲突数据,常用于初始化阶段。对于无主键或唯一索引的表无法处理冲突,且可能导致重复记录。注意打开此参数则所有数据错误不管reperror如何配置均不再写discard文件,即所有数据冲突信息被默认规则处理,没有任何日志,因此日常复制不建议使用该参数;可予以考虑的特殊场景为只需新增数据,无需复制历史数据。 使用HANDLECOLLISIONS的几个场景:
- target丢失delete记录(missing delete),忽略该问题并不记录到discardfile
- target丢失update记录(missing update)
- 更新的键值是主键=》 update转换成INSERT ,默认情况下插入记录不完整
- 更新的键值是非主键=》 忽略该问题并不记录到discardfile
- 重复插入已存在的主键值到target表中,这将被replicat转换为UPDATE现有主键值的行的其他非主键列
REP2 NOHANDLECOLLISIONS set for 1 tables and 0 wildcard entries
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