def findall(dir=os.curdir): """Find all files under 'dir' and return the list of full filenames (relative to 'dir'). """ from stat import ST_MODE, S_ISREG, S_ISDIR, S_ISLNK list = [] stack = [dir] pop = stack.pop push = stack.append while stack: dir = pop() names = os.listdir(dir) for name in names: if dir != os.curdir: # avoid the dreaded "./" syndrome fullname = os.path.join(dir, name) else: fullname = name # Avoid excess stat calls -- just one will do, thank you! stat = os.stat(fullname) mode = stat[ST_MODE] if S_ISREG(mode): list.append(fullname) elif S_ISDIR(mode) and not S_ISLNK(mode): push(fullname) return list
def _walk_remote(self, dirpath): """Walk a remote directory in the SSH server. Args: dirpath (str): the remote directory to walk Returns: dirpath, dirnames, filenames """ dirnames = [] filenames = [] for fd in self._sftp.listdir_attr(dirpath): if stat.S_ISDIR(fd.st_mode): dirnames.append(fd.filename) else: filenames.append(fd.filename) yield dirpath, dirnames, filenames for dirname in dirnames: new_dirpath = os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) # yield from self._walk_remote(new_dirpath) for walk in self._walk_remote(new_dirpath): yield walk def get(self, remote, local): """Copy a remote file or directory from the SSH server to the local host. Args: remote (str): the remote file or directory to copy local (str): the destination directory on the local host """ st_mode = self._sftp.stat(remote).st_mode if not stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode): filename = os.path.basename(remote) self._sftp.get(remote, os.path.join(local, filename)) else: parent, child = os.path.split(remote) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in self._walk_remote(remote): dirpath = dirpath.replace(parent, '.') for dirname in dirnames: os.makedirs(os.path.join(local, dirpath, dirname)) for filename in filenames: localpath = os.path.join(local, dirpath, filename) remotepath = os.path.join(parent, dirpath, filename) self._sftp.get(remotepath, localpath) def put(self, local, remote): """Copy a local file or directory to the SSH server. Args: local (str): the local file or directory to copy remote (str): the destination path on the SSH server """ st_mode = os.stat(local).st_mode if not stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode): filename = os.path.basename(local) self._sftp.put(local, os.path.join(remote, filename)) else: parent, child = os.path.split(local) if child: self._sftp.mkdir(os.path.join(remote, child)) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(local): dirpath = dirpath.replace(parent, '.') for dirname in dirnames: self._sftp.mkdir(os.path.join(remote, dirpath, dirname)) for filename in filenames: localpath = os.path.join(parent, dirpath, filename) remotepath = os.path.join(remote, dirpath, filename) self._sftp.put(localpath, remotepath) def removedirs(self, remote): """Remove a remote directory recursively in the SSH server.""" for fd in self._sftp.listdir_attr(remote): if stat.S_ISDIR(fd.st_mode): self.removedirs(os.path.join(remote, fd.filename)) else: self._sftp.remove(os.path.join(remote, fd.filename)) parent, child = os.path.split(remote) if child: self._sftp.rmdir(remote)
import socket import os from stat import S_ISDIR class SSHSession(object): # Usage: # Detects DSA or RSA from key_file, either as a string filename or a # file object. Password auth is possible, but I will judge you for # using it. So: # ssh=SSHSession('','root',key_file=open('mykey.pem','r')) # ssh=SSHSession('','root',key_file='/home/me/mykey.pem') # ssh=SSHSession('','root','mypassword') # ssh.put('filename','/remote/file/destination/path') # ssh.put_all('/path/to/local/source/dir','/path/to/remote/destination') # ssh.get_all('/path/to/remote/source/dir','/path/to/local/destination') # ssh.command('echo "Command to execute"') def __init__(self,hostname,username='root',key_file=None,password=None): # # Accepts a file-like object (anything with a readlines() function) # in either dss_key or rsa_key with a private key. Since I don't # ever intend to leave a server open to a password auth. # self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.sock.connect((hostname,22)) self.t = paramiko.Transport(self.sock) self.t.start_client() keys = paramiko.util.load_host_keys(os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts')) key = self.t.get_remote_server_key() # supposed to check for key in keys, but I don't much care right now to find the right notation if key_file is not None: if isinstance(key,str): key_file=open(key,'r') key_head=key_file.readline() if 'DSA' in key_head: keytype=paramiko.DSSKey elif 'RSA' in key_head: keytype=paramiko.RSAKey else: raise Exception("Can't identify key type") pkey=keytype.from_private_key(key_file) self.t.auth_publickey(username, pkey) else: if password is not None: self.t.auth_password(username,password,fallback=False) else: raise Exception('Must supply either key_file or password') self.sftp=paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(self.t) def command(self,cmd): # Breaks the command by lines, sends and receives # each line and its output separately # # Returns the server response text as a string chan = self.t.open_session() chan.get_pty() chan.invoke_shell() chan.settimeout(20.0) ret='' try: ret+=chan.recv(1024) except: chan.send('\n') ret+=chan.recv(1024) ret+=chan.recv(1024) ret+=chan.recv(1024) for line in cmd.split('\n'): chan.send(line.strip() + '\n') ret+=chan.recv(1024) return ret def put(self,localfile,remotefile): # Copy localfile to remotefile, overwriting or creating as needed. self.sftp.put(localfile,remotefile) def put_all(self,localpath,remotepath): # recursively upload a full directory os.chdir(os.path.split(localpath)[0]) parent=os.path.split(localpath)[1] for walker in os.walk(parent): try: self.sftp.mkdir(os.path.join(remotepath,walker[0])) except: pass for file in walker[2]: self.put(os.path.join(walker[0],file),os.path.join(remotepath,walker[0],file)) def get(self,remotefile,localfile): # Copy remotefile to localfile, overwriting or creating as needed. self.sftp.get(remotefile,localfile) def sftp_walk(self,remotepath): # Kindof a stripped down version of os.walk, implemented for # sftp. Tried running it flat without the yields, but it really # chokes on big directories. path=remotepath files=[] folders=[] for f in self.sftp.listdir_attr(remotepath): if S_ISDIR(f.st_mode): folders.append(f.filename) else: files.append(f.filename) print (path,folders,files) yield path,folders,files for folder in folders: new_path=os.path.join(remotepath,folder) for x in self.sftp_walk(new_path): yield x def get_all(self,remotepath,localpath): # recursively download a full directory # Harder than it sounded at first, since paramiko won't walk # # For the record, something like this would gennerally be faster: # ssh user@host 'tar -cz /source/folder' | tar -xz self.sftp.chdir(os.path.split(remotepath)[0]) parent=os.path.split(remotepath)[1] try: os.mkdir(localpath) except: pass for walker in self.sftp_walk(parent): try: os.mkdir(os.path.join(localpath,walker[0])) except: pass for file in walker[2]: self.get(os.path.join(walker[0],file),os.path.join(localpath,walker[0],file)) def write_command(self,text,remotefile): # Writes text to remotefile, and makes remotefile executable. # This is perhaps a bit niche, but I was thinking I needed it. # For the record, I was incorrect.,'w').write(text) self.sftp.chmod(remotefile,755)
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