正则表达式RE(regular expression)是一种小型的、高度专业化的编程语言,肉嵌在python中,通过re模块实现;
In [1]: import re
In [2]: re.<TAB>
re.DEBUG re.L re.S re.U re.compile re.findall re.search re.sub
re.DOTALL re.LOCALE re.Scanner re.UNICODE re.copy_reg re.finditer re.split re.subn
re.I re.M re.T re.VERBOSE re.error re.match re.sre_compile re.sys
re.IGNORECASE re.MULTILINE re.TEMPLATE re.X re.escape re.purge re.sre_parse re.template
In [2]: help(re.search) #(search()方法用于在字符串中搜索模式第一次匹配的位置,若有匹配到返回的是对象的内存地址,若没匹配到则返回空)
search(pattern, string, flags=0)
In [3]: help(re.findall) #(findall()将匹配到的字符串打包为列表)
findall(pattern, string,flags=0)
Return a list of all non-overlapping matches in the string.
In [4]: help(re.compile)
compile(pattern, flags=0)
Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a pattern object.
In [5]: help(re.finditer)
finditer(pattern, string,flags=0)
Return an iterator over all non-overlapping matches in the
string. For each match, theiterator returns a match object.
In [6]: help(re.subn)
subn(pattern, repl,string, count=0, flags=0)
Return a 2-tuple containing (new_string, number).
In [7]: help(re.match)
match(pattern, string,flags=0)
Try to apply the pattern at the start of the string, returning
amatch object, or None if no match was found.
. ^ $ * + ? {} [] \ | ()
\B(与\b相反,匹配非单词边界,例如py\B匹配python、py2、py3而不匹配py 、py.、py!);
\a \b \f \n \r \t \u \U \v \x \\
In [6]: help(re.compile)
compile(pattern, flags=0)
Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a pattern object.
In [2]: p=re.compile(r'[A-Z]')
In [3]: type(p)
Out[3]: _sre.SRE_Pattern
In [4]: p.search('I love FishC.com')
Out[4]: <_sre.SRE_Match at 0x2bd91d0>
In [5]: p.findall('I love FishC.com')
Out[5]: ['I', 'F', 'C']
In [8]: p.<TAB>
p.findall p.flags p.groups p.pattern p.search p.sub
p.finditer p.groupindex p.match p.scanner p.split p.subn
In [8]: help(p.findall) #(找到RE匹配的所有子串,将它们作为列表返回)
findall(string[, pos[,endpos]]) --> list.
In [10]: print p #(编译后的正则表达式为对象,可在该对象上应用以上方法,()中直接跟要查找的字符串)
<_sre.SRE_Pattern object at0x268cc10>
In [23]: help(p.finditer) #(找到RE匹配的所有子串,将它们作为迭代器返回)
finditer(string[, pos[,endpos]]) --> iterator.
In [24]: help(p.match) #(决定RE是否在刚开始的位置匹配)
match(string[, pos[,endpos]]) --> match object or None.
In [25]: help(p.search) #(扫描字符串,找到这个RE匹配的位置)
search(string[, pos[,endpos]]) --> match object or None.
In [6]: m=p.match('I love FishC.com!')
In [7]: m.<TAB>
m.end m.expand m.groupdict m.lastgroup m.pos m.regs m.start
m.endpos m.group m.groups m.lastindex m.re m.span m.string
In [7]: help(m.group) #(返回被RE匹配的字符串)
group([group1, ...]) -> str or tuple.
Return subgroup(s) of the match by indices or names.
For 0 returns the entire match.
In [8]: help(m.start) #(返回匹配刚开始的位置)
start([group=0]) -> int.
Return index of the start of the substring matched by group.
In [9]: help(m.end) #(返回匹配结束的位置)
end([group=0]) -> int.
Return index of the end of the substring matched by group.
In [10]: help(m.span) #(返回一个元组包含匹配开始、结束的位置)
span([group]) -> tuple.
For MatchObject m, return the 2-tuple (m.start(group), m.end(group)).
In [20]: p=re.compile(r'[a-z]')
In [21]: m=p.search('I love FishC')
In [22]: m.group()
Out[22]: 'l'
[root@localhost ~]# vim re_match.py
------------------script start-------------
import re
if m:
print 'Match found:',m.group()
print 'No match'
--------------script end----------------
[root@localhost ~]# python2.7 re_match.py
Match found: s
In [8]: str1='I love FishC.com!'
In [10]: re.search(r'FishC',str1)
Out[10]: <_sre.SRE_Match at0x24fa648>
In [11]: re.findall(r'FishC',str1)
Out[11]: ['FishC']
In [12]: re.findall(r'.',str1) #(点号表示换行符以外的任意字符,此处全部匹配到)
' ',
' ',
In [13]: re.findall(r'Fish.',str1)
Out[13]: ['FishC']
In [14]: re.findall(r'Fish\.',str1) #(加入转义符表示元字符本身,此处未匹配到内容)
Out[14]: []
In [15]: re.findall(r'\d','I loveFishC.com!123') #(\d表示单个任意数字)
Out[15]: ['1', '2', '3']
In [16]: re.findall(r'\d\d\d','123 456FishC')
Out[16]: ['123', '456']
In [18]: re.findall(r'[aeiou]','string') #([]创建字符类,仅匹配中括号中的一个字符)
Out[18]: ['i']
In [19]: re.findall(r'[A-Z]','String') #(正则中默认是打开大小写敏感的,可用re.IGNORECASE取消)
Out[19]: ['S']
In [20]: re.findall(r'[a-z]','Hello')
Out[20]: ['e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
In [21]:re.findall(r'[a-z]','HELLO',re.IGNORECASE)
Out[21]: ['H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O']
In [22]: re.findall(r'ab{3}c','abbbc') #({NUM}表示重复的次数)
Out[22]: ['abbbc']
In [23]: re.findall(r'ab{3,10}c','abbbbc')
Out[23]: ['abbbbc']
In [24]: re.findall(r'[0-255]','188') #(注意此处表示0或1或2后面跟两个5)
Out[24]: ['1']
In [25]: re.findall(r'[0-255]','1155')
Out[25]: ['1', '1', '5', '5']
In [28]:re.findall(r'(?<![\.\d])(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(?![\.\d])','') #(匹配IP)
Out[28]: ['']
In [29]:re.findall(r'(?<![\.\d])(?:\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}(?![\.\d])','')
Out[29]: ['']
In [30]:re.findall(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$','')
Out[30]: ['']
In [31]: re.findall(r'Fish(C|D)','www.FishC.com') #(若使用分组(),默认仅显示匹配到的分组内的内容)
Out[31]: ['C']
In [33]: re.findall(r'^FishC','FishC.com')
Out[33]: ['FishC']
In [34]: re.findall(r'FishC$','I loveFishC')
Out[34]: ['FishC']
In [35]:re.findall(r'(FishC)\1','FishCFishC') #(\后跟序号1,引用序号对应的子组所匹配的字符串,子组的序号从1开始计算)
Out[35]: ['FishC']
In [36]: re.findall(r'\.','FishC.com') #(\.表示点本身)
Out[36]: ['.']
In [37]: re.findall(r'[.]','FishC.com') #(中括号中的元字符代表其本身,不具备元字符的功能)
Out[37]: ['.']
In [38]: re.findall(r'[\n]','FishC.com\n') #(匹配回车符)
Out[38]: ['\n']
In [39]: re.findall(r'[^a-z]','FishC.com') #([]中的^是取反,若取反^只能放在中括号的最前面)
Out[39]: ['F', 'C', '.']
In [40]: re.findall(r'FishC{3}','FishCCCC') #({NUM}仅对前面的单个字符做重复)
Out[40]: ['FishCCC']
In [41]: re.findall(r'(FishC){2,5}','FishCFishCFishC')
Out[41]: ['FishC']
In [42]:re.findall(r'<.+>','<html><title>I loveFishC</title></html>') #(正则默认是贪婪模式,在条件符合时尽可能多的匹配,可在.+后加上?进入非贪婪模式)
Out[42]: ['<html><title>I loveFishC</title></html>']
In [43]:re.findall(r'<.+?>','<html><title>I love FishC</title></html>')
Out[43]: ['<html>', '<title>','</title>', '</html>']
In [46]: re.findall(r'\bFishC\b','FishC.comFishC_com FishC') #(匹配单词边界,下划线也是单词的一部分)
Out[46]: ['FishC', 'FishC']
In [48]: re.findall(r'py\B','python py2py3') #(匹配非单词边界)
Out[48]: ['py', 'py', 'py']
In [49]: re.findall(r'py\B','py py. py!')
Out[49]: []
In [18]:re.findall(r'^010-?\d{8}','010-12345678')
Out[18]: ['010-12345678']
In [19]: re.findall(r'ab+','abbbbc') #(贪婪模式)
Out[19]: ['abbbb']
In [20]: re.findall(r'ab+?','abbbbbc') #(非贪婪模式,最小匹配)
Out[20]: ['ab']
In [23]: re.findall(r'csvt.net','csvt.net')
Out[23]: ['csvt.net']
In [24]:re.findall(r'csvt.net','csvt\nnet')
Out[24]: []
In [25]:re.findall(r'csvt.net','csvt\nnet',re.S) #(开启了re.DOTALL使得点号可顶替任何字符,包括换行符)
Out[25]: ['csvt\nnet']
In [2]: s='''
...: hello csvt
...: csvt hello
...: hello csvt
...: csvt hello
...: '''
In [3]: re.findall(r'^csvt',s) #(不开re.M标志位的情况下,是无法匹配多行的)
Out[3]: []
In [4]: re.findall(r'^csvt',s,re.M)
Out[4]: ['csvt', 'csvt']
In [5]: tel=r'''
...: \d{3,4}
...: -?
...: \d{8}
...: '''
In [6]: re.findall(tel,'010-12345678')
Out[6]: []
In [7]: re.findall(tel,'010-12345678',re.X)
Out[7]: ['010-12345678']
In [8]:re.findall(r'\w{3,}@\w+(\.com|\.cn)','zzz@csvt.com') #(当有分组时findall会优先返回查找到的分组中的内容)
Out[8]: ['.com']
In [9]: re.findall(r'\w{3,}@\w+(\.com|\.cn)','zzz@csvt.cn')
Out[9]: ['.cn']
In [10]:re.findall(r'\w{3,}@\w+(\.com|\.cn)','zzz@csvt.org')
Out[10]: []
In [11]:re.match(r'\w+@\w+(\.com|\.cn)','jowin@163.com')
Out[11]: <_sre.SRE_Match at0x22e8198>
In [12]: s='''
....: aaa srt hello src=csvt
....: yes
....: hello src=python hello
....: '''
In [13]: re.findall(r'hello src=(.+)',s) #(查找指定内容中包含hello src=……的内容)
Out[13]: ['csvt', 'python hello']
In [5]: help(str.replace)
S.replace(old, new[,count]) -> string
In [6]: s='hello csvt'
In [7]: s.replace('csvt','python')
Out[7]: 'hello python'
In [9]: s.replace(r'c..t','python') #(字符串所支持的方法和操作是不支持re的)
Out[9]: 'hello csvt'
In [10]: help(re.sub)
sub(pattern, repl,string, count=0, flags=0)
In [11]: help(re.subn)
subn(pattern, repl,string, count=0, flags=0)
In [13]: re.sub(r'c..t','csvt','caat cvvt ccct')
Out[13]: 'csvt csvt csvt'
In [14]: re.subn(r'c..t','csvt','caat cvvt ccct') #(subn不仅打印替换的内容,还打印替换了几次)
Out[14]: ('csvt csvt csvt', 3)
In [16]: help(str.split)
S.split([sep[,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings
In [17]: ip=''
In [18]: ip.split('.')
Out[18]: ['192', '168', '23', '128']
In [15]: help(re.split)
split(pattern, string,maxsplit=0, flags=0)
In [20]: re.split(r'[\+\-\*]','1+2-3*4') #(中括号中的元字符将失去本身的意义,但此例中-表示范围,在不加转义符的前提下,要么-不能放在两个元字符中间,要么将-放到最后即可)
Out[20]: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
In [21]: re.split(r'[+*]','1+2*3')
Out[21]: ['1', '2', '3']
In [22]: re.split(r'[+*-]','1+2-3*4')
Out[22]: ['1', '2', '3', '4']
[root@localhost ~]# yum -y installpython-devel mysql-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel gcc
[root@localhost setuptools-19.6.1]#python2.7 setup.py install (要先安装setuptools-19.6.1.tar.gz这个模块)
[root@localhost MySQL-python-1.2.5]#python2.7 setup.py install
Processing dependencies forMySQL-python==1.2.5
Finished processing dependencies forMySQL-python==1.2.5
注:增删改查只用传递一次即可,而查询要两次(先用cur.execute('select * from table')传送再用cur.fetchone()查看记录),fetchone()每次查看一条记录并有指针的移动,可用cur.scroll(0,'absolute')将指针移到刚开始处;
注:查询也可合并cur.fetchmany(cur.execute('select * form table');
In [1]: import MySQLdb
In [2]: MySQLdb.<TAB>
MySQLdb.BINARY MySQLdb.Timestamp
MySQLdb.Binary MySQLdb.TimestampFromTicks
MySQLdb.Connect MySQLdb.Warning
MySQLdb.Connection MySQLdb.apilevel
MySQLdb.DATE MySQLdb.connect
MySQLdb.DATETIME MySQLdb.connection
MySQLdb.DBAPISet MySQLdb.constants
MySQLdb.DataError MySQLdb.debug
MySQLdb.DatabaseError MySQLdb.escape
MySQLdb.Date MySQLdb.escape_dict
MySQLdb.DateFromTicks MySQLdb.escape_sequence
MySQLdb.Error MySQLdb.escape_string
MySQLdb.FIELD_TYPE MySQLdb.get_client_info
MySQLdb.IntegrityError MySQLdb.paramstyle
MySQLdb.InterfaceError MySQLdb.release
MySQLdb.InternalError MySQLdb.result
MySQLdb.MySQLError MySQLdb.server_end
MySQLdb.NULL MySQLdb.server_init
MySQLdb.NUMBER MySQLdb.string_literal
MySQLdb.NotSupportedError MySQLdb.test_DBAPISet_set_equality
MySQLdb.OperationalError MySQLdb.test_DBAPISet_set_equality_membership
MySQLdb.ProgrammingError MySQLdb.test_DBAPISet_set_inequality
MySQLdb.ROWID MySQLdb.test_DBAPISet_set_inequality_membership
MySQLdb.STRING MySQLdb.thread_safe
MySQLdb.TIME MySQLdb.threadsafety
MySQLdb.Time MySQLdb.version_info
In [2]: help(MySQLdb.connect)
Connect(*args, **kwargs)
Factory function for connections.Connection.
In [5]: conn.<TAB>
conn.DataError conn.close conn.get_host_info conn.set_character_set
conn.DatabaseError conn.commit conn.get_proto_info conn.set_server_option
conn.Error conn.converter conn.get_server_info conn.set_sql_mode
conn.IntegrityError conn.cursor conn.info conn.show_warnings
conn.InterfaceError conn.cursorclass conn.insert_id conn.shutdown
conn.InternalError conn.default_cursor conn.kill conn.sqlstate
conn.NotSupportedError conn.dump_debug_info conn.literal conn.stat
conn.OperationalError conn.encoders conn.messages conn.store_result
conn.ProgrammingError conn.errno conn.next_result conn.string_decoder
conn.Warning conn.error conn.open conn.string_literal
conn.affected_rows conn.errorhandler conn.ping conn.thread_id
conn.autocommit conn.escape conn.port conn.unicode_literal
conn.begin conn.escape_string conn.query conn.use_result
conn.change_user conn.field_count conn.rollback conn.warning_count
conn.character_set_name conn.get_autocommit conn.select_db
conn.client_flag conn.get_character_set_info conn.server_capabilities
In [5]: help(conn.cursor)
cursor(self,cursorclass=None) method of MySQLdb.connections.Connection instance
Create a cursor on which queries may be performed. The
optional cursorclass parameter is used to create the
Cursor. By default, self.cursorclass=cursors.Cursor is
In [6]: help(conn.select_db)
Causes the database specified by db to become the default
(current) database on the connection specified by mysql. In subsequent
queries, this database is the default for table references that do not
include an explicit database specifier.
In [8]: cur.<TAB>
cur.DataError cur.NotSupportedError cur.connection cur.fetchmany cur.scroll
cur.DatabaseError cur.OperationalError cur.description cur.fetchone cur.setinputsizes
cur.Error cur.ProgrammingError cur.description_flags cur.lastrowid cur.setoutputsizes
cur.IntegrityError cur.Warning cur.errorhandler cur.messages
cur.InterfaceError cur.arraysize cur.execute cur.nextset
cur.InternalError cur.callproc cur.executemany cur.rowcount
cur.MySQLError cur.close cur.fetchall cur.rownumber
In [32]: help(cur.execute)
execute(self, query,args=None) method of MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor instance
Execute a query.
In [33]: help(cur.executemany)
executemany(self, query,args) method of MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor instance
Execute a multi-row query.
In [34]: help(cur.fetchone)
fetchone(self) method ofMySQLdb.cursors.Cursor instance
Fetches a single row from the cursor. None indicates that
no more rows are available.
In [35]: help(cur.fetchmany)
fetchmany(self,size=None) method of MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor instance
Fetch up to size rows from the cursor. Result set may be smaller
than size. If size is not defined, cursor.arraysize is used.
In [36]: help(cur.scroll)
scroll(self, value,mode='relative') method of MySQLdb.cursors.Cursor instance
Scroll the cursor in the result set to a new position according
to mode.
In [4]:conn=MySQLdb.connect(user='root',passwd='chai',host='')
In [7]: cur=conn.cursor()
In [8]: conn.select_db('webgame')
In [27]: cur.execute('insert into temp1(accountid,nickname,serverid) value (1,"jowin",14115)')
Out[27]: 1L
In [28]: sqli='insert into temp1(accountid,nickname,serverid) values (%s,%s,%s)'
In [29]: cur.execute(sqli,(2,'snow',14116))
Out[29]: 1L
In [31]:cur.executemany(sqli,[(3,'maisie',14117),(4,'emilia',14118),(5,'lsaac',14119)])
Out[31]: 3L
In [37]: cur.execute('select * from temp1')
Out[37]: 5L
In [38]: cur.fetchone() #(每查询一条有指针的移动)
Out[38]: (1L, 'jowin', 14115L)
In [39]: cur.fetchone()
Out[39]: (2L, 'snow', 14116L)
In [40]: cur.fetchone()
Out[40]: (3L, 'maisie', 14117L)
In [41]: cur.fetchone()
Out[41]: (4L, 'emilia', 14118L)
In [42]: cur.fetchone()
Out[42]: (5L, 'lsaac', 14119L)
In [43]: cur.fetchone()
In [44]: cur.scroll(0,'absolute') #(将指针移到开始位置)
In [45]: cur.fetchmany(5)
((1L, 'jowin', 14115L),
(2L,'snow', 14116L),
(3L,'maisie', 14117L),
(4L,'emilia', 14118L),
(5L,'lsaac', 14119L))
In [47]: cur.fetchmany(cur.execute('select* from temp1')) #(查询两步合为一步)
((1L, 'jowin', 14115L),
(2L,'snow', 14116L),
(3L,'maisie', 14117L),
(4L,'emilia', 14118L),
(5L,'lsaac', 14119L))
In [48]: cur.close()
In [49]: conn.close()