分享最新15个加速 Web 开发的框架和工具

简介:   我们为开发人员挑选了15个最新的  Web 开发框架,你肯定尝试一下这些新鲜的框架,有的可能略微复杂,有的提供了很多的配置选项,也有一些窗口小部件和界面交互的选择。他们将帮助你创建更优秀的网站,提供给用户更好的体验。

  我们为开发人员挑选了15个最新的  Web 开发框架,你肯定尝试一下这些新鲜的框架,有的可能略微复杂,有的提供了很多的配置选项,也有一些窗口小部件和界面交互的选择。他们将帮助你创建更优秀的网站,提供给用户更好的体验。



1. Lotus

Lotus is Open Source Framework, which strives for simplicity, fewer DSLs, minimal conventions, more objects, zero monkey-patching and the separation of concerns between MVC layers. It suggests best practices, but it leaves all the freedom to you, the developer, to build your own architecture, with your own objects. Lotus is made of standalone frameworks (controllers, views, etc.) and each one is shipped as an independent gem to emphasize the separation of concerns.

2. Outline

Outline is a simple CSS starter responsive boilerplate for any new web project, created by Matt Harris. It’s a modular, mobile-first framework which includes todays best practices for responsive design and core components I use on every project. Outline is designed to be a starting point. A solid foundation for your project, leaving the creativity up to you.

3. Tabris.js

Tabris.js is a mobile framework that lets you develop native iOS and Android apps from a single code base written entirely in JavaScript. When HTML5 doesn’t cut it – Tabris.js will give you an easy path to native apps while building upon your existing JavaScript knowledge. It doesn’t use WebViews for rendering UI, and instead creates native widgets on the mobile platform via a JavaScript-to-native bridge.

4. Pyramid

Pyramid is a very general open source Python web framework. As a framework, its primary job is to make it easier for a developer to create an arbitrary web application. The type of application being created isn’t really important; it could be a spreadsheet, a corporate intranet, or a social networking platform. Pyramid is general enough that it can be used in a wide variety of circumstances.

5. Emastic

Emastic is a lightweight CSS framework that allows for fluid and fixed columns in the grid. It includes baseline grid typography, personalized page width, and more.

6. Baseguide

Baseguide is a robust and lightweight Sass-powered CSS framework. It includes all the basic elements—typography, forms, buttons, media, grid and more—in one small package.

7. Kathamo

Kathamo is a Minimalist CSS Framework for Rapid & Mobile-Friendly Development. Kathamo has a few easy ways to quickly get started, each one appealing to a different skill level and use case.

8. MarkdownUI

markdown ui
Markdown UI is a framework that lets you create responsive user interfaces in Markdown. You can write UI’s just once and then translate to Semantic UI 2.0, and soon to Bootstrap 3 and Foundation, plus you can use it for rapid prototyping.

9. BlueTrip

BlueTrip is a full-featured CSS framework that has a 24-column grid and sensible typography styles. It also includes clean form styles, a print stylesheet, an empty starter stylesheet, and more.

10. Unyson

unyson framework
Unyson is a fast and easy to use WordPress framework for developing premium themes. It offers tons of customization options and extensive documentation and support.

11. Thao Framework

thao framework
The Thao Framework is a minimal CSS framework for easier web development. It’s written and compiled in LESS, is lightweight, and lacks any JavaScript code. Thao is written and compiled with LESS. It’s fully compatible with last browsers. Unfortunately responsiveness on IE 8 is not fully compatible.

12. Bootcards

Bootcards is a cards-based UI framework. It is built on top of Bootstrap and uses it’s responsive features. Unlike most other UI frameworks, it includes a dual-pane interface for tablet users. Bootcards includes stylesheets to give your apps a native look, whether that’s on iOS, Android or desktop.

13. Bottle

Bottle is a python web framework that’s fast, simple, and lightweight. It supports routing, templates, and utilities, and has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library.

14. Rebar

Rebar is a responsive SASS/Stylus grid framework. It keeps your CSS organized and makes your development more efficient.

15. Schema

Schema is a modular, responsive, front end framework to easily and quickly help you jumpstart your process in building complex interfaces for the web right out the box. Schema comes fully equipped with the capabilities of creating familiar experiences across multiple viewports. From a desktop monitor down to a mobile device, Schema’s 12-column grid provides flexibility. Schema leverages the power of Less. This enables a clean structure of code that is super easy to maintain. Whether you’re trying to put a quick design to a prototype, or if you’re working on a production-ready application, Schema provides the foundation and components to easily design any responsive web project.


英文链接:15 Frameworks for Accelerated Development

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

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TypeScript 是一种静态类型的编程语言,它扩展了 JavaScript,为 Web 开发带来了强大的类型系统、组件化开发支持、与主流框架的无缝集成、大型项目管理能力和提升开发体验等多方面优势。通过明确的类型定义,TypeScript 能够在编码阶段发现潜在错误,提高代码质量;支持组件的清晰定义与复用,增强代码的可维护性;与 React、Vue 等框架结合,提供更佳的开发体验;适用于大型项目,优化代码结构和性能。随着 Web 技术的发展,TypeScript 的应用前景广阔,将继续引领 Web 开发的新趋势。
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