
简介:   之前给大家分了很多的在线工具和参考文档,这里又为大家搜集了前端开发必备的20个在线工具和指南。新的一周,你需要计划学习新的东西或者能够提升你的能力。相信你会在这个列表中发现对你很有用的资料。 您可能感兴趣的相关文章 Web 前端开发人员和设计师必读文章集锦 十个拥有丰富 UI 组件的...




1. Loupe

This is “a little visualisation to help you understand how JavaScript’s call stack/event loop/callback queue interact with each other.” It’s interactive, allowing you to include your own custom code and then execute it, and there’s also a video presentation on the same topic.


2. First Aid Git

“A searchable collection of the most frequently asked Git questions.” This looks useful for anyone with average or below average skills with Git. Currently has 38 separate topics that can be found via an on-page search filter.

First Aid Git

3. Periodic Table of ARIA 1.0 Roles & Attributes

This is two separate pages — which I suppose brings this list to 21 — documenting detailed info on ARIA roles and attributes.

Periodic Table of ARIA 1.0 Roles

Just click on a role or attribute and an overlay will display information from the spec on that feature.

Periodic Table of ARIA 1.0 Attributes

4. Is Service Worker Ready?

The Service Workers specification is a promising (no pun intended!) new standard that isn’t quite ready for production because of lack of browser support and being still in flux. This little info site has a description of the spec’s features and how they measure up in the different browsers.

Is Service Worker Ready?

5. Browser support for broken/missing images

This is something we probably all take for granted most of the time. This is a CodePen-based document by Bart Veneman that outlines exactly how the different browsers/OSes handle broken images (with placeholder, alt text, border, etc.)

Browser support for broken/missing images

6. 2014 Responsive Report

This is an annual responsive survey conducted by the folks at Gridset. Over 1000 participants in this survey provide information on challenges they face in their RWD workflow, in relation to clients, testing, and so forth. The survey also looks at optimism (or lack of it), trends, and tools used in RWD.

2014 Responsive Report

7. Typography Cheatsheet

“A comprehensive guide to using proper typographic characters, including correct grammatical usage.” Also available as a one-page PDF, this includes the keyboard shortcuts to produce the different characters for both Mac and Windows, which can be handy.

Typography Cheatsheet

8. ARIA Examples

Accessibility expert Heydon Pickering’s excellent compilation of HTML examples demonstrating different use cases for various ARIA features. Demos and code for 9 different examples. A really nice starting point for anyone looking to get into advanced ARIA implementation.

ARIA Examples

9. ES5 Mobile Compatibility Table

This is a little different and a little more specific as far as compat tables go. It’s a look at all the JavaScript features introduced in ES5 and how they measure up in different mobile browsers.

ES5 Mobile Compatibility Table

10. iOS Fonts

“Every font. Every iOS version.” Speaking of being really specific and mobile, this is an insta-filterable list of which fonts are available on iOS devices, including the Apple Watch.

iOS Fonts

11. CSS Filters Playground

A simple interface to mess around with the various parts of the filters spec. Useful also because you can choose a custom URL and even try it out with an iframe or video.

CSS Filters Playground

12. Git Cheatsheet

An interactive, clickable cheatsheet for Git commands. The different sections have deep linking too, which is a nice bonus for sharing.

Git Cheatsheet

13. Keycodes

A quick-access little info site to obtain codes for keyboard keys, unicode characters, and URL-encoded characters for use in HTML, CSS, or JavaScript.


14. Regular Expressions 101

A very nicely done little app to help you test and learn regular expressions. I like how it displays an “explanation” and “match information” and it lets you choose 3 different flavors of regex.

Regular Expressions 101

15. CIUM

This is a mobile app that “provides compatibility tables for features in HTML5, CSS3, JS API, SVG and other upcoming web technologies.” I’m assuming the name is supposed to be a play on “Can I Use Mobile”, but they don’t seem to use that exact phrase, probably to avoid copyright issues, but I’m not sure.


16. DevTools Snippets

“A collection of helpful snippets to use inside of browser devtools.” Looks to be about 20 of them and you can contribute your own.

DevTools Snippets

17. Codrops CSS Reference

In case you missed this one, Codrops, with help from Sara Soueidan produced their own very nicely designed and comprehensive CSS reference.

Codrops CSS Reference

18. Screen Sizes

A really extensive list of mobile devices and laptops with their respective screen sizes. The devices even link to their product pages on Amazon.

Screen Sizes

19. Frontend Guidelines

One developer’s tips for code style in various aspects of HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Lots of good tips here.

Frontend Guidelines

20. CSS Ruler

A simple, interactive little tool to help you understand the different ways CSS handles relative and absolute font sizes.

CSS Ruler

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英文链接:20 Docs and Guides for Front-End Developers

编译来源:梦想天空 ◆ 关注前端开发技术 ◆ 分享网页设计资源

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人工智能 JSON 前端开发
有关D2C工具的思考和分享, 提升前端研发效率
有关D2C工具的思考和分享, 提升前端研发效率
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运维 前端开发 JavaScript
Web App开发 缓存 前端开发
缓存 前端开发 JavaScript
前端开发 持续交付 开发工具
Dart 前端开发 开发者
【4月更文挑战第30天】Flutter Profiler是用于性能优化的关键工具,提供CPU、GPU、内存和网络分析。它帮助开发者识别性能瓶颈,如CPU过度使用、渲染延迟、内存泄漏和网络效率低。通过实时监控和分析,开发者能优化代码、减少内存占用、改善渲染速度和网络请求,从而提升应用性能和用户体验。定期使用并结合实际场景与其它工具进行综合分析,是实现最佳实践的关键。
前端开发 数据处理 Android开发
【Flutter 前端技术开发专栏】Flutter 中的调试技巧与工具使用
【4月更文挑战第30天】本文探讨了Flutter开发中的调试技巧和工具,强调其在及时发现问题和提高效率上的重要性。介绍了基本的调试方法如打印日志和断点调试,以及Android Studio/VS Code的调试器和Flutter Inspector的使用。文章还涉及调试常见问题的解决、性能和内存分析等高级技巧,并通过实际案例演示调试过程。在团队协作中,有效调试能提升整体开发效率,而随着技术发展,调试工具也将持续进化。
【Flutter 前端技术开发专栏】Flutter 中的调试技巧与工具使用
监控 前端开发 jenkins
前端开发 JavaScript 网络协议
【专栏】探讨了前端性能优化中的 Performance 工具,它能帮助开发者分析页面加载速度和交互体验
【4月更文挑战第29天】本文探讨了前端性能优化中的 Performance 工具,它能帮助开发者分析页面加载速度和交互体验。通过 Performance,可检测资源加载时间、JavaScript 执行时间、重绘与回流等关键指标,找到性能瓶颈。文中列举了三个实践案例,如优化图片加载、减少 JavaScript 执行时间和避免重绘回流,展示如何利用 Performance 改进页面性能,提升用户体验。开发者应定期使用 Performance 分析并学习新优化技术,以适应Web开发的快速发展。