ADO.NET Entity Framework

作为下一代 ADO.NET 3.0 的开发框架,Entity Framework 让我们从复杂的关系数据模型中解脱出来,使用更加符合面向对象的实体数据模型(Entity Data Model)来完成业务设计和开发。
Entity Framework 很像 NHibernate,同样采取 XML 进行映射。不过借助于强大的可视化设计工具和向导,我们可以非常方便地完成这些头疼的工作。 Entity Framework  对 Linq 的直接支持 —— LINQ to Entities
Entity Framework Features:

1. Entity Designer
  • Generate a model from a database (via wizard) and display it on the designer surface
  • Edit conceptual model properties (namespace, alias, etc.)
  • Control visual aspects of the design surface (layout) and persist changes
  • Add, Delete, and Edit Entities; Scalar properties; Associations; and Inheritance
  • Automatic set management
  • Automatic Navigation property management
  • Error reporting
  • Validate model and mappings using Entity Framework Runtime
2. Entity Mapping
  • View the mapping for a C-Side Entity or Association
  • Rename or delete C-Side objects without worrying about mapping
  • Map an EntityType to multiple tables
  • Apply multiple conditions to a table mapping
  • Map associations
  • Automatic generation of conditions and referential constraints on associations
  • TPH: Map an Entity hierarchy to a single table
  • TPT: Map an Entity hierarchy to multiple tables
3. Entity Model Browser
  • Understand and visualize the model in a tree hierarchy
  • Visually relate shapes on the designer surface with hierarchy in model
4. Visual Studio Integration
  • Support for C# and VB in multiple project types: ASP.NET Web site, ASP.NET Web Application Project, Console, WinForms, and Library
  • Project system integration: item template for .edmx file, model generation wizard, EdmxDeploy.exe, and Entity Framework validation on build
  • Support for multiple Visual Studio editions: Express, Standard, Pro, and VSTS.

本文转自 张善友 51CTO博客,原文链接:,如需转载请自行联系原作者
数据库 C# 开发者
WPF开发者必读:揭秘ADO.NET与Entity Framework数据库交互秘籍,轻松实现企业级应用!
【8月更文挑战第31天】在现代软件开发中,WPF 与数据库的交互对于构建企业级应用至关重要。本文介绍了如何利用 ADO.NET 和 Entity Framework 在 WPF 应用中访问和操作数据库。ADO.NET 是 .NET Framework 中用于访问各类数据库(如 SQL Server、MySQL 等)的类库;Entity Framework 则是一种 ORM 框架,支持面向对象的数据操作。文章通过示例展示了如何在 WPF 应用中集成这两种技术,提高开发效率。
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Entity Framework Core——.NET 领域的 ORM 利器,深度剖析其最佳实践之路
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