On road again, 2015


Actually, I've disappeared a long time almost 4 years.

Hope that I could start to write what I really want to say and think and share what I do and feel.

What's my plan next? 

  1. Create a blog wetsibe of myself.

  2. Focus on architecture of IT and managment. BTW, clouding time is comming, but I'm not sure AWS will be better and better in China. I know you can guess why I said that.

  3. Pursue different my own life, work is not important part of my life. -:). So maybe I'll share more what I like to do, say to English culture and etc.

  4. More sports. In my view, sport is not only health for your body but it's the attuitude of my life. Yea, For challenging, quantification of target whcih my physical exercise is necessary. Like freestyle swimming  that I could swim 1000m no more than 30m -:)

I'll write my plan or wish list of new year in days.

On road again, I'm comming 2015.

本文转自Be the miracle!博客51CTO博客,原文链接http://blog.51cto.com/miracle/1598256如需转载请自行联系原作者


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