# coding=UTF-8
# sql 参考
# http://www.kitebird.com/articles/pydbapi.html
import cx_Oracle
import re,os,sys
logTxt = " ./log "
dataFile = " ./data.txt "
fileCharset = " GBK "
dbCharset = " GBK "
username = " .... "
userpwd = " .... "
host = " .... "
dbname = " .... "
# dbname="..."
MuById_SQL = " select count(*) from mn00_tbl_music tm where tm.id=:mid "
CRById_SQL = " select tc.music_id from mn05_tbl_copyright tc where tc.copyright_id=:crid "
CRById_In_Music_SQL = " update mn05_tbl_copyright set music_id=:mid where copyright_id=:crid "
CRByMNameAndAName_SQL = " select tc.copyright_id from mn05_tbl_copyright tc where (tc.actor_src_name=':acName' and tc.music_src_name=':muName' ) or (tc.actor_name=':acName' and tc.music_name=':muName') " ;
# 60056601146|失意酒(童安格)|失意酒(童安格)|10030149
# CRID | 编辑后歌曲(歌手)|歌曲(歌手) |MID
def action(strs):
result = selectSql( subSql(MuById_SQL, " mid " , strs[ 3 ]) )
if ( int(result[0][0]) > 0):
actionCR(strs[0],strs[ 3 ])
if ( strs[ 1 ] and strs[ 1 ] != "" ):
actionName(strs[ 1 ],strs[ 3 ])
if ( strs[ 2 ] and strs[ 2 ] != "" ):
actionName(strs[ 2 ],strs[ 3 ])
def actionName(mu_ac,mid):
p = re.compile( " (.*)\((.*)\) " )
m = p.match( mu_ac )
if (m):
crmaSql = subSql(CRByMNameAndAName_SQL, " muName " , m.group( 1 ))
crmaSql = subSql(crmaSql, " acName " ,m.group( 2 ))
for row in selectSql( crmaSql ):
actionCR(row[0]. __str__ () ,mid)
# count = cursor.rowcount
def actionCR(crid,mid):
result = selectSql( subSql(CRById_SQL, " crid " , crid ) )
if ( result[0][0] == None or int(result[0][0]) == 0):
upCr = subSql(CRById_In_Music_SQL, " crid " ,crid)
upCr = subSql(upCr, " mid " ,mid)
if (execSql(upCr) > 0):
_log( ' match crid= ' + crid + ' muid= ' + mid)
def subSql(strSql,subName,subValue):
p = re.compile( " : " + subName)
return p.sub( subValue, strSql)
def selectSql(sql):
print ' select= ' + sql
return cursor.fetchall()
def execSql(sql):
print ' exec= ' + sql
return cursor.rowcount
def _log(show):
print show
log = ' echo ' + show + ' >> ' + logTxt
try :
connStr = username + " / " + userpwd + " @ " + dbname
print connStr
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(connStr)
cursor = connection.cursor()
file = open(dataFile)
if (len(sys.argv) == 2 ):
startRow = int(sys.argv[ 1 ])
else :
startRow = 1
row = 1
for str in file.readlines():
if (row >= startRow):
str = re.compile( " \n " ).sub( "" , str )
strs = unicode(str, fileCharset).split( " | " )
_log( ' start row= ' + row. __str__ () + ' crid= ' + strs[0] + ' muid= ' + strs[ 3 ])
try :
except :
_log( ' err row= ' + row. __str__ ())
_log( ' end row= ' + row. __str__ () + ' crid= ' + strs[0] + ' muid= ' + strs[ 3 ])
row += 1
finally :
# coding=UTF-8
# sql 参考
# http://www.kitebird.com/articles/pydbapi.html
import cx_Oracle
import re,os,sys
logTxt = " ./log "
dataFile = " ./data.txt "
fileCharset = " GBK "
dbCharset = " GBK "
username = " .... "
userpwd = " .... "
host = " .... "
dbname = " .... "
# dbname="..."
MuById_SQL = " select count(*) from mn00_tbl_music tm where tm.id=:mid "
CRById_SQL = " select tc.music_id from mn05_tbl_copyright tc where tc.copyright_id=:crid "
CRById_In_Music_SQL = " update mn05_tbl_copyright set music_id=:mid where copyright_id=:crid "
CRByMNameAndAName_SQL = " select tc.copyright_id from mn05_tbl_copyright tc where (tc.actor_src_name=':acName' and tc.music_src_name=':muName' ) or (tc.actor_name=':acName' and tc.music_name=':muName') " ;
# 60056601146|失意酒(童安格)|失意酒(童安格)|10030149
# CRID | 编辑后歌曲(歌手)|歌曲(歌手) |MID
def action(strs):
result = selectSql( subSql(MuById_SQL, " mid " , strs[ 3 ]) )
if ( int(result[0][0]) > 0):
actionCR(strs[0],strs[ 3 ])
if ( strs[ 1 ] and strs[ 1 ] != "" ):
actionName(strs[ 1 ],strs[ 3 ])
if ( strs[ 2 ] and strs[ 2 ] != "" ):
actionName(strs[ 2 ],strs[ 3 ])
def actionName(mu_ac,mid):
p = re.compile( " (.*)\((.*)\) " )
m = p.match( mu_ac )
if (m):
crmaSql = subSql(CRByMNameAndAName_SQL, " muName " , m.group( 1 ))
crmaSql = subSql(crmaSql, " acName " ,m.group( 2 ))
for row in selectSql( crmaSql ):
actionCR(row[0]. __str__ () ,mid)
# count = cursor.rowcount
def actionCR(crid,mid):
result = selectSql( subSql(CRById_SQL, " crid " , crid ) )
if ( result[0][0] == None or int(result[0][0]) == 0):
upCr = subSql(CRById_In_Music_SQL, " crid " ,crid)
upCr = subSql(upCr, " mid " ,mid)
if (execSql(upCr) > 0):
_log( ' match crid= ' + crid + ' muid= ' + mid)
def subSql(strSql,subName,subValue):
p = re.compile( " : " + subName)
return p.sub( subValue, strSql)
def selectSql(sql):
print ' select= ' + sql
return cursor.fetchall()
def execSql(sql):
print ' exec= ' + sql
return cursor.rowcount
def _log(show):
print show
log = ' echo ' + show + ' >> ' + logTxt
try :
connStr = username + " / " + userpwd + " @ " + dbname
print connStr
connection = cx_Oracle.connect(connStr)
cursor = connection.cursor()
file = open(dataFile)
if (len(sys.argv) == 2 ):
startRow = int(sys.argv[ 1 ])
else :
startRow = 1
row = 1
for str in file.readlines():
if (row >= startRow):
str = re.compile( " \n " ).sub( "" , str )
strs = unicode(str, fileCharset).split( " | " )
_log( ' start row= ' + row. __str__ () + ' crid= ' + strs[0] + ' muid= ' + strs[ 3 ])
try :
except :
_log( ' err row= ' + row. __str__ ())
_log( ' end row= ' + row. __str__ () + ' crid= ' + strs[0] + ' muid= ' + strs[ 3 ])
row += 1
finally :
本文转自博客园刘凯毅的博客,原文链接:py 数据库 ,如需转载请自行联系原博主。