[LeetCode] Longest Consecutive Sequence

简介: This problem is not very intuitive at first glance. However, the final idea should be very self-explanatory.

This problem is not very intuitive at first glance. However, the final idea should be very self-explanatory. You visit each element in nums, and then find its left and right neighbors and extend the length accordingly. The time complexity is O(n) if we guard from visiting the same element again.

You can implement it using an unordered_set or unordered_map.

The code is as follows. The last one is taken from this page which includes a nice explanation in the follong answers.

 1 // O(n) solution using unordered_set
 2 int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) {
 3     unordered_set<int> copy(nums.begin(), nums.end());
 4     unordered_set<int> filter;
 5     int len = 0;
 6     for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {
 7         if (filter.find(nums[i]) != filter.end()) continue;
 8         int l = nums[i] - 1, r = nums[i] + 1;
 9         while (copy.find(l) != copy.end()) filter.insert(l--);
10         while (copy.find(r) != copy.end()) filter.insert(r++);
11         len = max(len, r - l - 1);
12     }
13     return len;
14 }
16 // O(n) solution using unordered_map
17 int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) {
18     unordered_map<int, int> mp;
19     int len = 0;
20     for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {
21         if (mp[nums[i]]) continue;
22         mp[nums[i]] = 1;
23         if (mp.find(nums[i] - 1) != mp.end())
24             mp[nums[i]] += mp[nums[i] - 1];
25         if (mp.find(nums[i] + 1) != mp.end())
26             mp[nums[i]] += mp[nums[i] + 1];
27         mp[nums[i] - mp[nums[i] - 1]] = mp[nums[i]]; // left boundary
28         mp[nums[i] + mp[nums[i] + 1]] = mp[nums[i]]; // right boundary
29         len = max(len, mp[nums[i]]);
30     }
31     return len;
32 }
34 // O(n) super-concise solution (merging the above cases)
35 int longestConsecutive(vector<int>& nums) {
36     unordered_map<int, int> mp;
37     int len = 0;
38     for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) {
39         if (mp[nums[i]]) continue;
40         len = max(len, mp[nums[i]] = mp[nums[i] - mp[nums[i] - 1]] = mp[nums[i] + mp[nums[i] + 1]] = mp[nums[i] - 1] + mp[nums[i] + 1] + 1);
41     }
42     return len;
43 }
Leetcode 516. Longest Palindromic Subsequence
找到一个字符串的最长回文子序列,这里注意回文子串和回文序列的区别。子序列不要求连续,子串(substring)是要求连续的。leetcode 5. Longest Palindromic Substring就是求连续子串的。
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Leetcode 3. Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters
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找到给定字符串(由小写字符组成)中的最长子串 T , 要求 T 中的每一字符出现次数都不少于 k 。输出 T 的长度。
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我们致力于寻找我们文件系统中文件的最长 (按字符的数量统计) 绝对路径。例如,在上述的第二个例子中,最长路径为 "dir/subdir2/subsubdir2/file2.ext",其长度为 32 (不包含双引号)。
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LeetCode 388. Longest Absolute File Path
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给定一个整数矩阵,找出最长递增路径的长度。 对于每个单元格,你可以往上,下,左,右四个方向移动。 你不能在对角线方向上移动或移动到边界外(即不允许环绕)。
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LeetCode 329. Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix
LeetCode 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence
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LeetCode 300. Longest Increasing Subsequence
LeetCode 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence
给定一个未排序的整数数组,找出最长连续序列的长度。 要求算法的时间复杂度为 O(n)。
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LeetCode 128. Longest Consecutive Sequence
Unix Shell Linux
LeetCode刷题 Shell编程四则 | 194. 转置文件 192. 统计词频 193. 有效电话号码 195. 第十行
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LeetCode刷题 Shell编程四则 | 194. 转置文件 192. 统计词频 193. 有效电话号码 195. 第十行