Devexpress VCL Build v2013 vol 13.2.4 发布

简介: 不说了,自己看吧。 What's New in 13.2.4 (VCL Product Line)   New Major Features in 13.2 What's New in VCL Products 13.


What's New in 13.2.4 (VCL Product Line)


New Major Features in 13.2

What's New in VCL Products 13.2

Breaking Changes

To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:

Breaking Changes in 13.2.4 (VCL Product Line)

Known Issues

To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:

Known Issues in 13.2.4 (VCL Product Line)

The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress VCL 13.2.4. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for compatibility, but have not been updated.

Enhancements and Updates


New Features/Updates

Common Libraries
  • S173310 - Improve TcxCanvas.Rectangle compatibility with the standard VCL TCanvas.Rectangle method

Resolved Issues

ExpressBars Suite
  • Q574181 - Ribbon - A tab header is not activated on a click if the Backstage View is currently open
  • Q576111 - The Lookup method returns NULL values for ftFMTBcd fields passed as the ResultFields method parameter
  • B254160 - Documentation - The TcxCustomTabControl.ViewInfo and TcxPageControl.ViewInfo properties are not described
  • Q575331 - TcxPageControl - Calling the Free method of the last page, which is currently active raises the "List index out of bounds" exception if False is passed as the AllowChange parameter of an OnChanging event handler
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
  • Q572804 - AV when deleting both fields whose SortBySummaryInfo was assigned from one to the other
  • Q467128 - Changing the PivotGridField.Caption property does not update the Customization Window
  • Q556820 - OLAP mode - Empty data cells are displayed when expanding group values at deeper nesting levels
  • Q576360 - OLAP mode - TcxPivotGridSummaryDataSet linked to the pivot grid is populated with string values containing incorrect Unicode characters
  • Q564132 - OLAP mode - Values of percentage measure fields are not multiplied by 100 and not followed by a percent sign (%)
ExpressPrinting System
  • B253869 - Composition Report Link - Reports including cxRichEdit controls are incorrectly joined if the report link's StartEachItemFromNewPage property is set to False
  • Q573578 - cxLabel whose Properties.ShowAccelChar property is set to True always prints an ampersand instead of removing it
  • Q576343 - Grid Report Link - Horizontal line separating two Views is printed when the link's OptionsLevels.Unwrap property is set to False
  • Q570342 - PDF Export - Right-aligned or centered text is misplaced if certain fonts are used
  • Q574315 - PDF Export - TAbstractdxRichEditReportLink descendants - Unicode characters are incorrectly exported from the rich editor in certain cases
  • Q572342 - TdxRibbonStatusBar and TdxStatusBar - The size grip is printed with the black background if the Flat, Standard, or UltraFlat paint style is applied
  • B254355 - TreeList Report Link - AV when printing or previewing the tree list that has no expandable bands
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
  • Q565984 - Changing filter conditions in a data controller and modifying grid settings within event handlers of bound dataset/data sources throws the "RowIndex out of range" exception
  • Q567799 - Chart View - Bar diagrams misplace captions for negative values if the diagram's Values.CaptionPosition property is set to cdvcpOutsideEnd
  • B254393 - Documentation - Incomplete list of class members in pme (Properties, Methods, and Events) topics about TcxCustomGridTableItem descendants
  • B254319 - Documentation - The TcxGridDBCardViewRow Properties topic has an incomplete list of properties derived from TcxGridCardViewRow
  • Q570381 - Layout View - Tabs in nested layout groups cannot be activated
  • Q567002 - Server Mode - Oracle and PostgreSQL SQL adapters - Incremental search fails if the NullsSortOrder property is set to nsoFirstIfDesc
  • Q576934 - The return value type of the TcxGridPopupMenuOperation.GetInstance function is not 64-bit compatible
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
  • Q569235 - ApplyBestFit doesn't work correctly when <TreeList>.OptionsView.CheckGroups is true and a column contains check or radio buttons
  • Q572942 - AV when an application loses focus during the initialization of an inplace editor queued for repainting
  • Q576268 - Bands are not horizontally sized in the same manner as columns if the TreeList's OptionsView.ColumnAutoWidth property is set to True
  • Q577645 - Clicking custom navigator buttons has no effect after editing node content if no node is focused and the tree list's OptionsSelection.MultiSelect property is set to True
  • Q568342 - Performance regression when creating large amount of data in unbound version of TcxTreeList control
  • Q574440 - TcxDBTreeList - The "EDatabase error" exception occurs when opening a bound dataset and populating it with data within the BeginUpdate/EndUpdate block
  • Q566761 - TcxVirtualTreeList - In a 64-bit operating system, an AV occurs when scrolling the content using the mouse
  • Q575796 - The right-side grid line is not painted in group nodes when the vertical scrollbar is displayed and the TreeList's OptionsView.PaintStyle property is set to tlpsCategorized
ExpressScheduler Suite
  • Q578017 - Dates and time shown by the Start time and End time fields of the Event dialog ignore the event's TimeBias property setting if the scheduler storage's StoreUsingGlobalTime property is set to True
  • Q571279 - Export/import to/from Outlook results in an exception if the scheduler is locked for updates by the BeginUpdate method call
  • Q575925 - Gantt View - The "Stack overflow" exception occurs when moving a task to any task group located below it in the Tree Browser
  • Q566389 - Gantt View - The Tree Browser's embedded navigator stops firing the OnButtonClick event after the first button click
ExpressSkins Library
  • Q571354 - Disabled editor buttons are painted using incorrect glyphs
  • Q574881 - Form - Restoring a window whose size remains unchanged in the maximized and normal states clips window borders
  • Q570641 - Form - The form is not painted if Windows Aero effects and the "Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing" system option are enabled and Winspector is running
  • Q575084 - TButton - Сaption text is cropped when skins are applied
  • Q572432 - AV occurs when loading a spreadsheet file that contains functions whose parameters reference unsupported functions
ExpressTile Control
  • Q575069 - The rightmost detail page tab is cropped when certain skins are applied
ExpressVerticalGrid Suite
  • B254307 - Documentation - The OnEdited and OnEditValueChanged events declared in the TcxCustomVerticalGrid class are not described
ExpressWizard Control
  • B254081 - Clicking the Back or Next button that appears disabled on the first/last page raises the OnButtonClick event
  • Q574985 - Design-time changes to a wizard page's PageIndex property made on an inherited form are not saved
Common Libraries
  • B254310 - Possible error in the TcxCustomDataSource.GetRecordHandleByIndex method with 64-bit applications
  • Q570089 - Possible errors when using TcxCustomDataSource descendants in 64-bit applications
ExpressEditors Library
  • Q575380 - Composition Report Link - The second report is printed over the first one if the report link's StartEachItemFromNewPage property is set to False and the first report has a title
  • Q569104 - cxColorComboBox - When selecting a color by typing, the auto-complete name and color swatch in the edit control do not match
  • Q569304 - cxDateEdit - The editor with an assigned repository item does not fire the item's Properties.OnGetDayOfWeekState event
  • Q568122 - cxExtLookupComboBox - The editor's drop-down window cannot be resized if its embedded View displays preview sections and the Preview.AutoHeight property is set to True
  • Q567952 - cxLookupComboBox - Invoking the drop-down window throws the "Cannot perform this operation on a closed dataset" exception if Properties.GridMode is set to True and Properties.ListSource references a data source linked to a closed dataset
  • Q575565 - cxTrackBar and dxZoomTrackBar - Hot-tracking the track bar significantly increases the CPU usage of an application
  • B254443 - Documentation - In the TcxDBColorComboBox Properties topic, the ColorValue property is marked published rather than protected
  • Q568048 - Drop-down window content cannot be scrolled using the mouse wheel
  • Q570107 - Initialization of DevExpress controls fails in OS that uses ddMMYYYY short date format
  • Q566783 - Mail Client demo - Pasting from the clipboard in the New/Reply/Forward Message window always updates the message body, rather than the currently focused field
  • B253595 - TcxShellTreeView and TcxShellListView - Changes to the Options.TrackShellChanges property are not immediately applied to the control
  • Q577025 - TdxColorPicker - Editor labels cannot be localized
  • Q574247 - TdxGalleryControl and descendants - Clicking a gallery item doesn't move focus to it from the gallery item that was focused using the keyboard
ExpressGDI+ Library
  • Q572007 - At design time, setting a TBitmap or TPicture property to a new value calls the property Assign method rather than calling its setter method
  • Q570385 - Control content cannot be scrolled using the mouse wheel if the "One screen at a time" option is enabled in the "Mouse Properties | Wheel" system window
  • B222731 - TcxTag is declared as a platform-independent signed integer (4 bytes long) rather than a platform-dependent signed integer (NativeInt equivalent, 4 or 8 bytes long)
Installation (VCL)
  • B253957 - Documentation - A number of members declared in the cxDateUtils unit reference the dxCalendarUtils unit in their declarations
  • B254499 - Documentation - Incomplete list of class members and their visibility levels in pme (Properties, Methods, and Events) topics about TcxControl descendants
C++ Windows
编译WINDOWS版SDL2:You should run hg revert SDL_config.h
编译WINDOWS版SDL2:You should run hg revert SDL_config.h
1125 0
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OLAP Shell
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