Devexpress VCL Build v2015 vol 15.1.2发布

简介: 2015年马上过半年了。终于第一个大版出来了。 What's New in 15.1.2 (VCL Product Line)   New Major Features in 15.1 What's New in VCL Products 15.


What's New in 15.1.2 (VCL Product Line)


New Major Features in 15.1

What's New in VCL Products 15.1

Breaking Changes

To learn about breaking changes in this version, please refer to the following page:

Breaking Changes in 15.1.2 (VCL Product Line)

Known Issues

To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:

Known Issues in 15.1.2 (VCL Product Line)

The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress VCL 15.1.2. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for compatibility, but have not been updated.

Enhancements and Updates


New Features/Updates

VCL Subscription
  • T252569 - Implement a control similar to DevExpress WinForms Rich Text Editor
ExpressBars Suite
  • AS3504 - Add the capability to prevent individual toolbar items from being customized
  • T228170 - Ribbon - Add the Office 2016 style
  • T147307 - TdxBarCustomPopupMenu descendants - Add the capability to adjust the size and pop-up position of the popup menu prior to displaying it onscreen
  • T248431 - TdxFcConnection - Add a property to store a pointer to arbitrary data associated with a connection
  • S31654 - TdxFcConnection - Add an option to prevent end-users from creating intermediate connection points
ExpressGauge Control
  • T247237 - Implement an auxiliary element that allows grouping several scales and resizing them simultaneously
  • T141327 - Add the capability to display custom captions in scales
  • T191556 - Add the Clever, Cosmic, Eco, Red, Shining Dark, and Silver Blur scale styles
  • T247262 - Add the design-time capability to copy and resize scales directly on a form using drag and drop
  • T247240 - Add the design-time capability to create nested scales using a scale's on-form context menu
  • T168048 - Circular and Linear scales - Add the capability to display values using a logarithmic scale
  • T122848 - Circular and Linear scales - Add the capability to synchronize a range's ValueEnd or ValueStart property values with the current scale value
  • T191135 - Circular and Linear scales - Implement value indicator animation
  • T236055 - Circular scales - Add the capability to customize the orientation of tickmark labels
  • T224011 - Circular scales - Improve label positioning for tickmarks with wide labels
  • T232573 - Digital scales - Add the capability to adjust spacing between characters (digits)
  • T191118 - Digital scales - Add the capability to display text using the 5x8 segment matrix
  • T191117 - Digital scales - Add the capability to display text using the 8x14 segment matrix
  • T247267 - Implement design-time selectors for range bars
  • T191109 - Implement Three-Fourth Circular scales
  • T191110 - Implement Wide Circular scales
  • T227423 - Smoothly scale text elements (labels and captions) in response to resizing scale bounds
ExpressLayout Control
  • T246228 - Add events to respond to making a layout group float and docking it back to its parent
  • T241827 - Add the capability to customize alignment options when dropping a layout element in quick customization mode
  • T160775 - Add the capability to display a caption in separator items (TdxLayoutSeparatorItem objects)
  • T222022 - Improve drag indication during drag-and-drop operations
  • T129501 - Prohibit a linked control from being sized by the control's AutoSize property if alignment settings of a layout item linked to this control are set to occupy the entire slot provided by the item's parent
ExpressMap Control
  • T244154 - Add the capability to localize cardinal points displayed by map point coordinates
  • T194358 - Add the capability to scroll and zoom in/out a map control's content using the keyboard
  • T241712 - Implement inertial scrolling for a map control's content
ExpressPivotGrid Suite
  • T247275 - Export - Reduce memory consumption and improve performance
  • T189816 - Improve performance of grouping a large amount of data
ExpressPrinting System
  • Q471895 - Disable item glyph stretching in all context menus painted using ExpressBars
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
  • T225426 - Add the capability to optionally move focus to the View after applying the Find Panel's search criteria
  • T189342 - Add the capability to track Find Panel visibility changes
  • T222237 - Export - Add the capability to export images displayed by cxImageComboBox grid items
  • AS4412 - Export to XLS, XLSX, or TXT - Add the capability to export detail Views
  • T210941 - Extend TcxGridPopupMenu with a built-in menu that contains Group By box options
  • T189331 - Extend TcxGridPopupMenu with an option that switches the Find Panel visibility
ExpressSkins Library
  • T214711 - Port the "Visual Studio 2013 Blue", "Visual Studio 2013 Light", and "Visual Studio 2013 Dark" skins from the Windows Forms Skinning Library
  • T199498 - Add support for keyboard shortcuts available in Excel
  • T217970 - Add the capability to export an active worksheet to a TXT, XML, or HTML file
  • T235987 - Add the capability to invoke the Format Cells dialog with a specific active tab
  • T202009 - Add the capability to iterate through all created cell objects
  • T204315 - Add the capability to outline (group) data in a worksheet
  • T232597 - Add the capability to store/restore data to/from Excel template files (XLT and XLTX files)
  • T206252 - Automatically apply a currency format to a cell into which a string representing a currency value is entered
  • T245931 - Clear data of selected cells after successfully executing the Cut clipboard operation
  • T230002 - Implement the "Find and Replace" dialog
  • T210540 - Paint a dashed border around cells that are selected for the Cut or Copy clipboard operation
  • T227368 - Reduce memory used to manage the Undo/Redo history of actions and to store cell, column, and row styles
Installation (VCL)
  • S139353 - Make installing demos and documentation optional
  • T245354 - Make the display of the installation's shortcuts more compact in the Windows Start menu and the Windows 8 Apps view
Common Libraries
ExpressEditors Library
  • Q499210 - Add the capability to align an error icon to the right edge of an editor whose value failed validation
  • AS2501 - cxCheckBox and dxToggleSwitch - Automatically size an editor horizontally if the AutoSize property is set to True
  • T217523 - cxDateEdit - Implement the modern-style drop-down calendar
  • T247406 - cxImage - Add support for animated GIF images
  • T191084 - dxToggleSwitch - Add the capability to indicate the checked state with a text or image
  • T230317 - Implement a control similar to DevExpress WinForms RatingControl component
  • Q493413 - Shell controls - Make the TcxDlgShellOptions and TcxDlgShellRoot class constructors virtual, and add the CreateShellOptions and CreateShellRoot virtual functions to the TcxCustomShellBrowserDialog class
  • AS14326 - Shell controls - Provide keyboard equivalents for the Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete operations available in context menus for shell items
  • T230661 - TcxCustomEditListBox and descendants - Do not select an item located under the mouse pointer in response to receiving the WM_MOUSEMOVE message while the mouse pointer doesn't move
ExpressGDI+ Library
  • T212451 - Display the code of the underlying Windows error that caused a GDI+ error (also called 'Invalid operation in GDI+')
  • T247405 - TdxSmartImage - Add support for animated GIF images
  • T223119 - Export - Add the capability to export data to CSV files
  • S130699 - Export - Add the capability to track the progress of exporting data and abort it if necessary
  • A2220 - Export - Assign cell number formats based on display formats of data cells exported from the Grid, Tree List, Pivot Grid, and Vertical Grid controls
  • T223128 - Export - Base an export engine on ExpressSpreadSheet
  • S134789 - Export to TXT or CSV - Extend export methods with an optional parameter that specifies the encoding format for output strings
  • T249361 - Export to XLS - Add the capability to export images
  • T191899 - Image Picker - Optimize the dialog to eliminate load delays
  • Q513808 - Improve the scaling of DevExpress controls and skinnable standard controls at high DPI settings (more than 96)
  • T201550 - TdxCustomGalleryItem and descendants - Replace the Glyph property type (TBitmap) with TdxSmartGlyph (a TdxSmartImage descendant)
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