论文阅读之 DECOLOR: Moving Object Detection by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in the Low-Rank Representation

简介: DECOLOR: Moving Object Detection by Detecting Contiguous Outliers in the Low-Rank Representation Xiaowei Zhou et al.

DECOLOR: Moving Object Detection by Detecting Contiguous Outliers

in the Low-Rank Representation

Xiaowei Zhou et al.


Abstract—Object detection is a fundamental step for automated video analysis in many vision applications. Object detection in a video
is usually performed by object detectors or background subtraction techniques. Often, an object detector requires manually labeled
examples to train a binary classifier, while background subtraction needs a training sequence that contains no objects to build a background model. To automate the analysis, object detection without a separate training phase becomes a critical task. People have tried to tackle this task by using motion information. But existing motion-based methods are usually limited when coping with complex scenarios such as nonrigid motion and dynamic background. In this paper, we show that the above challenges can be addressed in a unified framework named DEtecting Contiguous Outliers in the LOw-rank Representation (DECOLOR). This formulation integrates object detection and background learning into a single process of optimization, which can be solved by an alternating algorithm efficiently. We explain the relations between DECOLOR and other sparsity-based methods. Experiments on both simulated data and real sequences demonstrate that DECOLOR outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches and it can work effectively on a wide range of complex scenarios.







3.2.  Formulation



 rank(B) <=  K;


所谓前景,也就是相对于背景而言运动的物体,也可以说是 any object that moves differently from the background. 前景目标的运动导致了强度的变化,这就使得低秩的背景无法模拟此类像素点.所以,在低秩表示的时候,这些像素点就成了离群点.另外,就是文章引入了一个先验,即:前景目标应该是连续的区域并且相对较小.可以用马尔科夫随机场来对前景像素点进行建模.马尔科夫随机场是一种图模型(Graph Model),谈到图模型,自然少不了边和点.这里,就是将单个像素点比作是图的一个顶点,而两个像素点之间的联系,就可看作是图的边.根据Ising model 可以得到如下的关于前景S的能量函数:


其中,Uij 代表前景支持Sij的一元势能, Lambda ij,kl 控制着像素点Sij 和Skl之间相关性的强度.一元势能Uij的定义为:


从这个定义看出,ij位置的像素点为前景时,其一元能量为 Lambda ij, 当其为背景时,则是0.当最小化公式(4)时,会使得 Uij 最小,也就使得前景像素点尽量稀疏了.( sparse foreground ). 从公式(4)的第二项可以看出,当ij 和kl位置处的像素点相同时,即 Sij = Skl=0或者=1时,第二项为0;否则就是1.这样最小化公式(4)也使得前景区域和背景区域尽可能的平滑,


信号模型描述了D的构成.在背景区域,Sij = 0, 我们认为 Dij = Bij + εij, 其中εij代表独立同分布的高斯噪声.在前景区域,Sij = 1,背景区域被前景区域所遮挡,所以,Dij等于前景的强度.




为了使得上述最小化能量可解,作了相关的松弛,即: 用核范数取代了 rank(B)<=K, 将公式(6)写成其对偶的形式,并且引入矩阵操作符,得到最终的能量函数:


其中,A 是图的邻结矩阵.


3.3. Algorithm


3.3.1  Estimation of the Low-Rank Matrix B



这是从部分观察来学习一个低秩的矩阵.该问题可以用 soft-impute 算法来求解,并且用到了如下的引理:








SOFT-IMPUTE 算法对应的code如下:


 1 %% function for soft-impute
 2 function [Z,Znorm,alpha] = softImpute(X,Z,Omega,alpha0,maxRank)
 3 %
 4 % This program implements the soft-impute algorithm followed by
 5 % postprocessing in the Matrix completion paper Mazumder'10 IJML
 6 % min || Z - X ||_Omega + \alpha || Z ||_Nulear
 7 % \alpha is decrease from alpha0 to the minima value that makes rank(Z) <= maxRank
 9 % X is the incomplete matrix
10 % maxRank is the desired rank in the constraint
11 % Omega is the mask with value 1 for data and 0 for missing part
12 if isempty(Z)
13     Z = X;
14 end
15 if isempty(Omega)
16     Omega = true(size(X));
17 end
18 if isempty(alpha0)
19     [U,D] = svd(X,'econ'); 
20     alpha0 = D(2,2);
21 end
22 if isempty(maxRank)
23     maxRank = -1;
24 end
25 % parameters
26 eta = 0.707;
27 epsilon = 1e-4;
28 maxInnerIts = 20;
29 %% trivial
30 % no rank constraint
31 if maxRank >= min(size(X))
32     Z = X;
33     [U,D] = svd(Z,'econ');
34     Znorm = sum(diag(D));
35     alpha = 0;
36     return;
37 end
38 % no observation
39 if sum(Omega(:)) == 0
40     % no data
41     Z = zeros(size(X));
42     Znorm = 0;
43     alpha = alpha0;
44     return;
45 end
46 %% soft-impute
47 % 1. initialize
48 outIts = 0;
49 alpha = alpha0;
50 % 2. Do for alpha = alpha0 > alpha_1 > alpha_2 > ... > alpha_maxRank
51 disp('begin soft-impute iterations');
52 while 1
53     outIts = outIts + 1;
54     energy = inf;
55     for innerIts = 1:maxInnerIts
56         % (a)i
57         C = X.*Omega + Z.*(1-Omega);
58         [U,D,V] = svd(C,'econ');
59         VT = V';
60         % soft impute
61         d = diag(D);
62         idx = find(d > alpha);
63         Z = U(:,idx) * diag( d(idx) - alpha ) * VT(idx,:);
64         % (a)ii
65         Znorm = sum(d(idx)-alpha);
66         energy_old = energy;
67         energy = alpha*Znorm + norm(Z(Omega(:))-X(Omega(:)),'fro')/2;
68         if abs(energy - energy_old) / energy_old < epsilon
69             break
70         end
71     end
72     % check termination condition of alpha
73     k = length(idx); % rank of Z
74     disp(['alpha = ' num2str(alpha) ';    rank = ' num2str(k) ';  number of iteration: ' num2str(innerIts)]);
75     if k <= maxRank && alpha > 1e-3
76         alpha = alpha*eta;
77     else
78         break;      
79     end    
80 end
81 end


3.3.2 Estimation of the Outlier Support S

在假设给定低秩矩阵B的情况下,如何求前景支持S ? 我们可以得到如下的公式: 


从文章中得知,当给定B的时候,C 是一个常数,那么可以忽略,Sij前面的那一大堆项,也是定量,于是就成了 Sij 和 ||A vec(S)||1两家独大,这两项即是马尔科夫随机场的两项.


对应的code 为:


1        for i = 1:size(Dtau,2)
2             GCO_SetDataCost( hMRF, (amplify/gamma)*[ 0.5*(E(:,i)).^2, ~OmegaOut(:,i)*beta + OmegaOut(:,i)*0.5*max(E(:)).^2]' );
3             GCO_Expansion(hMRF);
4             Omega(:,i) = ( GCO_GetLabeling(hMRF) == 1 )';
5             energy_cut = energy_cut + double( GCO_ComputeEnergy(hMRF) );
6        end









 Here, we use the 2D parametric transforms [60] to model the translation, rotation, and planar deformation of the background. 

Dj ○ τj 代表被向量 τj ∈IRp转换后的第j帧图像,其中p表示运动模型的参数的编号,如:p=6代表仿射运动,p=8代表投影运动.所以,本文所提出的分解变成了 D○τ = B+E+ε,其中, D○τ = [D1○τ1, ... , Dn○τn], τ 是一个向量代表所有 τj 的集合.


接下来,我们用D○τ代替公式(7)中的D,并且用B,S来预测 τ,迭代的最小化下列公式:


 现在开始讨论如何通过 τ 来最小化公式(20):


此处,我们利用增量优化的方法来解决这个参数运动估计问题:在每一次迭代,我们以小的增幅 △τ 更新 τ, 将 D○τ线性化为D○τ + Jτ ,
其中,J为雅克比矩阵.所以,τ 可以用下列方式进行更新:


通过τ 的最小化过程时一个最小二乘问题,有闭合解.

实际上,τ1,...,τn 的更新可以分别独立的进行,为了加速DECOLOR的收敛,我们初始化τ,粗略的将每一帧Dj和中间帧Dn/2进行对比.这个预对齐的过程是用robust multiresolution method来进行的.








 --------------   算法部分结束   ---------------







 1 clear all
 2 close all
 4 addpath('internal');
 5 addpath(genpath('gco-v3.0'));
 7 %% data
 8 % static background
 9 dataList = {'people1','people2','cars6','cars7'};
11 for dataID = 1:4
13     dataName = dataList{dataID};
14     load(['data\' dataName],'ImData');
16     %% run DECOLOR
17     opt.flagAlign = 1;
18     opt.tol = 1e-3;
19     [LowRank,Mask,tau,info] = ObjDetection_DECOLOR(ImData,opt);
21     % warp masks to match the original images
22     for i = 1:size(ImData,3)
23         % use [Iwarp,Omega] = warpImg(I,tau,mode,extrapval)
24         Mask(:,:,i) = warpImg(double(Mask(:,:,i)),tau(:,i),1,0)>0.5;
25         cropRatio = 0.01;
26         Mask([1:round(cropRatio*size(Mask,1)),round((1-cropRatio)*size(Mask,1)):end],:,i) = false;
27         Mask(:,[1:round(cropRatio*size(Mask,2)),round((1-cropRatio)*size(Mask,2)):end],i) = false;
28     end
29     save(['result\' dataName '_DECOLOR.mat'],'dataName','Mask','LowRank','tau','info');
32     %% displaying
33     load(['result\' dataName '_DECOLOR.mat'],'dataName','Mask','LowRank','tau');
34     moviename = ['result\' dataName,'_DECOLOR.avi']; fps = 12;
35     mov = avifile(moviename,'fps',fps,'compression','none');
36     for i = 1:size(ImData,3)
37         figure(1); clf;
38         subplot(2,2,1);
39         imshow(ImData(:,:,i)), axis off, colormap gray; axis off;
40         title('Original image','fontsize',12);
41         subplot(2,2,2);
42         imshow(LowRank(:,:,i)), axis off,colormap gray; axis off;
43         title('Low Rank','fontsize',12);
44         subplot(2,2,3);
45         imshow(ImData(:,:,i)), axis off,colormap gray; axis off;
46         hold on; contour(Mask(:,:,i),[0 0],'y','linewidth',5);
47         title('Segmentation','fontsize',12);
48         subplot(2,2,4);
49         imshow(ImData(:,:,i).*uint8(Mask(:,:,i))), axis off, colormap gray; axis off;
50         title('Foreground','fontsize',12);
51         mov = addframe(mov,getframe(1));
52     end
53     h = close(mov);
55 end


2. ObjDetection_DECOLOR.m

  1 function [LowRank,Mask,tau,info] = ObjDetection_DECOLOR(ImData,opt)
  2 % This function use DECOLOR to detect moving objects in sequence ImData
  3 % http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1109/1109.0882v1.pdf
  4 % eexwzhou@ust.hk 
  5 % Syntex: [LowRank,Mask,tau] = ObjDetection_DECOLOR(ImData).
  6 % Input:
  7 %   ImData -- 3D array representing a image sequence. 
  8 %             Each image is stored in ImData(:,:,i).
  9 %   opt -- options. Usually, default setting is good. No need to specify.
 10 %   opt.K: desired rank of the estimated low-rank component. 
 11 %          Default: \sqrt(min(size(D))) is good generally.
 12 %   opt.lambda: a constant controls the strength of smoothness regularize
 13 %               lambda ~ [1 5] is recommended. Default: 5
 14 %   opt.sigma: STD of noise in the image. If not specified, computed online
 15 %   opt.flagAlign: whether alighment is needed or not.
 16 %   opt.tol: convergence precision. Default: 1e-4
 17 % Output:
 18 %   LowRank -- Low-rank background component
 19 %   Mask -- Segmented object mask
 20 %   tau - transformation parameters to compensate for camera motion
 21 %   info -- other information
 23 disp('^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^ DECOLOR ^_^^_^^_^^_^^_^');
 24 tic;
 26 %% default parameter setting
 27 if ~exist('opt','var'); opt = []; end
 28 if ~isfield(opt,'tol'); opt.tol = 1e-4; end
 29 if ~isfield(opt,'K'); opt.K = floor(sqrt(size(ImData,3))); end
 30 if ~isfield(opt,'lambda'); opt.lambda = 5; end % gamma = opt.lambda * beta;
 31 if ~isfield(opt,'sigma'); opt.sigma = []; end % sigma can be estimated online
 32 if ~isfield(opt,'flagAlign'); opt.flagAlign = false; end % alignment or not
 34 %% variable initialize
 35 ImData = mat2gray(ImData); % 0~1
 36 ImMean = mean(ImData(:)); 
 37 ImData = ImData - ImMean; % subtract mean is recommended
 38 numImg = size(ImData,3);
 39 sizeImg = [size(ImData,1),size(ImData,2)];
 40 if opt.flagAlign == true && sizeImg(2) > 1
 41     disp('----------- Pre-alignment ----------');
 42     [ImTrans,tau] = preAlign(ImData);
 43     Dtau = reshape(ImTrans,prod(sizeImg),numImg);
 44 else
 45     tau = [];
 46     Dtau = reshape(ImData,prod(sizeImg),numImg);
 47 end
 48 maxOuterIts = 20;
 49 alpha = []; % Default setting by soft-impute
 50 beta = 0.5*(std(Dtau(:,1)))^2; % Start from a big value
 51 minbeta = 0.5*(3*std(Dtau(:,1))/20)^2; % lower bound: suppose SNR <= 20
 52 sigma = opt.sigma; % if empty, will be estimated online
 53 B = Dtau; % the low-rank matrix
 54 Omega = true(size(Dtau)); % background support
 55 OmegaOut = false(size(Dtau)); % OmegaOut is to record the extrapolated regions 
 56 ObjArea = sum(~Omega(:));
 57 minObjArea = numel(Dtau(:,1))/1e4; % minimum number of outliers
 59 % graph cuts initialization
 60 % GCO toolbox is called
 61 if opt.lambda > 0
 62     hMRF = GCO_Create(prod(sizeImg),2);
 63     GCO_SetSmoothCost( hMRF, [0 1;1 0] );
 64     AdjMatrix = getAdj(sizeImg);
 65     amplify = 10 * opt.lambda;
 66     GCO_SetNeighbors( hMRF, amplify * AdjMatrix );
 67 end
 69 %% outer loop
 70 energy_old = inf; % total energy
 71 for outerIts = 1:maxOuterIts
 72     disp(['---------------- Outer Loop:  ' num2str(outerIts) ' ----------------']);
 74     %% update tau
 75     if opt.flagAlign == true && sizeImg(2) > 1
 76         disp('*** Estimate Transformation ***');
 77         for i = 1:numImg
 78             % update once
 79             [Iwarp,tau(:,i),dummy,Lout] = regImg(reshape(B(:,i),sizeImg),ImData(:,:,i),tau(:,i),double(reshape(Omega(:,i),sizeImg)),1);
 80             Dtau(:,i) = reshape(Iwarp,prod(sizeImg),1);
 81             OmegaOut(:,i) = reshape(Lout,prod(sizeImg),1); % extrapolated regions
 82         end
 83     end
 85     %% update B
 86     disp('*** Estimate Low-rank Matrix *** ');
 87     [B,Bnorm,alpha] = softImpute(Dtau,B,~OmegaOut&Omega,alpha,opt.K);
 88     E = Dtau - B;
 90     %% estimate sigma 
 91     if isempty(opt.sigma)
 92         sigma_old = sigma;
 93         residue = sort(E(~OmegaOut(:)&Omega(:))); 
 94         truncate = 0.005; 
 95         idx1 = round(truncate*length(residue))+1; 
 96         idx2 = round((1-truncate)*length(residue));
 97         sigma = std(residue(idx1:idx2));
 98         if abs(sigma_old-sigma)/abs(sigma_old) < 0.01
 99             sigma = sigma_old;
100         end
101     end
102     % update beta
103     if ObjArea < minObjArea
104         beta = beta/2;
105     else
106         beta = min(max([beta/2,0.5*(3*sigma)^2 minbeta]),beta);
107     end
108     gamma = opt.lambda * beta;
110     %% estimate S = ~Omega;
111     disp('*** Estimate Outlier Support *** ');
112     disp(['$$$ beta = ' num2str(beta) '; gamma = ' num2str(gamma) '; sigma = ' num2str(sigma)]);
113     if opt.lambda > 0
114         % call GCO to run graph cuts
115         energy_cut = 0;
116         for i = 1:size(Dtau,2)
117             GCO_SetDataCost( hMRF, (amplify/gamma)*[ 0.5*(E(:,i)).^2, ~OmegaOut(:,i)*beta + OmegaOut(:,i)*0.5*max(E(:)).^2]' );
118             GCO_Expansion(hMRF);
119             Omega(:,i) = ( GCO_GetLabeling(hMRF) == 1 )';
120             energy_cut = energy_cut + double( GCO_ComputeEnergy(hMRF) );
121         end
122         ObjArea = sum(Omega(:)==0);
123         energy_cut = (gamma/amplify) * energy_cut;
124     else
125         % direct hard thresholding if no smoothness
126         Omega = 0.5*E.^2 < beta;
127         ObjArea = sum(Omega(:)==0);
128         energy_cut = 0.5*norm(Dtau-B-E,'fro')^2 + beta*ObjArea;
129     end
131     %% display energy
132     energy = energy_cut + alpha * Bnorm;
133     disp(['>>> the object area is ' num2str(ObjArea)]);
134     disp(['>>> the objectvive energy is ' num2str(energy)]);
136     %% check termination condition
137     if ObjArea > minObjArea && abs(energy_old-energy)/energy < opt.tol; break; end
138     energy_old = energy;
140 end
142 LowRank = uint8(mat2gray(reshape(B,size(ImData))+ImMean)*256);
143 Mask = reshape(~Omega,size(ImData));
145 info.opt = opt;
146 info.time = toc;
147 info.outerIts = outerIts;
148 info.energy = energy;
149 info.rank = rank(B);
150 info.alpha = alpha;
151 info.beta = beta;
152 info.sigma = sigma;
154 if opt.lambda > 0
155     GCO_Delete(hMRF);
156 end
158 end
162 %% function to get the adjcent matirx of the graph
163 function W = getAdj(sizeData)
164 numSites = prod(sizeData);
165 id1 = [1:numSites, 1:numSites, 1:numSites];
166 id2 = [ 1+1:numSites+1,...
167         1+sizeData(1):numSites+sizeData(1),...
168         1+sizeData(1)*sizeData(2):numSites+sizeData(1)*sizeData(2)];
169 value = ones(1,3*numSites);
170 W = sparse(id1,id2,value);
171 W = W(1:numSites,1:numSites);
172 end
175 %% function for soft-impute
176 function [Z,Znorm,alpha] = softImpute(X,Z,Omega,alpha0,maxRank)
177 %
178 % This program implements the soft-impute algorithm followed by
179 % postprocessing in the Matrix completion paper Mazumder'10 IJML
180 % min || Z - X ||_Omega + \alpha || Z ||_Nulear
181 % \alpha is decrease from alpha0 to the minima value that makes rank(Z) <= maxRank
183 % X is the incomplete matrix
184 % maxRank is the desired rank in the constraint
185 % Omega is the mask with value 1 for data and 0 for missing part
186 if isempty(Z)
187     Z = X;
188 end
189 if isempty(Omega)
190     Omega = true(size(X));
191 end
192 if isempty(alpha0)
193     [U,D] = svd(X,'econ'); 
194     alpha0 = D(2,2);
195 end
196 if isempty(maxRank)
197     maxRank = -1;
198 end
199 % parameters
200 eta = 0.707;
201 epsilon = 1e-4;
202 maxInnerIts = 20;
203 %% trivial
204 % no rank constraint
205 if maxRank >= min(size(X))
206     Z = X;
207     [U,D] = svd(Z,'econ');
208     Znorm = sum(diag(D));
209     alpha = 0;
210     return;
211 end
212 % no observation
213 if sum(Omega(:)) == 0
214     % no data
215     Z = zeros(size(X));
216     Znorm = 0;
217     alpha = alpha0;
218     return;
219 end
220 %% soft-impute
221 % 1. initialize
222 outIts = 0;
223 alpha = alpha0;
224 % 2. Do for alpha = alpha0 > alpha_1 > alpha_2 > ... > alpha_maxRank
225 disp('begin soft-impute iterations');
226 while 1
227     outIts = outIts + 1;
228     energy = inf;
229     for innerIts = 1:maxInnerIts
230         % (a)i
231         C = X.*Omega + Z.*(1-Omega);
232         [U,D,V] = svd(C,'econ');
233         VT = V';
234         % soft impute
235         d = diag(D);
236         idx = find(d > alpha);
237         Z = U(:,idx) * diag( d(idx) - alpha ) * VT(idx,:);
238         % (a)ii
239         Znorm = sum(d(idx)-alpha);
240         energy_old = energy;
241         energy = alpha*Znorm + norm(Z(Omega(:))-X(Omega(:)),'fro')/2;
242         if abs(energy - energy_old) / energy_old < epsilon
243             break
244         end
245     end
246     % check termination condition of alpha
247     k = length(idx); % rank of Z
248     disp(['alpha = ' num2str(alpha) ';    rank = ' num2str(k) ';  number of iteration: ' num2str(innerIts)]);
249     if k <= maxRank && alpha > 1e-3
250         alpha = alpha*eta;
251     else
252         break;      
253     end    
254 end
255 end












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数据可视化 计算机视觉
【计算机视觉】Towards Open Vocabulary Object Detection without Human-provided Bounding Boxes
机器学习/深度学习 并行计算 算法
手把手教你使用LabVIEW OpenCV dnn实现物体识别(Object Detection)含源码
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