-- How to design an architecture which have 100 percent availability service?
当数据库服务器A还没来得及被DBSync Server同步到B上,这时A宕机了,我们可能会丢失部分数据。
As above graph, there are some backup web servers and database servers, also have one sync server to sync data from master database server A to other slave database servers.
Then problem comes:
We may lost some data when some data in DBS A didn’t sync toDBS B and it is outage!
How can we NOT to lose any data?
Based on above problem, I design another architecture like below, of course we can improve it again, talk it at the end of this article:
网页服务器A提交一个SQL脚本请求(包含requestId,它是一种Guid类型)给主数据库服务器A, A的DbSync Service会将这个SQL脚本请求同步给副本服务器B,然后再在A上执行这个SQL脚本,最终把结果返回给网页服务器A。
同样数据库服务器接受到来自A的请求,会同步这个SQL脚本到下一个副本服务器C上,然后执行结果返回给RCS结果比较服务器(所有的副本服务器的DBSync Service都会返回结果给RCS)。
Web Server A request a SQL script (Contains requestId, it isa Guid type) to Master DBS A, in DBS A its sync service will sync the SQLscript to Slave B, then DBS A’s Sync service will do the SQL script and thenreturn the result to Web Server A.
Also DBS B’s sync service receive the SQL script will syncthe SQL script to the next Slave DB server C, then execute the SQL script andreturn toResult Compare Server (allslave DB server’s DB sync service will return the result toResult Compare Server).
Result Compare Server will compare the result usingrequestId, compare the Mater’s requestId result to Slave’s requestId result:
If Master execute pass, but Slave execute failure, RCS willrerun until pass on Slave.
If Master execute fail, and Slave execute failure, RCS willdo nothing on Slave.
If Master execute fail, but Slave execute pass,
Option 1, RCS will rerun on Master until pass and notifyuser about this request pass when it pass.
Option 2, RCS will roll back the SQL script action on Slave,and do nothing on Master.
At the end of this article, you can improve it to be a better service, that's deploy another RCS backup server.
This article provide a way to deploy 100% high availability web server and database server, of course, you can also use it in C/S, not only B/S, thanks.