
Must-visit resources
The Official DirectX FAQ 
DirectX SDK Docs  - The online version 
DIRECTXDEV mailing list  - The official Microsoft mailing list for DirectX 

Article/Tutorial/Sample sites
The Z-Buffer  - Managed DirectX resources
Pieter Germishuys  - Managed DirectX tutorials
The Inner Realm  - Managed DirectX resources
Drunken Hyena  - tutorials, code, utilities, and games 
Triple Buffer  - Tutorials, code, and a DirectX framework
Code Sampler  - collection of code samples 
C-Unit DirectX Tutorials  - A series of beginner tutorials for DirectX and Managed DirectX 9.
Tom's DX FAQ  - Tom Forsyth’s DirectX FAQ
Vectiva's Managed DirectX tutorials
Andy Pike's DirectX8 Tutorials  – covering 2D, 3D, sound, music, and input 
Two Kings game development 
Gamedev.net's DirectX Articles section 
GDOD  - Gamedev DirectX Online Discussion - IRC-based DirectX lectures/talks, logs available 
NVidia Developer's FAQ  - contains a fair amount of DirectX-related information for NVidia's systems 
NeXe  - NeXe's tutorials (hosted by Gamedev.net) 
Wazoo Enterprises  - Erik Yuzwa's "Borg cube" tutorials 
Mr GameMaker  - DirectX discussion forums 
XDev.ru  - Mr Snow DirectX column 
Ultimate Game Programming 
GameTutorials:  Recently, the site began charging for tutorials - so be prepared to pay a small fee if you're willing to learn from there.

DirectX Engines
OGRE3D  - an open source 3D engine which supports DirectX 
Radon Labs  - creators of the open source "Nebula Device" engine which supports DirectX 
Irrlicht  - open source game engine which supports DirectX 
NeoEngine  - open source3 D engine which supports DirectX
Revolution3D  – free 3D engine built on DirectX 
The Urgh!  Engine – free 3D engine built on DirectX 
3DLevel  - VB.NET engines built on DirectX 
JTGame  - C++/DirectX game framework 
CatMother  - source code and content for a (now defunct) commercial project using DirectX
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