Helm 是一个 Kubernetes 的包管理工具, 就像 Linux 下的包管理器, 如 yum/apt 等, 可以很方便的将之前打包好的 yaml 文件部署到 kubernetes 上。
Helm 有 3 个重要概念:
- helm: 一个命令行客户端工具, 主要用于 Kubernetes 应用 chart 的创建、 打包、 发布和管理。
- Chart: 应用描述, 一系列用于描述 k8s 资源相关文件的集合。
- Release: 基于 Chart 的部署实体, 一个 chart 被 Helm 运行后将会生成对应的一个release; 将在 k8s 中创建出真实运行的资源对象。
在部署微服务项目时,可能有几十个服务,每个服务都有一套 yaml 文件,需要维护大量 yaml 文件,版本管理特别不方便
使用 helm 可以解决下列问题:
- 可以把微服务中的几十个 yaml 作为一个整体管理
- 实现 yaml 高效复用
- 应用级别的版本管理,当前V3,回滚到V2
helm 2019年 V3版本,变化项
- V3 版本删除 Tiller (架构变化)
- Release 可以在不同命名空间重用
- 将 Chart 推送到 docker 仓库中
下载 helm 安装压缩包,上传到 linux
解压 helm,把目录复制到 usr/bin 目录中
[root@k8smaster ~]# cd /opt/k8s/ [root@k8smaster k8s]# tar zxfv helm-v3.0.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz linux-amd64/ linux-amd64/helm linux-amd64/README.md linux-amd64/LICENSE [root@k8smaster k8s]# mv ./linux-amd64/helm /usr/bin/ # 显示版本,安装完成 [root@k8smaster k8s]# helm version version.BuildInfo{Version:"v3.0.0", GitCommit:"e29ce2a54e96cd02ccfce88bee4f58bb6e2a28b6", GitTreeState:"clean", GoVersion:"go1.13.4"} [root@k8smaster k8s]#
# 添加 仓库 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm repo add stable http://mirror.azure.cn/kubernetes/charts "stable" has been added to your repositories # 添加 阿里云仓库 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm repo add aliyun https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/charts "aliyun" has been added to your repositories # 查看 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm repo list NAME URL stable http://mirror.azure.cn/kubernetes/charts aliyun https://kubernetes.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/charts # 更新 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "aliyun" chart repository ...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈ # 删除阿里云 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm repo remove aliyun "aliyun" has been removed from your repositories [root@k8smaster ~]# helm repo list NAME URL stable http://mirror.azure.cn/kubernetes/charts [root@k8smaster ~]#
# 查找 chart [root@k8smaster ~]# helm search repo weave NAME CHART VERSION APP VERSION DESCRIPTION stable/weave-cloud 0.3.9 1.4.0 DEPRECATED - Weave Cloud is a add-on to Kuberne... stable/weave-scope 1.1.12 1.12.0 DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for the Weave Scope c... # 查看 chrt 信息 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm show chart stable/weave-scope apiVersion: v1 appVersion: 1.12.0 deprecated: true description: DEPRECATED - A Helm chart for the Weave Scope cluster visualizer. home: https://www.weave.works/oss/scope/ icon: https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/9976052?s=64 keywords: - containers - dashboard - monitoring name: weave-scope sources: - https://github.com/weaveworks/scope version: 1.1.12 # 安装,名字叫 ui [root@k8smaster ~]# helm install ui stable/weave-scope NAME: ui LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Nov 28 13:15:05 2022 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: You should now be able to access the Scope frontend in your web browser, by using kubectl port-forward: kubectl -n default port-forward $(kubectl -n default get endpoints \ ui-weave-scope -o jsonpath='{.subsets[0].addresses[0].targetRef.name}') 8080:4040 then browsing to http://localhost:8080/. For more details on using Weave Scope, see the Weave Scope documentation: https://www.weave.works/docs/scope/latest/introducing/ # 查看列表 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm list NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION ui default 1 2022-11-28 13:15:05.404335352 +0800 CST deployed weave-scope-1.1.12 1.12.0 # 查看发布状态 [root@k8smaster ~]# helm status ui NAME: ui LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Nov 28 13:15:05 2022 NAMESPACE: default STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 NOTES: You should now be able to access the Scope frontend in your web browser, by using kubectl port-forward: kubectl -n default port-forward $(kubectl -n default get endpoints \ ui-weave-scope -o jsonpath='{.subsets[0].addresses[0].targetRef.name}') 8080:4040 then browsing to http://localhost:8080/. For more details on using Weave Scope, see the Weave Scope documentation: https://www.weave.works/docs/scope/latest/introducing/ # 查看服务 当前是不暴露端口的 [root@k8smaster ~]# kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE javademo1 NodePort <none> 8111:31452/TCP 40d kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 45d nginx NodePort <none> 80:30339/TCP 45d nginx-nfs NodePort <none> 80:30205/TCP 19d ui-weave-scope ClusterIP <none> 80/TCP 3m19s # 修改 ui-weave-scpoe 暴露端口 [root@k8smaster ~]# kubectl edit svc ui-weave-scope # type: ClusterIP => 改成 type: NodePort service/ui-weave-scope edited # 再次查看,暴露了 30690 端口 [root@k8smaster ~]# kubectl get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE javademo1 NodePort <none> 8111:31452/TCP 40d kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 45d nginx NodePort <none> 80:30339/TCP 45d nginx-nfs NodePort <none> 80:30205/TCP 19d ui-weave-scope NodePort <none> 80:30690/TCP 5m26s # 删除 ui-weave-scope [root@k8smaster ~]# kubectl delete deployment ui-weave-scope [root@k8smaster ~]# kubectl delete svc ui-weave-scope