SqlAlchemy 2.0 中文文档(五十九)(5)

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简介: SqlAlchemy 2.0 中文文档(五十九)

SqlAlchemy 2.0 中文文档(五十九)(4)https://developer.aliyun.com/article/1563150


Released: June 10, 2021


  • [orm] [performance] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression involving how the ORM would resolve a given mapped column to  a result row, where under cases such as joined eager loading, a  slightly more expensive “fallback” could take place to set up this  resolution due to some logic that was removed since 1.3. The issue could  also cause deprecation warnings involving column resolution to be  emitted when using a 1.4 style query with joined eager loading.
    References: #6596
  • [orm] [bug]
    Clarified the current purpose of the relationship.bake_queries flag, which in 1.4 is to enable or disable “lambda caching” of  statements within the “lazyload” and “selectinload” loader strategies;  this is separate from the more foundational SQL query cache that is used  for most statements. Additionally, the lazy loader no longer uses its  own cache for many-to-one SQL queries, which was an implementation quirk  that doesn’t exist for any other loader scenario. Finally, the “lru  cache” warning that the lazyloader and selectinloader strategies could  emit when handling a wide array of class/relationship combinations has  been removed; based on analysis of some end-user cases, this warning  doesn’t suggest any significant issue. While setting bake_queries=False for such a relationship will remove this cache from being used, there’s  no particular performance gain in this case as using no caching vs.  using a cache that needs to refresh often likely still wins out on the  caching being used side.
    References: #6072, #6487
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Adjusted the means by which classes such as scoped_session and AsyncSession are generated from the base Session class, such that custom Session subclasses such as that used by Flask-SQLAlchemy don’t need to  implement positional arguments when they call into the superclass  method, and can continue using the same argument styles as in previous  releases.
    References: #6285
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  issue where query production for joinedload against a complex left hand  side involving joined-table inheritance could fail to produce a correct  query, due to a clause adaption issue.
    References: #6595
  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed  issue in experimental “select ORM objects from INSERT/UPDATE” use case  where an error was raised if the statement were against a  single-table-inheritance subclass.
    References: #6591
  • [orm] [bug]
    The warning that’s emitted for relationship() when multiple relationships would overlap with each other as far as  foreign key attributes written towards, now includes the specific  “overlaps” argument to use for each warning in order to silence the  warning without changing the mapping.
    References: #6400


  • [asyncio] [usecase]
    Implemented a new registry architecture that allows the Async version of an object, like AsyncSession, AsyncConnection, etc., to be locatable given the proxied “sync” object, i.e. Session, Connection. Previously, to the degree such lookup functions were used, an Async object would be re-created each time, which was less than ideal as the  identity and state of the “async” object would not be preserved across  calls.
    From there, new helper functions async_object_session(), async_session() as well as a new InstanceState attribute InstanceState.async_session have been added, which are used to retrieve the original AsyncSession associated with an ORM mapped object, a Session associated with an AsyncSession, and an AsyncSession associated with an InstanceState, respectively.
    This patch also implements new methods AsyncSession.in_nested_transaction(), AsyncSession.get_transaction(), AsyncSession.get_nested_transaction().
    References: #6319
  • [asyncio] [bug]
    Fixed an issue that presented itself when using the NullPool or the StaticPool with an async engine. This mostly affected the aiosqlite dialect.
    References: #6575
  • [asyncio] [bug]
    Added asyncio.exceptions.TimeoutError, asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError as so-called “exit exceptions”, a class of exceptions that include things like GreenletExit and KeyboardInterrupt,  which are considered to be events that warrant considering a DBAPI  connection to be in an unusable state where it should be recycled.
    References: #6592


  • [postgresql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression where using the PostgreSQL “INSERT…ON CONFLICT” structure  would fail to work with the psycopg2 driver if it were used in an  “executemany” context along with bound parameters in the “SET” clause,  due to the implicit use of the psycopg2 fast execution helpers which are  not appropriate for this style of INSERT statement; as these helpers  are the default in 1.4 this is effectively a regression. Additional  checks to exclude this kind of statement from that particular extension  have been added.
    References: #6581


  • [sqlite] [bug]
    Add note regarding encryption-related pragmas for pysqlcipher passed in the url.
    This change is also backported to: 1.3.25
    References: #6589
  • [sqlite] [bug] [regression]
    The fix for pysqlcipher released in version 1.4.3 #5848 was unfortunately non-working, in that the new on_connect_url hook was erroneously not receiving a URL object under normal usage of create_engine() and instead received a string that was unhandled; the test suite failed  to fully set up the actual conditions under which this hook is called.  This has been fixed.
    References: #6586


Released: May 29, 2021


  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression caused by just-released performance fix mentioned in #6550  where a query.join() to a relationship could produce an AttributeError  if the query were made against non-ORM structures only, a fairly unusual  calling pattern.
    References: #6558


Released: May 28, 2021


  • [general] [bug]
    Resolved various deprecation warnings which were appearing as of Python version 3.10.0b1.
    References: #6540, #6543


  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed issue when using relationship.cascade_backrefs parameter set to False,  which per cascade_backrefs behavior deprecated for removal in 2.0 is  set to become the standard behavior in SQLAlchemy 2.0, where adding the  item to a collection that uniquifies, such as set or dict would fail to fire a cascade event if the object were already  associated in that collection via the backref. This fix represents a  fundamental change in the collection mechanics by introducing a new  event state which can fire off for a collection mutation even if there  is no net change on the collection; the action is now suited using a new  event hook AttributeEvents.append_wo_mutation().
    References: #6471
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression involving clause adaption of labeled ORM compound elements,  such as single-table inheritance discriminator expressions with  conditionals or CASE expressions, which could cause aliased expressions  such as those used in ORM join / joinedload operations to not be adapted  correctly, such as referring to the wrong table in the ON clause in a  join.
    This change also improves a performance bump that was located within the process of invoking Select.join() given an ORM attribute as a target.
    References: #6550
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression where the full combination of joined inheritance, global  with_polymorphic, self-referential relationship and joined loading would  fail to be able to produce a query with the scope of lazy loads and  object refresh operations that also attempted to render the joined  loader.
    References: #6495
  • [orm] [bug]
    Enhanced the bind resolution rules for Session.execute() so that when a non-ORM statement such as an insert() construct nonetheless is built against ORM objects, to the greatest  degree possible the ORM entity will be used to resolve the bind, such as  for a Session that has a bind map set up on a common superclass without specific mappers or tables named in the map.
    References: #6484


  • [engine] [bug]
    Fixed issue where an @ sign in the database portion of a URL would not be interpreted correctly if the URL also had a username:password section.
    References: #6482
  • [engine] [bug]
    Fixed a long-standing issue with URL where query parameters following the question mark would not be parsed  correctly if the URL did not contain a database portion with a  backslash.
    References: #6329


  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression in dynamic loader strategy and relationship() overall where the relationship.order_by parameter were stored as a mutable list, which could then be mutated  when combined with additional “order_by” methods used against the  dynamic query object, causing the ORDER BY criteria to continue to grow  repetitively.
    References: #6549


  • [mssql] [usecase]
    Implemented support for a CTE construct to be used directly as the target of a delete() construct, i.e. “WITH … AS cte DELETE FROM cte”. This appears to be a useful feature of SQL Server.
    References: #6464


  • [bug] [ext]
    Fixed a deprecation warning that was emitted when using automap_base() without passing an existing Base.
    References: #6529
  • [bug] [pep484]
    Remove  pep484 types from the code. Current effort is around the stub package,  and having typing in two places makes thing worse, since the types in  the SQLAlchemy source were usually outdated compared to the version in  the stubs.
    References: #6461
  • [bug] [ext] [regression]
    Fixed regression in the sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation extension that prevented instrumentation disposal from working  completely. This fix includes both a 1.4 regression fix as well as a fix  for a related issue that existed in 1.3 also. As part of this change,  the sqlalchemy.ext.instrumentation.InstrumentationManager class now has a new method unregister(), which replaces the previous method dispose(), which was not called as of version 1.4.
    References: #6390


Released: May 11, 2021


  • [general] [feature]
    A new approach  has been applied to the warnings system in SQLAlchemy to accurately  predict the appropriate stack level for each warning dynamically. This  allows evaluating the source of SQLAlchemy-generated warnings and  deprecation warnings to be more straightforward as the warning will  indicate the source line within end-user code, rather than from an  arbitrary level within SQLAlchemy’s own source code.
    References: #6241


  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed additional regression caused by “eager loaders run on unexpire” feature #1763 where the feature would run for a contains_eager() eagerload option in the case that the contains_eager() were chained to an additional eager loader option, which would then  produce an incorrect query as the original query-bound join criteria  were no longer present.
    References: #6449
  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed  issue in subquery loader strategy which prevented caching from working  correctly. This would have been seen in the logs as a “generated”  message instead of “cached” for all subqueryload SQL emitted, which by  saturating the cache with new keys would degrade overall performance; it  also would produce “LRU size alert” warnings.
    References: #6459


  • [sql] [bug]
    Adjusted the logic added as part of #6397 in 1.4.12 so that internal mutation of the BindParameter object occurs within the clause construction phase as it did before,  rather than in the compilation phase. In the latter case, the mutation  still produced side effects against the incoming construct and  additionally could potentially interfere with other internal mutation  routines.
    References: #6460


  • [mysql] [bug] [documentation]
    Added support for the ssl_check_hostname= parameter in mysql connection URIs and updated the mysql dialect  documentation regarding secure connections. Original pull request  courtesy of Jerry Zhao.
    References: #5397


Released: May 6, 2021


  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression involving lazy='dynamic' loader in conjunction with a detached object. The previous behavior was that the dynamic loader upon calling methods like .all() returns empty lists for detached objects without error, this has been  restored; however a warning is now emitted as this is not the correct  result. Other dynamic loader scenarios correctly raise DetachedInstanceError.
    References: #6426


  • [engine] [usecase] [orm]Applied consistent behavior to the use case of calling .commit() or .rollback() inside of an existing .begin() context manager, with the addition of potentially emitting SQL within  the block subsequent to the commit or rollback. This change continues  upon the change first added in #6155 where the use case of calling “rollback” inside of a .begin() contextmanager block was proposed:
  • calling .commit() or .rollback() will now be allowed without error or warning within all scopes, including that of legacy and future Engine, ORM Session, asyncio AsyncEngine. Previously, the Session disallowed this.
  • The  remaining scope of the context manager is then closed; when the block  ends, a check is emitted to see if the transaction was already ended,  and if so the block returns without action.
  • It will now raise an error if subsequent SQL of any kind is emitted within the block, after .commit() or .rollback() is called. The block should be closed as the state of the executable object would otherwise be undefined in this state.
  • References: #6288
  • [engine] [bug] [regression]
    Established a deprecation path for calling upon the CursorResult.keys() method for a statement that returns no rows to provide support for  legacy patterns used by the “records” package as well as any other  non-migrated applications. Previously, this would raise ResourceClosedException unconditionally in the same way as it does when attempting to fetch  rows. While this is the correct behavior going forward, the LegacyCursorResult object will now in this case return an empty list for .keys() as it did in 1.3, while also emitting a 2.0 deprecation warning. The _cursor.CursorResult, used when using a 2.0-style “future” engine, will continue to raise as it does now.
    References: #6427


  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression caused by the “empty in” change just made in #6397 1.4.12 where the expression needs to be parenthesized for the “not in”  use case, otherwise the condition will interfere with the other  filtering criteria.
    References: #6428
  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    The TypeDecorator class will now emit a warning when used in SQL compilation with caching unless the .cache_ok flag is set to True or False. A new class-level attribute TypeDecorator.cache_ok may be set which will be used as an indication that all the parameters  passed to the object are safe to be used as a cache key if set to True, False means they are not.
    References: #6436


Released: May 3, 2021


  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression in selectinload loader strategy that would cause it to cache its internal state  incorrectly when handling relationships that join across more than one  column, such as when using a composite foreign key. The invalid caching  would then cause other unrelated loader operations to fail.
    References: #6410
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where Query.filter_by() would not work if the lead entity were a SQL function or other  expression derived from the primary entity in question, rather than a  simple entity or column of that entity. Additionally, improved the  behavior of Select.filter_by() overall to work with column expressions even in a non-ORM context.
    References: #6414
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where using selectinload() and subqueryload() to load a two-level-deep path would lead to an attribute error.
    References: #6419
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where using the noload() loader strategy in conjunction with a “dynamic” relationship would lead  to an attribute error as the noload strategy would attempt to apply  itself to the dynamic loader.
    References: #6420


  • [engine] [bug] [regression]
    Restored a legacy transactional behavior that was inadvertently removed from the Connection as it was never tested as a known use case in previous versions, where calling upon the Connection.begin_nested() method, when no transaction is present, does not create a SAVEPOINT at  all and instead starts an outer transaction, returning a RootTransaction object instead of a NestedTransaction object. This RootTransaction then will emit a real COMMIT on the database connection when committed.  Previously, the 2.0 style behavior was present in all cases that would  autobegin a transaction but not commit it, which is a behavioral change.
    When using a 2.0 style connection object, the behavior is unchanged from previous 1.4 versions; calling Connection.begin_nested() will “autobegin” the outer transaction if not already present, and then as instructed emit a SAVEPOINT, returning the NestedTransaction object. The outer transaction is committed by calling upon Connection.commit(), as is “commit-as-you-go” style usage.
    In non-“future” mode, while the old behavior is restored, it also emits a 2.0 deprecation warning as this is a legacy behavior.
    References: #6408


  • [asyncio] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed a regression introduced by #6337 that would create an asyncio.Lock which could be attached to the wrong loop when instantiating the async  engine before any asyncio loop was started, leading to an asyncio error  message when attempting to use the engine under certain circumstances.
    References: #6409


  • [postgresql] [usecase]
    Add support for server side cursors in the pg8000 dialect for PostgreSQL. This allows use of the Connection.execution_options.stream_results option.
    References: #6198


Released: April 29, 2021


  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed issue in Session.bulk_save_objects() when used with persistent objects which would fail to track the primary  key of mappings where the column name of the primary key were different  than the attribute name.
    This change is also backported to: 1.3.25
    References: #6392
  • [orm] [bug] [caching] [regression]
    Fixed  critical regression where bound parameter tracking as used in the SQL  caching system could fail to track all parameters for the case where the  same SQL expression containing a parameter were used in an ORM-related  query using a feature such as class inheritance, which was then embedded  in an enclosing expression which would make use of that same expression  multiple times, such as a UNION. The ORM would individually copy the  individual SELECT statements as part of compilation with class  inheritance, which then embedded in the enclosing statement would fail  to accommodate for all parameters. The logic that tracks this condition  has been adjusted to work for multiple copies of a parameter.
    References: #6391
  • [orm] [bug]Fixed two distinct issues mostly affecting hybrid_property,  which would come into play under common mis-configuration scenarios  that were silently ignored in 1.3, and now failed in 1.4, where the  “expression” implementation would return a non ClauseElement such as a boolean value. For both issues, 1.3’s behavior was to  silently ignore the mis-configuration and ultimately attempt to  interpret the value as a SQL expression, which would lead to an  incorrect query.
  • Fixed issue regarding interaction of the attribute system with hybrid_property, where if the __clause_element__() method of the attribute returned a non-ClauseElement object, an internal AttributeError would lead the attribute to return the expression function on the hybrid_property itself, as the attribute error was against the name .expression which would invoke the __getattr__() method as a fallback. This now raises explicitly. In 1.3 the non-ClauseElement was returned directly.
  • Fixed  issue in SQL argument coercions system where passing the wrong kind of  object to methods that expect column expressions would fail if the  object were altogether not a SQLAlchemy object, such as a Python  function, in cases where the object were not just coerced into a bound  value. Again 1.3 did not have a comprehensive argument coercion system  so this case would also pass silently.
  • References: #6350
  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed issue where using a Select as a subquery in an ORM context would modify the Select in place to disable eagerloads on that object, which would then cause that same Select to not eagerload if it were then re-used in a top-level execution context.
    References: #6378
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  issue where the new autobegin behavior failed to “autobegin” in the  case where an existing persistent object has an attribute change, which  would then impact the behavior of Session.rollback() in  that no snapshot was created to be rolled back. The “attribute modify”  mechanics have been updated to ensure “autobegin”, which does not  perform any database work, does occur when persistent attributes change  in the same manner as when Session.add() is called. This is  a regression as in 1.3, the rollback() method always had a transaction  to roll back and would expire every time.
    References: #6359, #6360
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression in ORM where using hybrid property to indicate an expression  from a different entity would confuse the column-labeling logic in the  ORM and attempt to derive the name of the hybrid from that other class,  leading to an attribute error. The owning class of the hybrid attribute  is now tracked along with the name.
    References: #6386
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression in hybrid_property where a hybrid against a SQL function would generate an AttributeError when attempting to generate an entry for the .c collection of a subquery in some cases; among other things this would impact its use in cases like that of Query.count().
    References: #6401
  • [orm] [bug] [dataclasses]
    Adjusted the declarative scan for dataclasses so that the inheritance behavior of declared_attr() established on a mixin, when using the new form of having it inside of a dataclasses.field() construct and not actually a descriptor attribute on the class,  correctly accommodates the case when the target class to be mapped is a  subclass of an existing mapped class which has already mapped that declared_attr(), and therefore should not be re-applied to this class.
    References: #6346
  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed an issue with the (deprecated in 1.4) ForeignKeyConstraint.copy() method that caused an error when invoked with the schema argument.
    References: #6353


  • [engine] [bug]
    Fixed issue where usage of an explicit Sequence would produce inconsistent “inline” behavior for an Insert construct that includes multiple values phrases; the first seq would be  inline but subsequent ones would be “pre-execute”, leading to  inconsistent sequence ordering. The sequence expressions are now fully  inline.
    References: #6361


  • [sql] [bug]
    Revised the “EMPTY IN”  expression to no longer rely upon using a subquery, as this was causing  some compatibility and performance problems. The new approach for  selected databases takes advantage of using a NULL-returning IN  expression combined with the usual “1 != 1” or “1 = 1” expression  appended by AND or OR. The expression is now the default for all  backends other than SQLite, which still had some compatibility issues  regarding tuple “IN” for older SQLite versions.
    Third party dialects can still override how the “empty set” expression renders by implementing a new compiler method def visit_empty_set_op_expr(self, type_, expand_op), which takes precedence over the existing def visit_empty_set_expr(self, element_types) which remains in place.
    References: #6258, #6397
  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where usage of the text() construct inside the columns clause of a Select construct, which is better handled by using a literal_column() construct, would nonetheless prevent constructs like union() from working correctly. Other use cases, such as constructing  subuqeries, continue to work the same as in prior versions where the text() construct is silently omitted from the collection of exported columns. Also repairs similar use within the ORM.
    References: #6343
  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression involving legacy methods such as Select.append_column() where internal assertions would fail.
    References: #6261
  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression caused by #5395 where tuning back the check for sequences in select() now caused failures when doing 2.0-style querying with a mapped class that also happens to have an __iter__() method. Tuned the check some more to accommodate this as well as some other interesting __iter__() scenarios.
    References: #6300


  • [schema] [bug] [mariadb] [mysql] [oracle] [postgresql]
    Ensure that the MySQL and MariaDB dialect ignore the Identity construct while rendering the AUTO_INCREMENT keyword in a create table.
    The Oracle and PostgreSQL compiler was updated to not render Identity if the database version does not support it (Oracle < 12 and  PostgreSQL < 10). Previously it was rendered regardless of the  database version.
    References: #6338


  • [postgresql] [bug]
    Fixed very old issue where the Enum datatype would not inherit the MetaData.schema parameter of a MetaData object when that object were passed to the Enum using Enum.metadata.
    References: #6373


  • [sqlite] [usecase]
    Default to using SingletonThreadPool for in-memory SQLite databases created using URI filenames. Previously the default pool used was the NullPool that precented sharing the same database between multiple engines.
    References: #6379


  • [mssql] [bug] [schema]
    Add TypeEngine.as_generic() support for sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql.BIT columns, mapping them to Boolean.
    References: #6345
  • [mssql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression caused by #6306 which added support for DateTime(timezone=True),  where the previous behavior of the pyodbc driver of implicitly dropping  the tzinfo from a timezone-aware date when INSERTing into a  timezone-naive DATETIME column were lost, leading to a SQL Server error  when inserting timezone-aware datetime objects into timezone-native  database columns.
    References: #6366


Released: April 21, 2021

orm declarative

  • [orm] [declarative] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression where recent changes to support Python dataclasses had the  inadvertent effect that an ORM mapped class could not successfully  override the __new__() method.
    References: #6331


  • [engine] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed critical regression caused by the change in #5497 where the connection pool “init” phase no longer occurred within  mutexed isolation, allowing other threads to proceed with the dialect  uninitialized, which could then impact the compilation of SQL  statements.
    References: #6337


Released: April 20, 2021


  • [orm] [usecase]
    Altered some of the behavior repaired in #6232 where the immediateload loader strategy no longer goes into recursive loops; the modification  is that an eager load (joinedload, selectinload, or subqueryload) from  A->bs->B which then states immediateload for a simple  manytoone B->a->A that’s in the identity map will populate the  B->A, so that this attribute is back-populated when the collection of  A/A.bs are loaded. This allows the objects to be functional when  detached.
  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed bug in new with_loader_criteria() feature where using a mixin class with declared_attr() on an attribute that were accessed inside the custom lambda would emit a  warning regarding using an unmapped declared attr, when the lambda  callable were first initialized. This warning is now prevented using  special instrumentation for this lambda initialization step.
    References: #6320
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed additional regression caused by the “eagerloaders on refresh” feature added in #1763 where the refresh operation historically would set populate_existing,  which given the new feature now overwrites pending changes on eagerly  loaded objects when autoflush is false. The populate_existing flag has  been turned off for this case and a more specific method used to ensure  the correct attributes refreshed.
    References: #6326
  • [orm] [bug] [result]
    Fixed an issue when using 2.0 style execution that prevented using Result.scalar_one() or Result.scalar_one_or_none() after calling Result.unique(), for the case where the ORM is returning a single-element row in any case.
    References: #6299


  • [sql] [bug]
    Fixed issue in SQL compiler where the bound parameters set up for a Values construct wouldn’t be positionally tracked correctly if inside of a CTE,  affecting database drivers that support VALUES + ctes and use  positional parameters such as SQL Server in particular as well as  asyncpg. The fix also repairs support for compiler flags such as literal_binds.
    References: #6327
  • [sql] [bug]
    Repaired  and solidified issues regarding custom functions and other arbitrary  expression constructs which within SQLAlchemy’s column labeling  mechanics would seek to use str(obj) to get a string representation to use as an anonymous column name in the .c collection of a subquery. This is a very legacy behavior that performs  poorly and leads to lots of issues, so has been revised to no longer  perform any compilation by establishing specific methods on FunctionElement to handle this case, as SQL functions are the only use case that it  came into play. An effect of this behavior is that an unlabeled column  expression with no derivable name will be given an arbitrary label  starting with the prefix "_no_label" in the .c collection of a subquery; these were previously being represented  either as the generic stringification of that expression, or as an  internal symbol.
    References: #6256


  • [schema] [bug]
    Fixed issue where next_value() was not deriving its type from the corresponding Sequence, instead hardcoded to Integer. The specific numeric type is now used.
    References: #6287


  • [mypy] [bug]
    Fixed issue where mypy plugin would not correctly interpret an explicit Mapped annotation in conjunction with a relationship() that refers to a class by string name; the correct annotation would be  downgraded to a less specific one leading to typing errors.
    References: #6255


  • [mssql] [usecase]
    The DateTime.timezone parameter when set to True will now make use of the DATETIMEOFFSET column type with SQL Server when used to emit DDL, rather than DATETIME where the flag was silently ignored.
    References: #6306


  • [bug] [declarative] [regression]
    Fixed instrument_declarative() that called a non existing registry method.
    References: #6291


Released: April 17, 2021


  • [orm] [usecase]
    Established support for synoynm() in conjunction with hybrid property, assocaitionproxy is set up  completely, including that synonyms can be established linking to these  constructs which work fully. This is a behavior that was semi-explicitly  disallowed previously, however since it did not fail in every scenario,  explicit support for assoc proxy and hybrids has been added.
    References: #6267
  • [orm] [performance] [bug] [regression] [sql]
    Fixed a critical performance issue where the traversal of a select() construct would traverse a repetitive product of the represented FROM  clauses as they were each referenced by columns in the columns clause;  for a series of nested subqueries with lots of columns this could cause a  large delay and significant memory growth. This traversal is used by a  wide variety of SQL and ORM functions, including by the ORM Session when it’s configured to have “table-per-bind”, which while this is not a  common use case, it seems to be what Flask-SQLAlchemy is hardcoded as  using, so the issue impacts Flask-SQLAlchemy users. The traversal has  been repaired to uniqify on FROM clauses which was effectively what  would happen implicitly with the pre-1.4 architecture.
    References: #6304
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where an attribute that is mapped to a synonym() could not be used in column loader options such as load_only().
    References: #6272


  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where an empty in statement on a tuple would result in an error when compiled with the option literal_binds=True.
    References: #6290


  • [postgresql] [bug] [regression] [sql]
    Fixed  an argument error in the default and PostgreSQL compilers that would  interfere with an UPDATE…FROM or DELETE…FROM…USING statement that was  then SELECTed from as a CTE.
    References: #6303


Released: April 15, 2021


  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed a cache leak involving the with_expression() loader option, where the given SQL expression would not be correctly considered as part of the cache key.
    Additionally, fixed regression involving the corresponding query_expression() feature. While the bug technically exists in 1.3 as well, it was not exposed until 1.4. The “default expr” value of null() would be rendered when not needed, and additionally was also not  adapted correctly when the ORM rewrites statements such as when using  joined eager loading. The fix ensures “singleton” expressions like NULL and true aren’t “adapted” to refer to columns in ORM statements, and additionally ensures that a query_expression() with no default expression doesn’t render in the statement if a with_expression() isn’t used.
    References: #6259
  • [orm] [bug]
    Fixed issue in the new feature of Session.refresh() introduced by #1763 where eagerly loaded relationships are also refreshed, where the lazy="raise" and lazy="raise_on_sql" loader strategies would interfere with the immediateload() loader strategy, thus breaking the feature for relationships that were loaded with selectinload(), subqueryload() as well.
    References: #6252


  • [engine] [bug]
    The Dialect.has_table() method now raises an informative exception if a non-Connection is  passed to it, as this incorrect behavior seems to be common. This method  is not intended for external use outside of a dialect. Please use the Inspector.has_table() method or for cross-compatibility with older SQLAlchemy versions, the Engine.has_table() method.


  • [sql] [feature]
    The tuple returned by CursorResult.inserted_primary_key is now a Row object with a named tuple interface on top of the existing tuple interface.
    References: #3314
  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where the BindParameter object would not properly render for an IN expression (i.e. using the  “post compile” feature in 1.4) if the object were copied from either an  internal cloning operation, or from a pickle operation, and the  parameter name contained spaces or other special characters.
    References: #6249
  • [sql] [bug] [regression] [sqlite]
    Fixed  regression where the introduction of the INSERT syntax “INSERT… VALUES  (DEFAULT)” was not supported on some backends that do however support  “INSERT…DEFAULT VALUES”, including SQLite. The two syntaxes are now each  individually supported or non-supported for each dialect, for example  MySQL supports “VALUES (DEFAULT)” but not “DEFAULT VALUES”. Support for  Oracle has also been enabled.
    References: #6254


  • [mypy] [change]
    Updated Mypy plugin to only use the public plugin interface of the semantic analyzer.
  • [mypy] [bug]
    Revised the fix for OrderingList from version 1.4.7 which was testing against the incorrect API.
    References: #6205


  • [asyncio] [bug]
    Fix typo that prevented setting the bind attribute of an AsyncSession to the correct value.
    References: #6220


  • [mssql] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed an additional regression in the same area as that of #6173, #6184,  where using a value of 0 for OFFSET in conjunction with LIMIT with SQL  Server would create a statement using “TOP”, as was the behavior in 1.3,  however due to caching would then fail to respond accordingly to other  values of OFFSET. If the “0” wasn’t first, then it would be fine. For  the fix, the “TOP” syntax is now only emitted if the OFFSET value is  omitted entirely, that is, Select.offset() is not used.  Note that this change now requires that if the “with_ties” or “percent”  modifiers are used, the statement can’t specify an OFFSET of zero, it  now needs to be omitted entirely.
    References: #6265


Released: April 9, 2021


  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where the subqueryload() loader strategy would fail to correctly accommodate sub-options, such as a defer() option on a column, if the “path” of the subqueryload were more than one level deep.
    References: #6221
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where the merge_frozen_result() function relied upon by the dogpile.caching example was not included in  tests and began failing due to incorrect internal arguments.
    References: #6211
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed critical regression where the Session could fail to “autobegin” a new transaction when a flush occurred  without an existing transaction in place, implicitly placing the Session into legacy autocommit mode which commit the transaction. The Session now has a check that will prevent this condition from occurring, in addition to repairing the flush issue.
    Additionally, scaled back part of the change made as part of #5226 which can run autoflush during an unexpire operation, to not actually do this in the case of a Session using legacy Session.autocommit mode, as this incurs a commit within a refresh operation.
    References: #6233
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed  regression where the ORM compilation scheme would assume the function  name of a hybrid property would be the same as the attribute name in  such a way that an AttributeError would be raised, when it  would attempt to determine the correct name for each element in a result  tuple. A similar issue exists in 1.3 but only impacts the names of  tuple rows. The fix here adds a check that the hybrid’s function name is  actually present in the __dict__ of the class or its  superclasses before assigning this name; otherwise, the hybrid is  considered to be “unnamed” and ORM result tuples will use the naming  scheme of the underlying expression.
    References: #6215
  • [orm] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed critical regression caused by the new feature added as part of #1763,  eager loaders are invoked on unexpire operations. The new feature makes  use of the “immediateload” eager loader strategy as a substitute for a  collection loading strategy, which unlike the other “post-load”  strategies was not accommodating for recursive invocations between  mutually-dependent relationships, leading to recursion overflow errors.
    References: #6232


  • [engine] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed up the behavior of the Row object when dictionary access is used upon it, meaning converting to a dict via dict(row) or accessing members using strings or other objects i.e. row["some_key"] works as it would with a dictionary, rather than raising TypeError as would be the case with a tuple, whether or not the C extensions are  in place. This was originally supposed to emit a 2.0 deprecation warning  for the “non-future” case using LegacyRow, and was to raise TypeError for the “future” Row class. However, the C version of Row was failing to raise this TypeError, and to complicate matters, the Session.execute() method now returns Row in all cases to maintain consistency with the ORM result case, so users  who didn’t have C extensions installed would see different behavior in  this one case for existing pre-1.4 style code.
    Therefore, in order to soften the overall upgrade scheme as most users have not been exposed to the more strict behavior of Row up through 1.4.6, LegacyRow and Row both provide for string-key access as well as support for dict(row), in all cases emitting the 2.0 deprecation warning when SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20 is enabled. The Row object still uses tuple-like behavior for __contains__, which is probably the only noticeable behavioral change compared to LegacyRow, other than the removal of dictionary-style methods values() and items().
    References: #6218


  • [sql] [bug] [regression]
    Enhanced the “expanding” feature used for ColumnOperators.in_() operations to infer the type of expression from the right hand list of  elements, if the left hand side does not have any explicit type set up.  This allows the expression to support stringification among other  things. In 1.3, “expanding” was not automatically used for ColumnOperators.in_() expressions, so in that sense this change fixes a behavioral regression.
    References: #6222
  • [sql] [bug]
    Fixed  the “stringify” compiler to support a basic stringification of a  “multirow” INSERT statement, i.e. one with multiple tuples following the  VALUES keyword.


  • [schema] [bug] [regression]
    Fixed regression where usage of a token in the Connection.execution_options.schema_translate_map dictionary which contained special characters such as braces would fail  to be substituted properly. Use of square bracket characters [] is now explicitly disallowed as these are used as a delimiter character in the current implementation.
    References: #6216


  • [mypy] [bug]
    Fixed issue in Mypy  plugin where the plugin wasn’t inferring the correct type for columns of  subclasses that don’t directly descend from TypeEngine, in particular that of TypeDecorator and UserDefinedType.


  • [tests] [change]
    Added a new flag to DefaultDialect called supports_schemas; third party dialects may set this flag to False to disable SQLAlchemy’s schema-level tests when running the test suite for a third party dialect.

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SQL 缓存 关系型数据库
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SQL 缓存 关系型数据库
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SQL 关系型数据库 API
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SQL 关系型数据库 测试技术
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SQL 关系型数据库 数据库
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SQL 缓存 关系型数据库
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SQL Oracle 关系型数据库
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SQL 关系型数据库 MySQL
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SQL 关系型数据库 PostgreSQL
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