catalogs = { #‘catalog name’ : { ‘base_url’ : beginning part of URL from ‘http://’ to before first ‘/’, ‘search_url’ : URL for online catalog search without base URL including ‘/’; make sure that ‘{0}’ is in the proper place for the query of ISSN, ‘search_title’ : CSS selector for parent element of anchor containing the journal title on search results in HTML, ‘bib_record’ : CSS selector for record metadata on catalog item’s HTML page, ‘bib_title’ : CSS selector for parent element of anchor containing the journal title, ‘bib_subjects’ : HTML selector for specific table element where text begins with “Topics”, “Subject” in catalog item’s HTML page in context of bib_record ‘worldcat’ : { ‘base_url’ : “”, ‘search_url’ : “/search?qt=worldcat_org_all&q={0}”, ‘search_title’ : “.result.details .name”, ‘bib_record’ : “div#bibdata”, ‘bib_title’ : “div#bibdata h1.title”, ‘bib_subjects’ : “th” }, ‘carli_i-share’ : { ‘base_url’ : “”, ‘search_url’ : “/all/vf-sie/Search/Home?lookfor={0}&type=isn&start_over=0&submit=Find&search=new”, ‘search_title’ : “.result .resultitem”, ‘bib_record’ : “.record table.citation”, ‘bib_title’ : “.record h1”, ‘bib_subjects’ : “th” }, ‘mobius’ : { ‘base_url’ : ‘’, ‘search_url’ : “/iii/encore/search/C__S{0}%20__Orightresult__U?lang=eng&suite=cobalt”, ‘search_title’ : “.dpBibTitle .title”, ‘bib_record’ : “table#bibInfoDetails”, ‘bib_title’ : “div#bibTitle”, ‘bib_subjects’ : “td” } } Obtain the right parameters for specific catalog systems Input: catalog name: ‘worldcat’, ‘carli i-share’, ‘mobius’ Output: dictionary of catalog parameters def get_catalog_params(catalog_key): try: return catalogs[catalog_key] except: print(‘Error - unknown catalog %s’ % catalog_key) Search catalog for item by ISSN Input: ISSN, catalog parameters Output: full URL for catalog item def search_catalog (issn, p = catalogs[‘carli_i-share’]): title_url = None catalog url for searching by issn url = p[‘base_url’] + p[‘search_url’].format(issn) u = urlopen (url) try: html =‘utf-8’) finally: u.close() try: soup = BeautifulSoup (html, features=“html.parser”) title =[‘search_title’])[0] title_url = title.find(“a”)[‘href’] except: print(‘Error - unable to search catalog by ISSN’) return title_url return p[‘base_url’] + title_url Scrape catalog item URL for metadata Input: full URL, catalog parameters Output: dictionary of catalog item metadata, including title and subjects def scrape_catalog_item(url, p = catalogs[‘carli_i-share’]): result = {‘title’:None, ‘subjects’:None} u = urlopen (url) try: html =‘utf-8’) finally: u.close() try: soup = BeautifulSoup (html, features=“html.parser”)
try: title = soup.select_one(p[‘bib_title’]).contents[0].strip()
save title to result dictionary
result[“title”] = title except: print(‘Error - unable to scrape title from url’)
try: record = soup.select_one(p[‘bib_record’]) subject = record.find_all(p[‘bib_subjects’], string=re.compile(“(Subjects*|Topics*)”))[0] subject_header_row = subject.parent subject_anchors = subject_header_row.find_all(“a”) subjects = [] for anchor in subject_anchors: subjects.append(anchor.string.strip())
save subjects to result dictionary
result[“subjects”] = subjects except: print(‘Error - unable to scrape subjects from url’) except: print(‘Error - unable to scrape url’) return result
Search for catalog item and process metadata from item’s HTML page Input: ISSN, catalog paramters Output: dictionary of values: issn, catalog url, title, subjects def get_issn_data(issn, p = catalogs[‘carli_i-share’]): results = {‘issn’:issn, ‘url’:None, ‘title’:None, ‘subjects’:None} time.sleep(time_delay) url = search_catalog(issn, params) results[‘url’] = url if url: # only parse metadata for valid URL time.sleep(time_delay) item_data = scrape_catalog_item(url, params) results[‘title’] = item_data[‘title’] if item_data[‘subjects’] is not None: results[‘subjects’] = ‘,’.join(item_data[‘subjects’]).replace(‘, -’, ’ - ') return results
main loop to parse all journals
time_delay = 0.5 # time delay in seconds to prevent Denial of Service (DoS) try:
setup arguments for command line
args = sys.argv[1:] parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=‘Scrape out metadata from online catalogs for an ISSN’) parser.add_argument(‘catalog’, type=str, choices=(‘worldcat’, ‘carli_i-share’, ‘mobius’), help=‘Catalog name’) parser.add_argument(‘-b’, ‘–batch’, nargs=1, metavar=(‘Input CSV’), help=‘Run in batch mode - processing multiple ISSNs’) parser.add_argument(‘-s’, ‘–single’, nargs=1, metavar=(‘ISSN’), help=‘Run for single ISSN’) args = parser.parse_args() params = get_catalog_params(args.catalog) # catalog parameters
single ISSN
if args.single is not None: issn = args.single[0] r = get_issn_data(issn, params) print(‘ISSN: {0}\r\nURL: {1}\r\nTitle: {2}\r\nSubjects: {3}’.format(r[‘issn’], r[‘url’], r[‘title’], r[‘subjects’]))
multiple ISSNs
elif args.batch is not None: input_filename = args.batch[0] output_filename = ‘batch_output_{0}.csv’.format(args.catalog) # put name of catalog at end of output file with open(input_filename, mode=‘r’) as csv_input, open(output_filename, mode=‘w’, newline=‘’, encoding=‘utf-8’) as csv_output: read_in = csv.reader(csv_input, delimiter=‘,’) write_out = csv.writer(csv_output, delimiter=‘,’, quotechar=‘"’, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) write_out.writerow([‘ISSN’, ‘URL’, ‘Title’, ‘Subjects’]) # write out headers to output file total_rows = sum(1 for row in read_in) # read all rows to get total # move back to beginning of file read_in = csv.reader(csv_input, delimiter=‘,’) # reload csv reader object for row in tqdm(read_in, total=total_rows): # tqdm is progress bar
each row is an ISSN
issn = row[0] r = get_issn_data(issn, params) write_out.writerow([r[‘issn’], r[‘url’], r[‘title’], r[‘subjects’]])
👉 四、实战案例