while 条件表达式: code1
(1) 初始化一个变量
(2) 写上循环的条件
(3) 自增自减的值
1.用循环打印1 ~ 100步骤解析
#(1) 初始化一个变量
i = 1 #(2) 写上循环的条件 while i <= 100: # (4) 写上循环的逻辑 print(i) # (3) 自增自减的值 i += 1 # i = i + 1
第一次循环 i = 1 i<=100 判断为真,执行循环体 print(1) i += 1 i => 2 第二次循环 代码回到17行,重新进行条件判定 i = 2 i<=100 判断为真,执行循环体 print(2) i += 1 i => 3 第三次循环 代码回到17行,重新进行条件判定 i = 3 i<=100 判断为真,执行循环体 print(3) i += 1 i => 4 … 以此类推 直到i = 101 i <= 100 判断为假,不执行循环体,到此循环结束… 1 ~ 100
2. 1 ~ 100的累加和
#(1) 初始化一个变量
i = 1 total = 0 #(2) 写上循环的条件 while i <= 100 : # (4) 写上自定义的逻辑 total += i # (3) 自增自减的值 i += 1 print(total)
第一次循环 i = 1 i <= 100 判定为真True 执行循环体 total += i => total = total + i => 0 + 1 i += 1 => i = 2 第二次循环 i = 2 i <= 100 判定为真True 执行循环体 total += i => total = total + i => 0 + 1 + 2 i += 1 => i = 3 第三次循环 i = 3 i <= 100 判定为真True 执行循环体 total += i => total = total + i => 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 i += 1 => i = 4 … 依次类推 当i = 101 101 <= 100 判定为假False 不执行循环体,到此,循环结束… total += i => total + i => 0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + … + 100 => 5050
while True: print(1)
1. 用死循环的方法实现 1 ~ 100累加和
i = 1 total = 0 sign = True #设置个变量,是为了不使用关键字的情况下,控制能退出循环 while sign: total += i i+=1 # 判断i是否加到了101 , 不参与循环 if i == 101: # 终止循环 sign = False print(total) #1 ~ 100 = 5050
4. 单向循环
(1)打印 一行十个小星星*
help(print) #help 查看某个方法的文档 相当于linux里面的 --help ,查看某函数(方法)的使用方法 help(print)
i = 0 while i<10: # end='' 打印时,尾部默认不加换行 print("*",end='') i += 1 # 默认换行 # print()
i = 0 strvar = "" while i < 10: # 写上循环的逻辑 strvar += "*" # strvar = strvar + "*" i +=1 print(strvar)
strvar += "*" => strvar = "*" strvar += "*" => strvar = "*" + "*" = "**" strvar += "*" => strvar = "**" + "*" = "***" ... strvar += "*" => strvar = "********" + "*" = "*********"
(3)一行十个换色的星星 ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆
i = 0 while i < 5: print("★☆",end="") i+=1
i = 0 while i < 10: if i % 2 == 0 : print("★",end="") else: print("☆",end="") i+=1 print("<=============>")
i = 0 strvar = "" while i < 10: if i % 2 == 0 : strvar += "★" else: strvar += "☆" i+=1 print(strvar)
公式: 任意数 和 n 进行取余,余数的范围: 0 ~ (n-1)
0 % 2 = 0
1 % 2 = 1
2 % 2 = 0
3 % 2 = 1
被除数 % 2 => 0 或者 1
0 % 5 = 0
1 % 5 = 1
2 % 5 = 2
3 % 5 = 3
4 % 5 = 4
5 % 5 = 0
6 % 5 = 1
7 % 5 = 2
被除数 % 5 => 0 或者 1,2,3,4
i = 0 while i < 100: # 逻辑写在这里 print("*" , end="") # 打印换行 (在9 19 29 .. 99 ) if i % 10 == 9: print() i += 1
9 19 29 39 49 59 69 79 89 99 个位数都带9,与9取余为0时换行,即可
9 % 10 = 9
19 % 10 = 9
29 % 10 = 9
99 % 10 = 9
i = 1 while i <= 100: # 逻辑写在这里 print("*" , end="") # 打印换行 (在10 20 30 .. 100 ) if i % 10 == 0: print() i += 1
12345678910 ********** 11121314151617181920 ********** 21222324252627282930 ********** ... 919293949596979899100 ********** 10 20 30 ... 100
(5) 一个循环实现十行十列,格列换色的小星星
i = 0 while i < 100: # (1)打印星星 if i % 2 == 0 : print("★",end="") else: print("☆",end="") # (2)打印换行 (在9 19 29 .. 99 ) if i % 10 == 9: print() i += 1
0 // 10 = 0 1 // 10 = 0 2 // 10 = 0 … 9 // 10 = 0 0 ~ 9 // 10 => 0 (10个相同的0) 10 // 10 = 1 11 // 10 = 1 12 // 10 = 1 … 19 // 10 = 1 10 ~ 19 // 10 => 1 (10个相同的1) … 以此类推 20 ~ 29 // 10 => 2 (10个相同的2) 30 ~ 39 // 10 => 3 (10个相同的3) 40 ~ 49 // 10 => 4 (10个相同的4) … 90 ~ 99 // 10 => 9 (10个相同的9) 0~ 100 会出现10个相同的0,1,2 , 3 … 9 0 // 3 0 1 // 3 0 2 // 3 0 3 // 3 1 4 // 3 1 5 // 3 1 “”" “”“”“”
i = 0 while i < 100: # (1)打印星星 if i // 10 % 2 == 0: print("★",end="") else: print("☆",end="") # (2)打印换行 (在9 19 29 .. 99 ) if i % 10 == 9: print() i += 1
i = 10 while i < 110: # 打印星星 num = int(str(i)[-2]) if num % 2 == 0 : print("★",end="") else: print("☆",end="") # 打印换行 if i % 10 == 9: print() i+=1
""" 10 ~ 100 101 102 103 110... 10 ~ 19 => 1 20 ~ 29 => 2 30 ~ 39 => 3 90 ~ 99 => 9 100 ~ 109 => 0 """
#■ □
i = 0 while i < 8: j = 0 while j < 8: if i % 2 == 0: if j % 2 == 0: print("■",end='') else: print("□", end='') else: if j % 2 == 1: print("■",end='') else: print("□", end='') if j == 7 : print() j += 1 i += 1
j = 0 while j < 10: # 打印星星 i = 0 while i < 10: print("*",end="") i+=1 # 打印换行 print() j += 1
i = 0 while i < 10: # 打印一行黑白相间的星星 j = 0 while j < 10: if j % 2 == 0: print("☆",end="") else: print("★",end="") j +=1 # 打印换行 print() i+=1
外层的i动一次, 内层的循环动10次
i = 0 while i < 10 : j = 0 while j < 10: if i % 2 == 0: print("☆",end="") else: print("★",end="") j +=1 print() i +=1
i = 1 while i <= 9: # 打印对应的表达式 j = 1 while j <= i: print("%d*%d=%2d " % (i,j,i*j) ,end="" ) j+=1 # 打印换行 print() i +=1
i = 9 while i >= 1: # 打印对应的表达式 j = 1 while j <= i: print("%d*%d=%2d " % (i,j,i*j) ,end="" ) j+=1 # 打印换行 print() i -= 1
i = 1 while i <= 9 : kongge = 9 - i # 打印空格 while kongge > 0: print(" ",end="") kongge -= 1 # 打印表达式 j = 1 while j <= i: print("%d*%d=%2d " % (i,j,i*j) ,end="" ) j+=1 # 换行 print() i +=1
原理:如图3, 1x1被空格挤到了右边,每个表达式f"{j} x {i}={i*j:>2}",end=’ ’ 占了9位,即9个空格。最多的一行从1x1到1x9 一共占了 9组,9x9 =81个空格,但有个1x1一组,空格最多一行占八组空格
所以空格组数,从8到 1依次递减,直到最后一行,空格数为零,不再需要空格去占位。跟之前的1x1到1x9打印方式一样
即每个表达式f"{j} x {i}={i*j:>2}",end=’ ’ 占了9位,即9个空格
i = 9 while i >= 1 : kongge = 9 - i # 打印空格 while kongge > 0: print(" ",end="") kongge -= 1 # 打印表达式 j = 1 while j <= i: print("%d*%d=%2d " % (i,j,i*j) ,end="" ) j+=1 # 打印换行 print() i -=1
6.求吉利数字 100 ~ 999 之间 找 111 222 333 123 456 654 321 …
// 可以获取一个数高位 % 可以获取一个数低位 baiwei = 345 // 100 shiwei = 345 // 10 % 10 gewei = 345 % 10 print(gewei)
i = 100 while i <= 999: baiwei = i // 100 shiwei = i // 10 % 10 gewei = i % 10 if shiwei == gewei and shiwei == baiwei : print(i) # 123 elif shiwei == gewei - 1 and shiwei == baiwei + 1: print(i) # 987 elif shiwei == gewei + 1 and shiwei == baiwei - 1: print(i) i +=1
i = 100 while i <= 999: strvar = str(i) # print(strvar, type(strvar)) gewei = int(strvar[-1]) shiwei = int(strvar[1]) baiwei = int(strvar[0]) if shiwei == gewei and shiwei == baiwei : print(i) # 123 elif shiwei == gewei - 1 and shiwei == baiwei + 1: print(i) # 987 elif shiwei == gewei + 1 and shiwei == baiwei - 1: print(i) i +=1
i = 100 while i <= 999: strvar = str(i) # print(strvar, type(strvar)) gewei = int(strvar[-1]) shiwei = int(strvar[1]) baiwei = int(strvar[0]) if 2 * shiwei == gewei + baiwei and (shiwei == gewei + 1 or shiwei == gewei -1 ): print(i) elif gewei == shiwei and shiwei == baiwei: print(i) i +=1
x = [1,2]
y = [3,4]
z = [5,6]
x+y+z = 10
1 + 3 + 5 = 9
1 + 3 + 6 = 10 bingo
1 + 4 + 5 = 10 bingo
1 + 4 + 6 = 11
2 + 3 + 5 = 10 bingo
2 + 3 + 6 = 11
2 + 4 + 5 = 11
2 + 4 + 6 = 12
公鸡 : x 母鸡 : y 小鸡: z
鸡的数量:x + y + z = 100鸡的价格:5 * x + 3 * y + 1/3*z = 100
x = 0 while x <= 20: y = 0 while y <= 33: z = 0 while z <= 100: if x+y+z == 100 and 5*x + 3 * y + 1/3*z == 100 : print(x,y,z) z += 1 y +=1 x += 1
8.break continue pass 关键字的使用
####关键字的使用 pass break continue
return 也会终止循环
(1)pass 过 (代码块中的占位符),防止代码报错,没有逻辑意义
if 20 == 20: pass while True: pass
(2)break 终止当前循环 (只能用在循环之中)
#1 ~ 10 遇到5终止循环
i = 1 while i <= 10: print(i) if i == 5: break i +=1
(3)continue 跳过当前循环,从下一次循环开始,跳过后,continue后面的代码是不执行的
#打印 1 ~ 10 跳过5
i = 1 while i <= 10: if i == 5: # 在跳过之前,因为会终止执行后面的代码,从下一次循环开始 # 为了避免死循环,手动加1 i += 1 continue print(i) i +=1
#1 ~ 100 打印所有不含有4的数字
i = 1 while i <= 100: strvar = str(i) # print(strvar) if "4" in strvar: i += 1 continue print(i) i +=1
i = 1 while i <= 100: if i // 10 == 4 or i % 10 == 4: i+=1 continue print(i) i+=1
总结:以上就是python关于while循环的所有用法,希望对大家在python的学习工作中有所帮助,ღ( ´・ᴗ・` )比心