0. ActionNode基础
0.1 官方解释
0.2 我的理解
0.3 ActionNode的数据结构
schema: str # raw/json/markdown, default: "" # Action Context context: str # all the context, including all necessary info llm: BaseLLM # LLM with aask interface children: dict[str, "ActionNode"] # Action Input key: str # Product Requirement / File list / Code expected_type: Type # such as str / int / float etc. # context: str # everything in the history. instruction: str # the instructions should be followed. example: Any # example for In Context-Learning. # Action Output content: str instruct_content: BaseModel
- instruction:一般是prompt的部分内容
- key:一般是ActionNode的名字
- schema:指定该ActionNode的输出格式,指定为json或markdown之后会有严格的校验
- expected_type:期望返回格式,例如str
- example:类似prompt中的few-shot,给几个期望输出的例子
0.4 如何使用ActionNode
# 定义单个子节点ActionNode UI_DESIGN_DESC = ActionNode( key="UI Design Desc", expected_type=str, instruction="place the design objective here", example="Snake games are classic and addictive games with simple yet engaging elements. Here are the main elements" " commonly found in snake games", ) # 定义完所有ActionNode之后,将其存放在一个List里面 NODES = [ UI_DESIGN_DESC, SELECTED_ELEMENTS, HTML_LAYOUT, CSS_STYLES, ANYTHING_UNCLEAR, ] # 将上述List的所有子节点传入父节点UI_DESIGN_NODE中 UI_DESIGN_NODE = ActionNode.from_children("UI_DESIGN", NODES)
ui_describe = await UI_DESIGN_NODE.fill(prompt)
1. ActionNode简单实战
上面了解了ActionNode的定义方法,以及运行fill函数,下面以一个简单的例子,实战一下。实战内容为 《MetaGPT智能体开发入门》课程中的例子:打印前10个斐波那契数列的数字,实现内容如下:
- (1)LLM要能以特定的可解析的格式来返回斐波那契数列
- (2)通过格式解析实现逐个打印数字的效果。
1.1 思考并返回特定格式的数字
- (1)思考前10个斐波那契数列的数字是什么
- (2)思考到的数字按特定格式输出
1.1.1 定义两个ActionNode
# 将思考斐波那契数列的10个数字作为prompt输入,在这里我们将“思考需要生成的数字列表”作为命令(instruction)写入 # 将期望返回格式(expected_type)设置为str,无需设置例子(example) SIMPLE_THINK_NODE = ActionNode( key="Simple Think Node", expected_type=str, instruction=""" Think about what list of numbers you need to generate """, example="" ) # 在这里通过命令(instruction)来规定需要生成的数字列表格式,提供例子(example)来帮助LLM理解 SIMPLE_CHECK_NODE = ActionNode( key="Simple CHECK Node", expected_type=str, instruction=""" Please provide the number list for me, strictly following the following requirements: 1. Answer strictly in the list format like [1,2,3,4] 2. Do not have extra spaces or line breaks. Return the list here: """, example="[1,2,3,4]" "[4,5,6]", )
1.1.2 为这两个动作节点设置一个父节点
class THINK_NODES(ActionNode): def __init__(self, name="Think Nodes", expected_type=str, instruction="", example=""): super().__init__(key=name, expected_type=expected_type, instruction=instruction, example=example) self.add_children([SIMPLE_THINK_NODE, SIMPLE_CHECK_NODE]) # 初始化过程,将上面实现的两个子节点加入作为THINK_NODES类的子节点 async def fill(self, context, llm, schema="raw", mode="auto", strgy="complex"): self.set_llm(llm) self.set_context(context) if self.schema: schema = self.schema if strgy == "simple": return await self.simple_fill(schema=schema, mode=mode) elif strgy == "complex": # 这里隐式假设了拥有children child_context = context # 输入context作为第一个子节点的context for _, i in self.children.items(): i.set_context(child_context) # 为子节点设置context child = await i.simple_fill(schema=schema, mode=mode) child_context = child.content # 将返回内容(child.content)作为下一个子节点的context self.content = child_context # 最后一个子节点返回的内容设置为父节点返回内容(self.content) return self
- ActionNode的 fill 方法,有一个参数叫“strgy”,当我们将这个参数设置为“complex”时,这个方法会按顺序执行每一个子节点,并将上一个子节点返回的内容作为下一个子节点的prompt。为了将两个动作节点串联起来,形成一个简单的CoT效果,我们需要设置一个父节点。
1.1.3 定义一个Action来承载上面的ActionNode
class ThinkAction(Action): def __init__(self, name="ThinkAction", context=None, llm=None): super().__init__() self.node = THINK_NODES() # 初始化Action时,初始化一个THINK_NODE实例并赋值给self.node async def run(self, instruction) -> list: PROMPT = """ You are now a number list generator, follow the instruction {instruction} and generate a number list to be printed please. """ prompt = PROMPT.format(instruction=instruction) rsp_node = await self.node.fill(context=prompt, llm=self.llm, schema="raw", strgy="complex") # 1. 运行子节点,获取返回(返回格式为ActionNode)(注意设置 schema="raw") 2. 注意strgy为complex,表示执行所有子节点,如果是"simple", 则只会执行父节点本身 rsp = rsp_node.content # 获取返回的文本内容,返回的是ActionNode,通过.content来获取实际内容 rsp_match = self.find_in_brackets(rsp) # 按列表格式解析返回的文本内容,定位“[”与“]”之间的内容 try: rsp_list = list(map(int, rsp_match[0].split(','))) # 按列表格式解析返回的文本内容,按“,”对内容进行分割,并形成一个python语法中的列表 return rsp_list except: return [] @staticmethod def find_in_brackets(s): pattern = r'\[(.*?)\]' match = re.findall(pattern, s) return match
- (1)初始化中
self.node = THINK_NODES()
,将ActionNode依附在Action中。 - (2)Action的run方法中执行ActionNode的动作:
await self.node.fill(context=prompt, llm=self.llm, schema="raw", strgy="complex")
- 其中注意schema为"raw"
- strgy为“complex”,表示会执行完
1.2 逐个打印数字
class SimplePrint(Action): input_num: int = 0 def __init__(self, name="SimplePrint", input_num:int=0): super().__init__() self.input_num = input_num async def run(self): print(str(self.input_num) + "\n") return str(self.input_num)
1.3 实现Role,执行Action
class Printer(Role): def __init__(self, name="TXXZ", profile="Printer", goal="Print the number", constraints=""): super().__init__() self._init_actions([ThinkAction]) ## 1. 将Action加入Role的执行列表 async def _think(self) -> None: """Determine the action""" if self.rc.todo is None: self._set_state(0) return if self.rc.state + 1 < len(self.states): self._set_state(self.rc.state + 1) else: self.rc.todo = None async def _prepare_print(self, num_list:list) -> Message: """Add actions""" actions = list() for num in num_list: ## 2. 对于Action返回的数组,逐个添加SimplePrint动作 actions.append(SimplePrint(input_num=num)) self._init_actions(actions) ## 4. 这里第一个action变成了SimplePrint动作 self.rc.todo = None ## 3. 为None时,_think函数会回到第一个action执行 return Message(content=str(num_list)) async def _act(self) -> Message: """Action""" todo = self.rc.todo if type(todo) is ThinkAction : msg = self.rc.memory.get(k=1)[0] self.goal = msg.content resp = await todo.run(instruction=self.goal) # 7. 个人感觉这里的goal有和没有都没关系,虽然作为prompt传入ThinkAction,但是这里并不是打印Action,与任务无关 return await self._prepare_print(resp) ## 5. ActionNode都执行完了,返回的是个数组,逐个去添加打印Action resp = await todo.run() ## 6. 执行打印Action return Message(content=resp, role=self.profile) async def _react(self) -> Message: while True: await self._think() if self.rc.todo is None: break msg = await self._act() return msg
2. 完整代码和运行效果
2.1 完整代码
# 加载 .env 到环境变量 from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv _ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv()) import asyncio import re from metagpt.actions.action import Action, ActionNode from metagpt.logs import logger from metagpt.roles import Role from metagpt.schema import Message # 将思考斐波那契数列的10个数字作为prompt输入,在这里我们将“思考需要生成的数字列表”作为命令(instruction)写入 # 将期望返回格式(expected_type)设置为str,无需设置例子(example) SIMPLE_THINK_NODE = ActionNode( key="Simple Think Node", expected_type=str, instruction=""" Think about what list of numbers you need to generate """, example="" ) # 在这里通过命令(instruction)来规定需要生成的数字列表格式,提供例子(example)来帮助LLM理解 SIMPLE_CHECK_NODE = ActionNode( key="Simple CHECK Node", expected_type=str, instruction=""" Please provide the number list for me, strictly following the following requirements: 1. Answer strictly in the list format like [1,2,3,4] 2. Do not have extra spaces or line breaks. Return the list here: """, example="[1,2,3,4]" "[4,5,6]", ) class THINK_NODES(ActionNode): def __init__(self, name="Think Nodes", expected_type=str, instruction="", example=""): super().__init__(key=name, expected_type=expected_type, instruction=instruction, example=example) self.add_children([SIMPLE_THINK_NODE, SIMPLE_CHECK_NODE]) # 初始化过程,将上面实现的两个子节点加入作为THINK_NODES类的子节点 async def fill(self, context, llm, schema="raw", mode="auto", strgy="complex"): self.set_llm(llm) self.set_context(context) if self.schema: schema = self.schema if strgy == "simple": return await self.simple_fill(schema=schema, mode=mode) elif strgy == "complex": # 这里隐式假设了拥有children child_context = context # 输入context作为第一个子节点的context for _, i in self.children.items(): i.set_context(child_context) # 为子节点设置context child = await i.simple_fill(schema=schema, mode=mode) child_context = child.content # 将返回内容(child.content)作为下一个子节点的context self.content = child_context # 最后一个子节点返回的内容设置为父节点返回内容(self.content) return self class SimplePrint(Action): """ Action that print the num inputted """ input_num: int = 0 def __init__(self, name="SimplePrint", input_num:int=0): super().__init__() self.input_num = input_num async def run(self): print(str(self.input_num) + "\n") return str(self.input_num) class ThinkAction(Action): """ Action that think """ def __init__(self, name="ThinkAction", context=None, llm=None): super().__init__() self.node = THINK_NODES() # 初始化Action时,初始化一个THINK_NODE实例并赋值给self.node async def run(self, instruction) -> list: PROMPT = """ You are now a number list generator, follow the instruction {instruction} and generate a number list to be printed please. """ prompt = PROMPT.format(instruction=instruction) rsp_node = await self.node.fill(context=prompt, llm=self.llm, schema="raw", strgy="complex") # 运行子节点,获取返回(返回格式为ActionNode)(注意设置 schema="raw" ) rsp = rsp_node.content # 获取返回的文本内容 rsp_match = self.find_in_brackets(rsp) # 按列表格式解析返回的文本内容,定位“[”与“]”之间的内容 try: rsp_list = list(map(int, rsp_match[0].split(','))) # 按列表格式解析返回的文本内容,按“,”对内容进行分割,并形成一个python语法中的列表 return rsp_list except: return [] @staticmethod def find_in_brackets(s): pattern = r'\[(.*?)\]' match = re.findall(pattern, s) return match class Printer(Role): def __init__(self, name="Jerry", profile="Printer", goal="Print the number", constraints=""): super().__init__() self._init_actions([ThinkAction]) # self.num_list = list() async def _think(self) -> None: """Determine the action""" # logger.info(self.rc.state) if self.rc.todo is None: self._set_state(0) return if self.rc.state + 1 < len(self.states): self._set_state(self.rc.state + 1) else: self.rc.todo = None async def _prepare_print(self, num_list:list) -> Message: """Add actions""" actions = list() for num in num_list: actions.append(SimplePrint(input_num=num)) self._init_actions(actions) self.rc.todo = None return Message(content=str(num_list)) async def _act(self) -> Message: """Action""" todo = self.rc.todo if type(todo) is ThinkAction : msg = self.rc.memory.get(k=1)[0] self.goal = msg.content resp = await todo.run(instruction=self.goal) # logger.info(resp) return await self._prepare_print(resp) resp = await todo.run() # logger.info(resp) return Message(content=resp, role=self.profile) async def _react(self) -> Message: """""" while True: await self._think() if self.rc.todo is None: break msg = await self._act() return msg async def main(): msg = "Provide the first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci series" role = Printer() logger.info(msg) result = await role.run(msg) logger.info(result) if __name__ == '__main__': asyncio.run(main())
2.2 运行效果
- 前提:使用 MetaGPT 0.6+ 的版本,我这里用的是github最新代码(2024-01-16),源码编译的。
未完待续… 请移步下篇文章 【AI的未来 - AI Agent系列】【MetaGPT】4.1 细说我在ActionNode实战中踩的那些坑