FastAPI+React全栈开发13 FastAPI概述

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简介: FastAPI是一个高性能的Python Web框架,以其快速编码和代码清洁性著称,减少了开发者错误。它基于Starlette(一个ASGI框架)和Pydantic(用于数据验证)。Starlette提供了WebSocket支持、中间件等功能,而Pydantic利用Python类型提示在运行时进行数据验证。类型提示允许在编译时检查变量类型,提高开发效率。FastAPI通过Pydantic创建数据模型,确保数据结构的正确性。FastAPI还支持异步I/O,利用Python 3.6+的async/await关键词和ASGI,提高性能。此外,

Chapter03 Getting Started with FastAPI
13 FastAPI in a nutshell
FastAPI+React全栈开发13 FastAPI概述

In Chapter 1, We Development and the FARM Stack, I already mentioned why FastAPI is our REST framework of choice in the FARM stack. What sets FastAPI apart from other solutions is its speed of coding and clean code, which enables developers to spot bugs fast and early. The author of the framework himself, Sebastian Ramirez, often modestly emphasizes that FastAPI is just a mix of Starlette and Pydantic, while heavily relying on modern Python features, especially type hinting. Before diving into an example and building a FastAPI app, I believe that it is useful to quickly just go over the concepts that FastAPI is based on so that you know what to expect.

在第一章“我们开发和FARM栈”中,我已经提到了为什么FastAPI是我们在FARM栈中选择的REST框架。FastAPI与其他解决方案的不同之处在于它的编码速度和干净的代码,这使得开发人员能够更快、更早地发现bug。该框架的作者Sebastian Ramirez经常谦虚地强调FastAPI只是Starlette和Pydantic的混合,同时严重依赖于现代Python功能,特别是类型提示。在深入研究一个示例并构建FastAPI应用程序之前,我认为快速浏览一下FastAPI所基于的概念是有用的,这样你就知道会发生什么。

Starlette( is an ASGI framework that routinely places at the top in various web framework speed contests and provides numerous features that are available in FastAPI as well WebSocket support, envents on startup and shutdown, session and cookie support, background tasks, middleware implementations, templates, and many more. We will not be coding directly in Starlette, but it is very useful to konw how FastAPI works under the hood and what its origins are.


Python type hinting
Type hinting is a feature introduced in Python version 3.5 in an attempt to provide developers with the opportunity to check the types of the variables before runtime. By using type annotations, developers can annotate variables, functions, and classes and give indications of the type that are excpected. It is important to note that these annotations are completely optional and do not make Python a statically typed language! The annotations are ignored by the Python interpreter, but they are picked up by static type checkers that will validate the code and check if it is consistent with the annotations. Code editors and IDEs, such as Visual Studio Code, will be able to provide autocomplete features, thus speeding up coding, while tools such as Mypy will provide helpful error warnings. The syntax for type hinting is as follows.

类型提示是Python 3.5版引入的一项特性,旨在为开发人员提供在运行前检查变量类型的机会。通过使用类型注释,开发人员可以对变量、函数和类进行注释,并给出预期类型的指示。重要的是要注意,这些注释是完全可选的,不会使Python成为静态类型语言!Python解释器会忽略注释,但静态类型检查器会检查代码并检查它是否与注释一致。代码编辑器和ide(如Visual Studio Code)将能够提供自动完成功能,从而加快编码速度,而Mypy等工具将提供有用的错误警告。类型提示的语法如下所示。
```def annotated_function(name: str, age: int) -> str:
return f"Your name is {name.upper()} and you are {age} years old"

print(annotated_function("Marko", 33))

Adding the type for the variables is done with a colon, :, while the return type is annotated with an arrow, ->. This simply means that the function takes two parameters, a string name and an integer age, that is supposed to return a string, denoted by the arrow. Note that if you try this function with a string argument for the age variable, you will still get a valid result.


Types can be the most basic Python types, such as strings, or integers, but the Typing module hosts numberous data strucctures that can be used when we want to specify that we need a directionary or a list or something more complex, such as a list of dictionaries.


Pydantic is a Python library for data balidation, it enforces type hints at runtime and provides user friendly errors, allowing us to catch invalid data as soon as possible, that is, before they make it deep into the system and cause havoc. Although it is a parsing library and not a validation tool, it achieves validation by catching invalid data.


If you are working within a virtual environment that already has FastAPI installed, Pydantic will already be there since FastAPI depends on it. If you just want to play with Pydantic in a newly created virtual environment, you can install Pydantic with pip, just make sure that you are in your activated virtual environment and type.


pip install pydantic
Pydantic enables us to create data models or schemas (not to be confused with MongoDB schemas!), which are essentially a specification of how your data must be structured: wha fields should be present, what their type are, which are strings, which are integers, Booleans, whether any of them are required, whether they should have default values in case no value is provided, and so on.


If you have done a bit of web development, you may have run into the painful issues that arise from the fact that the client of your web application, the user, can send essentially any data that is wants, not only what you wanted the system to ingest and process. Take, for instance, the request body, we will see that FastAPI makes it easy to extract all the data that’s sent through the body, but we want to be able to differentiate various bits of data and only consider what we want and what we allow.


Furthermore, we ultimately want to have that data validated. If we require an integer value, we cannot let 5 a string or 3.4 a float pass. Pydantic allows us to explicitly define the expected type and not only on the receiving end, we can use Pydantic to validate and parse output data as well, making sure the response body is exactly how we want it to be, including some pretty complex validations.


Let’s say that we want to create a simple model for inserting used cars into our database. The model should contain the following fields: brand a sing , model string, year of production integer, fuel, that is, if it is petrol, diesel, or LPG powered enumeration, and a list of countries in which it has been registered (list of strings).


Pydantic is based on Python hints, and we can derive our model from Pydantic’s BaseModel class, a class that we will be using to kickstart all of our schemas. Pydantic contains numerous classes for handlingand accommodating different kinds of data, but in the beginning, when definning your models, you will probably start with a BaseModel class, all the models are inherited from this class, so this is the class that you will want to import.


from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError

class Fuel(str, Enum):

class Car(BaseModel):
brand: str
model: str
year: int
fuel: Fuel
countries: List[str]
note: str = "No note"

The code may look complicated at first, but it is quite straightforward. First, we imported the Enum class, which enables us to create an enumeration type for the admissible types of fuel. From the typing module, we import List as we will need it to validate our list or countries. Brand and model are declared as string variables, while year is an integer.


Now that we have a model in place, we can explore its capabilities. First, let’s test it out by passing some valid data and using the json() method, one of many methods that Pydantic provides.


from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError

class Fuel(str, Enum):

class Car(BaseModel):
brand: str
model: str
year: int
fuel: Fuel
countries: List[str]
note: str = "No note"

car = Car(
countries=["Italy", "France"],

As you can see, the data is perfectly valid JSON, the countries list is populated (since we haven’t provided any content for the note, it is populated by default) and the year is correctly cast to an integer! This is very good and very useful. Let’s try and pass wome invalid data. Let’s omit model and make year a string that cannot be cast to an integer.


To get a nice error message, all we have to do is make use of Pydantic’s ValidationError class and wrap it all in a try-catch block.


from enum import Enum
from typing import List
from pydantic import BaseModel, ValidationError

class Fuel(str, Enum):

class Car(BaseModel):
brand: str
model: str
year: int
fuel: Fuel
countries: List[str]
note: str = "No note"


# 如果传递了无效的参数,则会触发错误
car = Car(
    countries=["Italy", "France"],
AI 代码解读

except ValidationError as e:

After making this code modification, the command prompt will be gentle to us and pinpoint where it found errors.


2 validation errors for Car
Field required [type=missing, input_value={'brand': 'Lancia', 'fuel...s': ['Italy', 'France']}, input_type=dict]
For further information visit
Input should be a valid integer, unable to parse string as an integer [type=int_parsing, input_value='abc', input_type=str]
For further information visit

You could play around with other potential errors and try various Pydantic error messages. It is important to point out that in this example, I only used the json() method, but many more are available: dict() for returning a Python dictionary, copy() for creating a deep copy of the model, and so on.


Finally, Pydantic offers individual field validations and with some addtional packages installed, we can perform email validations, URL validations, and anything else that comes to mind. Validation is available at the field level, but also at the object level, when you need to combine different field values into a single condition, for example, to check that two passwords have been entered in two fields on a registration page match.


A pattern that is pretty common when working with Pydantic is the model’s inheritance. You may, for instance, define a basic car model with just the bar minimum fields and hen derive, via inheritance, different car models for editing, for showcasing in an endpoint that will feed an image gallery, and so on, similar to what we did with projections in MongoDB. We will implement this later when we start building our basic app. Another strength of Pydantic is the ability to build complex, nested models by defining schemas (or models) that rely on other or previously defined models, not unlike nesting in MongoDB.


With that, we’ve seen what Pydantic is and how it helps us parse and validate data, as well as complex data structures. However, we’ve only just scratched the surface of what is possible. We haven’t examined the validator decorator or the additional external packages for special validations, but by understanding the basic mechanism of Pydantic, we can see how it makes FastAPI’s data flow safe.


Asynchronous I/O
If you have ever made a web app using Node.js, you may have encountered the asynchronous programming paradigm. The idea is to make operations that are slow compared to others, such as hefty network calls, reading files from a disk, and similar, run, but at the same time allow the system to respond to other calls and then return the appropriate response of the long-running process, while not blocking the other, less time-consuming responses. This is achieved by using an event loop, a manager of asynchronous tasks that receives requests and can move to the next one, even though the previous one hasn’t finished and yielded a response.


The simplest real-life example would be baking a cake, you could do all the operations sequentially: put the dough in the oven and then grab a chair and sit for 40 miniutes staring at the oven until it is finished. After these 40 minutes, you wait for 10 minutes for the dough to cool off; after that, you make the cream and let it rest for another 20 minutes, and then spend another 10 minutes putting it all together. That would take you 70 minutes. In the async version of our cake, we would put the dough in the oven and start working on the cream right away so that it’s ready by the time the dough is ready and cool, saving 20 minutes of total preparation time. Include some other meals to prepare simultaneously, and the time gains will be much more impressive, but you get the idea.


Python has added support for asynchronous I/O programming in version 3.4 and added the async/await keywords in version 3.6. ASGI was introduced soon after async made its way into the Python world and the specification outlines how applications should be structured and called. It also defines the events that can be sent and received. FastAPI relies on ASGI and returns an ASGI-compatible app, which is why it is so performant.


Standard REST API studff
I listed the features that make FastAPI our REST API framework of choice in Chapter 1, Web Development and the FARM Stack. So, in this section, I just want to go over some of the terminologies that are pretty common in the realm of developing APIs.

我在第1章“Web开发和FARM Stack”中列出了使FastAPI成为REST API框架的特性。因此,在本节中,我只想回顾一下在开发api领域中非常常见的一些术语。

Our communicaton will occur via the HTTP protocol, through HTTP requests and responses. In this chapter, I will provide an overview of how FastAPI handles both and how it leverages some additional libraries, such as Pydantic, to help us write faster and with fewer bugs. The server that I will be using in all the examples will be Uvicorn, although, in a more general way, the whole FastAPI and Uvicorn part of the code could be considered the server.


The basis of any REST API communicaton is the relevant URLs and paths. The URL for our local web development server will be http://localhost:8000 since 8000 is the default port that Uvicorn uses. The path part (optional) of an endpoint could be /cars, while http is the scheme. We will see how FastAPI handles paths, why the order when defining endpoint functions in our code matters, and how we can extract variables from dynamic portions of the path in a simple way.

任何REST API通信的基础都是相关的url和路径。我们本地web开发服务器的URL将是http://localhost:8000,因为8000是Uvicorn使用的默认端口。端点的路径部分(可选)可以是/cars,而http是方案。我们将看到FastAPI如何处理路径,为什么在代码中定义端点函数的顺序很重要,以及如何以简单的方式从路径的动态部分提取变量。

Every path or address, the URL and the path, provides a list of approved actions that can be performed on it, HTTP verbs. For example, there might be a page or a URL that lists all the cars on sale, but you cannot issue a POST request to it since this is not allowed.


In FastAPI, these verbs are implemented as Python decorators. To put it better, they are exposed as decorators, and they are implemented only if you, the developer, implement them.


FastAPI encourages the proper use of HTTP verbs concerning the data-resource operations that they perform, so you should always use POST (or the @post decorator) when creating new resources.


Finally, HTTP messages consist of a request/status line, headers, and, optionally, body data. Again, FastAPI offers us tools to easily create and modify headers, set response codes, and do pretty much anything that we please with the request and response body. It does so in a very clean and intuitive way, as we will see shortly.


In this section, we have tried to pinpoint the programming concepts and specific Python features that FastAPI is built on and enable it to be so performant and produce maintainable code. In the next section, we will go over some standard REST API operations and see how they are achieved with FastAPI.

在本节中,我们试图找出构建FastAPI的编程概念和特定的Python特性,并使其具有如此高的性能并生成可维护的代码。在下一节中,我们将讨论一些标准的REST API操作,并了解如何使用FastAPI实现这些操作

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