from collections import defaultdict from my_book_gridworld0406 import GridWorldEnv import numpy as np class Agent(): def __init__(self): self.Q = {} # {state:{action:q_value}} 初始化Q def create_epsilon_greedy_policy(self, nA): """ Creates an epsilon-greedy policy based on Q values. 基于Q值创建贪婪策略 alid_nA best_action = max(self.Q[state], key=self.Q[state].get) # 获取最大value值对应的key,即得到最大动作值函数对应的动作 A[best_action] += 1.0 - epsilon return A return policy_fn def mc_control_epsilon_greedy(self, env, gamma, max_episode_num): # flag = True returns_sum = defaultdict(float) returns_count = defaultdict(float) target_policy = self.create_epsilon_greedy_policy(env.action_space.n) num_episode = 0 for state in range(env.observation_space.n): self.initValue(state, env.valid_actions_for_states, randomized=False) print("episode:{}".format(num_episode)) print(epsilon_by_epsiode(num_episode)) for s in print_states: if s in self.Q.keys(): print("{}_Q:".format(s), end="") Q_s = [] for a in self.Q[s].keys(): Q_s.append(round(self.Q[s][a], 3)) print(Q_s) probs = target_policy(env.valid_actions_for_states, s, epsilon_by_epsiode(num_episode)) action = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(probs)), p=probs) p = [] for a in range(len(probs)): p.append(round(probs[a], 3)) print(p) print(action) while num_episode < max_episode_num: episode = [] state = env.reset() while True: # env.render() probs = target_policy(env.valid_actions_for_states, state, epsilon_by_epsiode(num_episode)) action = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(probs)), p=probs) next_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) episode.append((state, action, reward)) if done: break state = next_state num_episode += 1 # Find all (state, action) pairs we've visited in this episode # We convert each state to a tuple so that we can use it as a dict key sa_in_episode = set([(x[0], x[1]) for x in episode]) for state, action in sa_in_episode: sa_pair = (state, action) # Find the first occurance of the (state, action) pair in the episode first_occurence_idx = next(i for i, x in enumerate(episode) if x[0] == state and x[1] == action) # Sum up all rewards since the first occurance G = sum([x[2] * (gamma ** i) for i, x in enumerate(episode[first_occurence_idx:])]) # Calculate average return for this state over all sampled episodes returns_sum[sa_pair] += G returns_count[sa_pair] += 1.0 self.__setQValue(state, action, returns_sum[sa_pair] / returns_count[sa_pair]) if num_episode in print_episodes: print("episode:{}".format(num_episode)) print(epsilon_by_epsiode(num_episode)) for s in print_states: if s in self.Q.keys(): print("{}_Q:".format(s), end="") Q_s = [] for a in self.Q[s].keys(): Q_s.append(round(self.Q[s][a], 3)) print(Q_s) probs = target_policy(env.valid_actions_for_states, s, epsilon_by_epsiode(num_episode)) action = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(probs)), p=probs) p = [] for a in range(len(probs)): p.append(round(probs[a], 3)) print(p) print(action) return self.Q # return a possible action list for a given state # def possibleActionsForstate(self, state): # actions = [] # # add your code here # return actions # if a state exists in Q dictionary def __isStateInQ(self, state): # 判断空值。有值则返回值,无值则返回None - None is not None = False return self.Q.get(state) is not None # 因为是实例属性,所以要用self.进行引用 def initValue(self, s, valid_actions_list, randomized=False): # 初始化Q和E # Q[s]为空值时进入判断 if not self.__isStateInQ(s): self.Q[s] = {} # 初始化Q for a in valid_actions_list[s]: # 遍历所有action_name self.Q[s][ a] = np.random().random() / 10 if randomized is True else 0.0 # 初始化Q(s,a);随机一个动作值函数。只有结束状态的Q(s,a) = 0 """Q的获取与设置方法""" def __getQValue(self, s, a): # ① return self.Q[s][a] # argmax(q) def __setQValue(self, s, a, new_q): # ② self.Q[s][a] = new_q np.random.seed(1) epsilon_start = 0.5 epsilon_final = 0 epsilon_episodes = 20000 epsilon_by_epsiode = lambda episode_idx: epsilon_start - (epsilon_start - epsilon_final) * min(episode_idx, epsilon_episodes) / epsilon_episodes agent = Agent() env = GridWorldEnv() print_states = [5, 10, 18, 20, 24] print_episodes = [1, 7500, 12500, 19999, 20000] Q = agent.mc_control_epsilon_greedy(env=env, gamma=0.8, max_episode_num=20000)