npm install --save @microsoft/fetch-event-sourcec
// 测试前端SSE调用**import** { fetchEventSource } **from** '@microsoft/fetch-event-source'
**const** **testSSE** = () => { **const** OPENAI_API_KEY = 'YOUR_OPENAI_API_KEY'
**const** OPENAI_COMPLETION_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions'
**const** requestData = {
model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
messages: [
role: 'user',
content: '我想去西安旅游7天'
stream: true
**let** respString = ''
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': `Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}`,
body: **JSON**.**stringify**(requestData),
**async** **onopen**(response) {
**if** (response.ok && response.headers.**get**('content-type') === 'text/event-stream') {
// everything's good
console.**log**('everything\'s good')
} **else** **if** (response.status >= 400 && response.status < 500 && response.status !== 429) {
} **else** {
**async** **onmessage**(event) {
// 表示整体结束
**if** (event.data === '[DONE]') {
**const** jsonData = **JSON**.**parse**(event.data)
// 如果等于stop表示结束
**if** (jsonData.choices[0].finish_reason === 'stop') {
// 判断role存在,进行排除
**if** (jsonData.choices[0].delta.role !== undefined) {
respString = jsonData.choices[0].delta.role + ': '
**if** (jsonData.choices[0].delta.content !== undefined) {
respString += jsonData.choices[0].delta.content
**async** **onerror**(error) {
console.**error**('Error:', error)
**async** **onclose**() {
// if the server closes the connection unexpectedly, retry:
* Represents a message sent in an event stream
* https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events#Event_stream_format
export interface EventSourceMessage {
/** The event ID to set the EventSource object's last event ID value. */
id: string;
/** A string identifying the type of event described. */
event: string;
/** The event data */
data: string;
/** The reconnection interval (in milliseconds) to wait before retrying the connection */
retry?: number;
function concat(a: Uint8Array, b: Uint8Array) {
const res = new Uint8Array(a.length + b.length);
res.set(b, a.length);
return res;
function newMessage(): EventSourceMessage {
// data, event, and id must be initialized to empty strings:
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/server-sent-events.html#event-stream-interpretation
// retry should be initialized to undefined so we return a consistent shape
// to the js engine all the time: https://mathiasbynens.be/notes/shapes-ics#takeaways
return {
data: '',
event: '',
id: '',
retry: undefined,
const enum ControlChars {
NewLine = 10,
CarriageReturn = 13,
Space = 32,
Colon = 58,
三个函数是相互配合的,getBytes负责将readablestream转换成bytes chunk,getLines将byte chunk转换成 eventsource buffer,然后再被getMessage转换成EventSourceMessage类型的数据
* Converts a ReadableStream into a callback pattern.
* @param stream The input ReadableStream.
* @param onChunk A function that will be called on each new byte chunk in the stream.
* @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that will be resolved when the stream closes.
export async function getBytes(stream: ReadableStream<Uint8Array>, onChunk: (arr: Uint8Array) => void) {
const reader = stream.getReader();
let result: ReadableStreamDefaultReadResult<Uint8Array>;
while (!(result = await reader.read()).done) {
* Parses arbitary byte chunks into EventSource line buffers.
* Each line should be of the format "field: value" and ends with \r, \n, or \r\n.
* @param onLine A function that will be called on each new EventSource line.
* @returns A function that should be called for each incoming byte chunk.
export function getLines(onLine: (line: Uint8Array, fieldLength: number) => void) {
let buffer: Uint8Array | undefined;
let position: number; // current read position
let fieldLength: number; // length of the `field` portion of the line
let discardTrailingNewline = false;
// return a function that can process each incoming byte chunk:
return function onChunk(arr: Uint8Array) {
if (buffer === undefined) {
buffer = arr;
position = 0;
fieldLength = -1;
} else {
// we're still parsing the old line. Append the new bytes into buffer:
buffer = concat(buffer, arr);
const bufLength = buffer.length;
let lineStart = 0; // index where the current line starts
while (position < bufLength) {
if (discardTrailingNewline) {
if (buffer[position] === ControlChars.NewLine) {
lineStart = ++position; // skip to next char
discardTrailingNewline = false;
// start looking forward till the end of line:
let lineEnd = -1; // index of the \r or \n char
for (; position < bufLength && lineEnd === -1; ++position) {
switch (buffer[position]) {
case ControlChars.Colon:
if (fieldLength === -1) { // first colon in line
fieldLength = position - lineStart;
// @ts-ignore:7029 \r case below should fallthrough to \n:
case ControlChars.CarriageReturn:
discardTrailingNewline = true;
case ControlChars.NewLine:
lineEnd = position;
if (lineEnd === -1) {
// We reached the end of the buffer but the line hasn't ended.
// Wait for the next arr and then continue parsing:
// we've reached the line end, send it out:
onLine(buffer.subarray(lineStart, lineEnd), fieldLength);
lineStart = position; // we're now on the next line
fieldLength = -1;
if (lineStart === bufLength) {
buffer = undefined; // we've finished reading it
} else if (lineStart !== 0) {
// Create a new view into buffer beginning at lineStart so we don't
// need to copy over the previous lines when we get the new arr:
buffer = buffer.subarray(lineStart);
position -= lineStart;
* Parses line buffers into EventSourceMessages.
* @param onId A function that will be called on each `id` field.
* @param onRetry A function that will be called on each `retry` field.
* @param onMessage A function that will be called on each message.
* @returns A function that should be called for each incoming line buffer.
export function getMessages(
onId: (id: string) => void,
onRetry: (retry: number) => void,
onMessage?: (msg: EventSourceMessage) => void
) {
let message = newMessage();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
// return a function that can process each incoming line buffer:
return function onLine(line: Uint8Array, fieldLength: number) {
if (line.length === 0) {
// empty line denotes end of message. Trigger the callback and start a new message:
message = newMessage();
} else if (fieldLength > 0) { // exclude comments and lines with no values
// line is of format "<field>:<value>" or "<field>: <value>"
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/server-sent-events.html#event-stream-interpretation
const field = decoder.decode(line.subarray(0, fieldLength));
const valueOffset = fieldLength + (line[fieldLength + 1] === ControlChars.Space ? 2 : 1);
const value = decoder.decode(line.subarray(valueOffset));
switch (field) {
case 'data':
// if this message already has data, append the new value to the old.
// otherwise, just set to the new value:
message.data = message.data
? message.data + '\n' + value
: value; // otherwise,
case 'event':
message.event = value;
case 'id':
onId(message.id = value);
case 'retry':
const retry = parseInt(value, 10);
if (!isNaN(retry)) { // per spec, ignore non-integers
onRetry(message.retry = retry);
import { EventSourceMessage, getBytes, getLines, getMessages } from './parse';
export const EventStreamContentType = 'text/event-stream';
const DefaultRetryInterval = 1000;
const LastEventId = 'last-event-id';
export interface FetchEventSourceInit extends RequestInit {
* The request headers. FetchEventSource only supports the Record<string,string> format.
headers?: Record<string, string>,
* Called when a response is received. Use this to validate that the response
* actually matches what you expect (and throw if it doesn't.) If not provided,
* will default to a basic validation to ensure the content-type is text/event-stream.
onopen?: (response: Response) => Promise<void>,
* Called when a message is received. NOTE: Unlike the default browser
* EventSource.onmessage, this callback is called for _all_ events,
* even ones with a custom `event` field.
onmessage?: (ev: EventSourceMessage) => void;
* Called when a response finishes. If you don't expect the server to kill
* the connection, you can throw an exception here and retry using onerror.
onclose?: () => void;
* Called when there is any error making the request / processing messages /
* handling callbacks etc. Use this to control the retry strategy: if the
* error is fatal, rethrow the error inside the callback to stop the entire
* operation. Otherwise, you can return an interval (in milliseconds) after
* which the request will automatically retry (with the last-event-id).
* If this callback is not specified, or it returns undefined, fetchEventSource
* will treat every error as retriable and will try again after 1 second.
onerror?: (err: any) => number | null | undefined | void,
* If true, will keep the request open even if the document is hidden.
* By default, fetchEventSource will close the request and reopen it
* automatically when the document becomes visible again.
openWhenHidden?: boolean;
/** The Fetch function to use. Defaults to window.fetch */
fetch?: typeof fetch;
export function fetchEventSource(input: RequestInfo, {
signal: inputSignal,
headers: inputHeaders,
onopen: inputOnOpen,
fetch: inputFetch,
}: FetchEventSourceInit) {
return new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
// make a copy of the input headers since we may modify it below:
const headers = { ...inputHeaders };
if (!headers.accept) {
headers.accept = EventStreamContentType;
let curRequestController: AbortController;
function onVisibilityChange() {
curRequestController.abort(); // close existing request on every visibility change
if (!document.hidden) {
create(); // page is now visible again, recreate request.
if (!openWhenHidden) {
document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
let retryInterval = DefaultRetryInterval;
let retryTimer = 0;
function dispose() {
document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);
// if the incoming signal aborts, dispose resources and resolve:
inputSignal?.addEventListener('abort', () => {
resolve(); // don't waste time constructing/logging errors
const fetch = inputFetch ?? window.fetch;
const onopen = inputOnOpen ?? defaultOnOpen;
async function create() {
curRequestController = new AbortController();
try {
const response = await fetch(input, {
signal: curRequestController.signal,
await onopen(response);
await getBytes(response.body!, getLines(getMessages(id => {
if (id) {
// store the id and send it back on the next retry:
headers[LastEventId] = id;
} else {
// don't send the last-event-id header anymore:
delete headers[LastEventId];
}, retry => {
retryInterval = retry;
}, onmessage)));
} catch (err) {
if (!curRequestController.signal.aborted) {
// if we haven't aborted the request ourselves:
try {
// check if we need to retry:
const interval: any = onerror?.(err) ?? retryInterval;
retryTimer = window.setTimeout(create, interval);
} catch (innerErr) {
// we should not retry anymore:
function defaultOnOpen(response: Response) {
const contentType = response.headers.get('content-type');
if (!contentType?.startsWith(EventStreamContentType)) {
throw new Error(`Expected content-type to be ${EventStreamContentType}, Actual: ${contentType}`);
- 为什么fetch api可以建立SSE的链接
- 为什么fetch api 的response.body可以被不断解析,而不是我么常见的那种就是个json object的形式
- 为什么getMessage可以讲line buffer解析正确
其实答案很简单:HTTP本来就支持,只是我们之前的那种常见的restful api都是短连接,一次性获取到json数据后就直接关闭连接了,让我们忘记了HTTP是可以支持不断返回数据的。