Ⅰ. 为什么要学习string类
Ⅱ. 标准库中的string类
Ⅱ. Ⅰ. string类的了解
这里首先附上string类的文档string - C++ Reference (nonplussing)
- 字符串是表示字符序列的类
- 标准的字符串类提供了对此类对象的支持,其接口类似于标准字容器的接口,但添加了专门用于操作 单字节字符字符串的设计特性
- string类是使用char(即作为它的字符类型,使用它的默认char_traits和allocator(分配器)类型(关于模板的更多信 息,请参阅basic_string)
- string类是basic_string模板类的一个实例,它使用char来实例化basic_string模板类,并用char_traits 和allocator(分配器)作为basic_string的默认参数(根于更多的模板信息请参考basic_string)。
- 注意,这个类独立于所使用的编码来处理字节:如果用来处理多字节或变长字符(如UTF-81)的序列,这个类的所有成员(如长度或大小)以及它的迭代器,将仍然按照字节(而不是实际编码的字符)来操作总结:
- string是表示字符串的字符串类
- 该类的接口与常规容器的接口基本相同,再添加了一些专门用来操作string的常规操作
- string在底层实际是:basic_string模板类的别名,typedef basic_string string
- 不能操作多字节或者变长字符的序列
Ⅱ. Ⅱ. string类中常用接口说明
(construct)函数名称 | 功能说明 |
string() | Constructs an empty string, with a length of zero characters. |
string (const string& str); | Constructs a copy of str.(拷贝构造) |
string (size_t n, char c); | Fills the string with n consecutive copies of character c. |
string (const char* s); | Copies the null-terminated character sequence (C-string) pointed by s |
void Teststring() { string s1; // 构造空的string类对象s1 string s2("hello bit"); // 用C格式字符串构造string类对象s2 string s3(s2); // 拷贝构造s3 }
函数名称 | 功能说明 |
size | Returns the length of the string, in terms of bytes(我们更常用这个相比于length2) |
length | Returns the length of the string, in terms of bytes |
capacity | Returns the size of the storage space currently allocated for the string, expressed in terms of bytes |
reserve | Requests that the string capacity be adapted to a planned change in size to a length of up ton characters |
clear | Erases the contents of the string, which becomes an empty string (with a length of 0 characters). |
resize | Resizes the string to a length of n characters. |
empty | Returns whether the string is empty (i.e. whether its length is 0 ). |
- clear()只是将string中有效字符清空,不改变底层空间大小。
- resize(size_t n) 与 resize(size_t n, char c)都是将字符串中有效字符个数改变到n个,不同的是当字 符个数增多时:resize(n)用0来填充多出的元素空间,resize(size_t n, char c)用字符c来填充多出的 元素空间。注意:resize在改变元素个数时,如果是将元素个数增多,可能会改变底层容量的大 小,如果是将元素个数减少,底层空间总大小不变。
- reserve(size_t res_arg = 0):为string预留空间,不改变有效元素个数,当reserve的参数小于 string的底层空间总大小时,reserver不会改变容量大小
void Teststring1() { // 注意:string类对象支持直接用cin和cout进行输入和输出 string s("hello, bit!!!"); cout << s.size() << endl; cout << s.length() << endl; cout << s.capacity() << endl; cout << s << endl; // 将s中的字符串清空,注意清空时只是将size清0,不改变底层空间的大小 s.clear(); cout << s.size() << endl; cout << s.capacity() << endl; // 将s中有效字符个数增加到10个,多出位置用'a'进行填充 // “aaaaaaaaaa” s.resize(10, 'a'); cout << s.size() << endl; cout << s.capacity() << endl; // 将s中有效字符个数增加到15个,多出位置用缺省值'\0'进行填充 // "aaaaaaaaaa\0\0\0\0\0" // 注意此时s中有效字符个数已经增加到15个 s.resize(15); cout << s.size() << endl; cout << s.capacity() << endl; cout << s << endl; // 将s中有效字符个数缩小到5个 s.resize(5); cout << s.size() << endl; cout << s.capacity() << endl; cout << s << endl; }
函数名称 | 功能说明 |
operator[ ] | Returns a reference to the character at position pos in the string. |
begin + end | begin: Returns an iterator pointing to the first character of the string. end: Returns an iterator pointing to the past-the-end character of the string. |
rbegin + rend | rbegin: Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the last character of the string. rend: Returns a reverse iterator pointing to the theoretical element preceding the first character of the string |
范围for | C++11支持更简洁的范围for的新遍历方式(底层还是迭代器(iterator)) |
int arr[5] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50}; for (int x : arr) { // 打印每一个元素 std::cout << x << " "; }
string s("hello xupt"); // 3种遍历方式: // 需要注意的以下三种方式除了遍历string对象,还可以遍历是修改string中的字符, // 另外以下三种方式对于string而言,第一种使用最多 // 1. for+operator[] for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); ++i) cout << s[i] << endl; // 2.迭代器 string::iterator it = s.begin(); while (it != s.end()) { cout << *it << endl; ++it; } // string::reverse_iterator rit = s.rbegin(); // C++11之后,直接使用auto定义迭代器,让编译器推到迭代器的类型 auto rit = s.rbegin(); while (rit != s.rend()) cout << *rit << endl; // 3.范围for for (auto ch : s) cout << ch << endl;
函数名称 | 功能说明 |
push_back | Appends character c to the end of the string, increasing its length by one. |
append | Extends the string by appending additional characters at the end of its current value: |
operator+= | Extends the string by appending additional characters at the end of its current value: |
c_str | Returns a pointer to an array that contains a null-terminated sequence of characters (i.e., a C-string) representing the current value of the string object. |
find + npos | find: Searches the string for the first occurrence of the sequence specified by its arguments. npos :Maximum value for size_tstatic const size_t npos = -1; |
rfind | Searches the string for the last occurrence of the sequence specified by its arguments. |
substr | Returns a newly constructed string object with its value initialized to a copy of a substring of this object. |
- 在string尾部追加字符时,s.push_back© / s.append(1, c) / s += 'c’三种的实现方式差不多,一般 情况下string类的+=操作用的比较多,+=操作不仅可以连接单个字符,还可以连接字符串。
- 对string操作时,如果能够大概预估到放多少字符,可以先通过reserve把空间预留好(因为扩容是需要一定的时间代价的,提前扩容的话,就可以避免反复扩容的情况,从而达到节省时间的目的)。
string str; str.push_back(' '); // 在str后插入空格 str.append("hello"); // 在str后追加一个字符"hello" str += 'b'; // 在str后追加一个字符'b' str += "it"; // 在str后追加一个字符串"it" cout << str << endl; cout << str.c_str() << endl; // 以C语言的方式打印字符串 // 获取file的后缀 string file("string.cpp"); size_t pos = file.rfind('.'); string suffix(file.substr(pos, file.size() - pos)); cout << suffix << endl; // npos是string里面的一个静态成员变量 // static const size_t npos = -1; // 取出url中的域名 string url("http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/find/"); cout << url << endl; size_t start = url.find("://"); if (start == string::npos) { cout << "invalid url" << endl; return; }
函数 | 功能说明 |
operator+3 | Returns a newly constructed string object with its value being the concatenation of the characters in lhs4 followed by those of rhs.4 |
operator>> | Extracts a string from the input stream is, storing the sequence in str, which is overwritten (the previous value of str is replaced). |
operator<< | Inserts the sequence of characters that conforms value of str into os. |
getline | Extracts characters from is and stores them into str until the delimitation character delim is found (or the newline character, '\n' , for (2)). |
relational operators | Performs the appropriate comparison operation between the string objects lhs and rhs. |
- vs下的
- 当字符串长度小于16时,使用内部固定的字符数组来存放
- 当字符串长度大于等于16时,从堆上开辟空间
union _Bxty { // storage for small buffer or pointer to larger one value_type _Buf[_BUF_SIZE]; pointer _Ptr; char _Alias[_BUF_SIZE]; // to permit aliasing } _Bx;
- 这种设计也是有一定道理的,大多数情况下字符串的长度都小于16,那string对象创建好之后,内 部已经有了16个字符数组的固定空间,不需要通过堆创建,效率高。
故总共占16+4+4+4=28个字节。- g++下string的结构G++下,string是通过写时拷贝实现的,string对象总共占4个字节,内部只包含了一个指针,该指 针将来指向一块堆空间,内部包含了如下字段:
- 空间总大小
- 字符串有效长度
- 引用计数
struct _Rep_base { size_type _M_length; size_type _M_capacity; _Atomic_word _M_refcount; };
- 指向堆空间的指针,用来存储字符串.