最近在读霍罗维兹的《数据结构基础》(Fundamentals of Data Structures in C),本篇博客为阅读笔记和知识总结。
Ⅰ. 重温一些指针的知识
Sequential representation
But difficulties occurs when
Linked representation
引用操作符 &
解引用操作符 *
int i, *pi; pi = &i;
为 i 赋值:
i = 10; *pi = 10;
ANSI C,该宏定义在 stddef.h 中;K&R C中,该宏定义在stdio.h中。
// 测试空指针 if (pi == NULL) or if (!pi)
Pointers Can Be Dangerous
但指针也有危险:访问意外的内存位置 当指针实际上没有指向一个对象时,将所有指针设置为NULL。
pi = malloc(sizeof(int)); /* assign to pi a pointer to int */ pf = (float *) pi; /* casts an int pointer to a float pointer */
Using Dynamically Allocated Storage
malloc / free
[Program 4.1]
int i, *pi; float f, *pf; pi = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int)); pf = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float)); *pi = 1024; *pf = 3.14; printf("an integer = %d, a float = %f\n", *pi, *pf); free(pi); free(pf); inserting pf = (float *) malloc(sizeof(float));
Ⅱ. 单链表
值得注意的是:① 节点不在连续的位置上。 ② 节点的位置可能在不同的运行中发生变化。
要在 cat 和 sat 之间插入 mat 这个词,我们必须:
(1) 获得一个目前未使用的节点;让它的地址为paddr。
(2) 将这个节点的数据字段设置为mat。
(3) 设置paddr的链接字段指向包含cat的节点的链接字段中找到的地址。
(4) 将包含cat的节点的链接字段设置为指向paddr的指针。
要在 cat 和 sat 之间插入mat这个词,我们必须:
(1) 获得一个目前未使用的节点;让它的地址为paddr。
(2) 将这个节点的数据字段设置为mat。
(3) 设置paddr的链接字段指向包含cat的节点的链接字段中找到的地址。
(4) 将包含cat的节点的链接字段设置为指向paddr的指针。
(1) 找到紧接在mat前面的元素(节点),也就是cat。
(2) 设置cat的链接字段为指向mat的链接字段。
Necessary capabilities to make linked list possible :
(1) 一个定义节点结构的机制,自引用结构。
(2) 一种在我们需要时创建新节点的方法,malloc。
(3) 一种移除我们不再需要的节点的方法,free
Example 4.1 [List of words ending in at]
// Necessary declarations are : typedef struct list_node *list_pointer; typedef struct list_node { char data[4]; list_pointer link; }; list_pointer ptr = NULL; /* creating a new empty list */
用于测试链表是否为空的宏 - A macro to test for an empty list
#define IS_EMPTY(ptr) (!(ptr))
创建新节点 - Creating new nodes
可以用 stdio.h 中的 malloc
ptr = (list_pointer) malloc (sizeof(list_node));
Assigning the values to the fields of the node
e 是一个指向包含字段名的结构的指针,e->name 可以当作是 (*e).name 的简写。
To place the word bat into the list
strcpy (ptr->data, "bat"); ptr->link = NULL;
Example 4.2 [Two-node linked list] :
typedef struct list_node* list_pointer; typedef struct list_node { int data; list_pointer link; }; list_pointer ptr = NULL;
[Program 4.2]
list_pointer create2() { /* create a linked list with two nodes */ list_pointer first, second; first = (list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node)); second = (list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node)); second->link = NULL; second->data = 20; first->data = 10; first->link = second; return first; }
Example 4.3 [List insertion] :
在某个任意节点之后插入一个数据域为50的节点。 注意,我们使用参数声明 list_pointer *ptr。
#define IS_FULL (ptr) (!(ptr))
[Program 4.3]
void insert(list_pointer* ptr, list_pointer node) { /* insert a new node with data=50 into the list ptr after node */ list_pointer temp; temp = (list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node)); if (IS_FULL(temp)) { fprintf(stderr, "The memory is full\n"); exit(1); } temp->data = 50; if (*ptr) { temp->link = node->link; node->link = temp; } else { temp->link = NULL; *ptr = temp; } }
Example 4.4 [List deletion]
[Program 4.4]
void delete(list_pointer* ptr, list_pointer trail, list_pointer node) { /* delete node from the list, trail is the preceding node ptr is the head of the list */ if (trail) trail->link = node->link; else *ptr = (*ptr)->link; free(node); }
Example 4.5 [Printing out a list] :
[Program 4.5]
void print_list(list_pointer ptr) { printf("The list contains: "); for (; ptr; ptr = ptr->link) printf("%4d", ptr->data); printf("\n"); } list_pointer search(list_pointer ptr, int num) { for (; ptr; ptr = ptr->link) if (ptr->data == num) return ptr; return ptr; } void merge(list_pointer x, list_pointer y, list_pointer* z) { list_pointer last; last = (list_pointer)malloc(sizeof(list_node)); *z = last; while (x && y) { if (x->data <= y->data) { last->link = x; last = x; x = x->link; } else { last->link = y; last = y; y = y->link; } } if (x) last->link = x; if (y) last->link = y; last = *z; *z = last->link; free(last); }
Ⅲ. 动态链接的栈和队列
#define MAX_STACKS 10 /* maximum number of stacks */ typedef struct { int key; /* other fields */ } element; typedef struct stack* stack_pointer; typedef struct stack { element item; stack_pointer link; }; stack_pointer top[MAX_STACKS];
initialize empty stacks
top[i] = NULL, 0<=i<MAX_STACKS
the boundary conditions
top[i] == NULL iff the i th stack is empty IS_FULL(temp) iff the memory is full
[Program 4.6]
void add(stack_pointer* top, element item) { /* add an element to the top of the stack */ stack_pointer temp = (stack_pointer)malloc(sizeof(stack)); if (IS_FULL(temp)) { fprintf(stderr, "The memory is full\n"); exit(1); } temp->item = item; temp->link = *top; *top = temp; }
call : add(&top[stack_no], item);
[Program 4.7]
element delete(stack_pointer* top) { /* delete an element from the stack */ stack_pointer temp = *top; element item; if (IS_EMPTY(temp)) { fprintf(stderr, "The stack is empty\n"); exit(1); } item = temp->item; *top = temp->link; free(temp); return item; }
call : item = delete(&top[stack_no]);
#define MAX_QUEUES 10 /* maximum number of queues */ typedef struct { int key; /* other fields */ } element; typedef struct queue* queue_pointer; typedef struct queue { element item; queue_pointer link; }; queue_pointer front[MAX_QUEUES], rear[MAX_QUEUES];
initialize empty queues
front[i] = NULL, 0<=i<MAX_QUEUES
the boundary conditions
front[i] == NULL iff the i th queue is empty IS_FULL(temp) iff the memory is full
[Program 4.8] call : addq(&front[queue_no], &rear[queue_no], item);
void addq(queue_pointer* front, queue_pointer* rear, element item) { /* add an element to the rear of the queue */ queue_pointer temp = (queue_pointer)malloc(sizeof(queue)); if (IS_FULL(temp)) { fprintf(stderr, "The memory is full\n"); exit(1); } temp->item = item; temp->link = NULL; if (*front) (*rear)->link = temp; else *front = temp; *rear = temp; }
[Program 4.9] call : item = deleteq(&front[queue_no]);
element deleteq(queue_pointer* front) { /* delete an element from the queue */ queue_pointer temp = *front; element item; if (IS_EMPTY(*front)) { fprintf(stderr, "The queue is empty\n"); exit(1); } item = temp->item; *front = temp->link; free(temp); return item; }
0x00 Representing Polynomials As Singly Linked Lists
typedef struct poly_node* poly_pointer; typedef struct poly_node { float coef; int expon; poly_pointer link; }; poly_pointer a, b, d;
0x01 Adding Polynomials
[Program 4.10]
poly_pointer padd(poly_pointer a, poly_pointer b) { /* return a polynomial which is the sum of a and b */ poly_pointer front, rear, temp; float sum; rear = (poly_pointer)malloc(sizeof(poly_node)); if (IS_FULL(rear)) { fprintf(stderr, “The memory is full\n”); exit(1); } front = rear; while (a && b) switch (COMPARE(a->expon, b->expon)) { case –1: /* a->expon < b->expon */ attach(b->coef, b->expon, &rear); b = b->link; break; case 0: /* a->expon = b->expon */ sum = a->coef + b->coef; if (sum) attach(sum, a->expon, &rear); a = a->link; b = b->link; break; case 1: /* a->expon > b->expon */ attach(a->coef, a->expon, &rear); a = a->link; } /* copy rest of list a then list b */ for (; a; a = a->link) attach(a->coef, a->expon, &rear); for (; b; b = b->link) attach(b->coef, b->expon, &rear); rear->link = NULL; /* delete extra initial node */ temp = front; front = front->link; free(temp); return front; }
[Program 4.11]
void attach(float coefficient, int exponent, poly_pointer* ptr) { /* create a new node with coef = coefficient and expon = exponent, attach it to the node pointed to by ptr. ptr is updated to point to this new node */ poly_pointer temp; temp = (poly_pointer)malloc(sizeof(poly_node)); if (IS_FULL(temp)) { fprintf(stderr, "The memory is full\n"); exit(1); } temp->coef = coefficient; temp->expon = exponent; (*ptr)->link = temp; *ptr = temp; }
分析 padd
(1) 添加系数 (2) 指数比较 (3) 为d创建新节点
0x02 Erasing Polynomials
注意,我们创建多项式 temp(x) 只是为了保存 d(x) 的部分结果。
通过返回 emp(x) 的节点,我们可以用它们来保存其他多项式。
[Program 4.12]
void erase(poly_pointer* ptr) { /* erase the polynomial pointed by ptr */ poly_pointer temp; while (*ptr) { temp = *ptr; *ptr = (*ptr)->link; free(temp); } }
0x03 Representing Polynomials As Circularly Linked Lists
我们想释放不再使用的节点,以便我们以后可以重新使用这些节点。 我们可以通过维护我们自己的已被 "释放 "的节点的列表(作为一个链),获得一个高效的循环链表 erase 的算法。 当我们需要一个新的节点时,我们检查这个列表。 如果这个列表不是空的,那么我们可以使用其中的一个节点。 只有当列表为空时,才使用 malloc 来创建一个新节点。 让 avail 成为一个 poly_pointer 类型的变量,指向已释放节点列表中的第一个节点。
[Program 4.13]
poly_pointer get_node(void) { /* provide a node for use */ poly_pointer node; if (avail) { node = avail; avail = avail->link; } else { node = (poly_pointer)malloc(sizeof(poly_node)); if (IS_FULL(node)) { fprintf(stderr, "The memory is full\n"); exit(1); } } return node; }
[Program 4.14]
void ret_node(poly_pointer ptr) { /* return a node to the available list */ ptr->link = avail; avail = ptr; }
[Program 4.15]
void cerase(poly_pointer* ptr) { /* erase the circular list ptr */ poly_pointer temp; if (*ptr) { temp = (*ptr)->link; (*ptr)->link = avail; avail = temp; *ptr = NULL; } }
我们必须把零多项式作为一种特殊情况来处理。 我们在每个多项式中引入一个头部节点。
对于有头节点表示的循环链表,我们可以从 cerase 中删除对 (*ptr) 的测试。
(1) Add two variables, starta = a and startb = b. (2) Prior to the while loop, assign a = a->link and b = b->link. (3) Change the while loop to while (a != starta && b != startb). (4) Change the first for loop to for (; a != starta; a = a->link). (5) Change the second for loop to for (; b != startb; b = b->link). (6) Delete the lines : rear -> link = NULL; /* delete extra initial node */ (7) Change the lines : temp = front; front = front -> link; free(temp); to rear -> link = front; We may further simplify the addition algorithm if we set the expon field of the head node to -1.
[Program 4.16]
poly_pointer cpadd(poly_pointer a, poly_pointer b) { /* polynomials a and b are singly linked circular lists with a head node. Return a polynomial which is the sum of a and b */ poly_pointer starta, d, lastd; int sum, done = FALSE; starta = a; /* record start of a */ a = a->link; /* skip head node for a and b */ b = b->link; d = get_node(); / (get a head node for sum* / d->expon = -1; lastd = d; do { switch (COMPARE(a->expon, b->expon)) { case –1: /* a->expon < b->expon */ attach(b->coef, b->expon, &lastd); b = b->link; break; case 0: /* a->expon = b->expon */ if (starta == a) done = TURE; else { sum = a->coef + b->coef; if (sum) attach(sum, a->expon, &lastd); a = a->link; b = b->link; } break; case 1: /* a->expon > b->expon */ attach(a->coef, a->expon, &lastd); a = a->link; } } while (!done) lastd->link = d; return d; }
Ⅴ. 其他操作
0x00 Operations For Chains
用于操作单链表的各种函数通常是必要的,也是可取的。我们已经看到了 get_node 和 ret_node。
typedef struct list_node* list_pointer; typedef struct list_node { char data; list_pointer link; };
0x01 反转链表 - Inverting a chain
如果我们使用三个指针,我们可以 "原地 "进行倒转。
[Program 4.17]
list_pointer invert(list_pointer lead) { /* invert the list pointed to by lead */ list_pointer middle, trail; middle = NULL; while (lead) { trail = middle; middle = lead; lead = lead->link; middle->link = trail; } return middle; }
0x02 链接两个链表 - Concatenating two chains
[Program 4.18]
list_pointer concatenate(list_pointer ptr1, list_pointer ptr2) { /* produce a new list that contains the list ptr1 followed by the list ptr2. The list pointed to by ptr1 is changed permanently */ list_pointer temp; if (IS_EMPTY(ptr1)) return ptr2; else { if (!IS_EMPTY(ptr2)) { for (temp = ptr1; temp->link; temp = temp->link) ; temp->link = ptr2; } return ptr1; } }
Ⅵ. 循环链表的操作
在一个循环链表的前面插入一个新节点。由于我们必须改变最后一个节点的链接字段,我们必须在链表中向后移动,直到找到最后一个节点。 如果循环链表的名称指向的是最后一个节点,而不是第一个节点,那就会更方便。
[Program 4.19]
void insert_front(list_pointer* ptr, list_pointer node) /* insert node at the front of the circular list ptr, where ptr is the last node in the list. */ { if (IS_EMPTY(*ptr)) { /* list is empty, change ptr to point to new entry */ *ptr = node; node->link = node; } else { /* list is not empty, add new entry at front */ node->link = (*ptr)->link; (*ptr)->link = node; } }
我们只需要在 insert_front 的 else 子句中添加语句 *ptr = node 即可。
[Program 4.20]
int length(list_pointer ptr) { /* find the length of the circular list ptr */ list_pointer temp; int count = 0; if (ptr) { temp = ptr; do { count++; temp = temp->link; } while (temp != ptr); } return count; }
Fundamentals of Data Structures in C