
简介: 链动2+1模式制度系统开发方案技术成熟

The name "Chain 2+1 | Beautiful Everyday Second System Development" is a system development project that combines the functions of "Chain 2+1" and "Beautiful Everyday Second System". The goal of this project is to implement a flash killing function and related business similar to the "Beautiful Everyday Second System" based on the "Chain 2+1" system architecture.

Specifically, "Chain 2+1" is a system that may already exist or be under development, which may be an e-commerce platform or shopping application, while "Beautiful Everyday Second System" is another system that already exists or is under development specifically for flash killing activities.

The goal of the "Chain 2+1 Beautiful Everyday Second System Development" project is to integrate the core functions of the "Beautiful Everyday Second System" into the "Chain 2+1" system, in order to increase the system's marketing and promotion capabilities. Development work may involve modifying and extending backend logic, adjusting front-end interfaces, and updating databases.

Specific development tasks may include but are not limited to:

-Add flash sale activity module: Design and implement the creation, management, and display functions of flash sale activities, including limited time flash buying and countdown of products.

-Modify order processing logic: After a successful user flash sale, it is necessary to update the order status, inventory management, and other related processes.

-Adjusting the front-end interface: Based on the interface design of the Meili Tiantian Second system, adjust and beautify the front-end interface of Chain 2+1.

-Database update: Based on new requirements, expand the database table structure and add necessary data fields to support the management and recording of flash sales activities.

The above is a basic understanding of the "Chain 2+1 | Beautiful Everyday Second System Development". The specific development process and implementation methods will vary depending on the specific needs and technology selection of the project. If there are further detailed questions or requirements, please provide more specific information in order to provide more accurate assistance.

Here is a basic system development logic and requirement plan:

System objectives and business requirements:

Provide product display and flash sale functions

Support user registration, login, and personal account management

Countdown and order processing for flash killing activities

Support user browsing, adding to shopping cart, placing orders, and other operations

Provide backend management functions, including product management, event management, etc

Technical selection:

Backend development language: Choose a suitable backend development language, such as Java, Python, etc

Frontend development technology: Select appropriate frontend development technologies, such as React, Angular, etc

Database: Select suitable database technologies such as MySQL, MongoDB, etc

Data modeling and database design:

Design a data model that includes entities such as products, users, and orders, and define the relationships between them

Create corresponding database tables for storing data

Backend development:

Implement interfaces and logic for user registration, login, and personal account management

Design and implement interfaces and logic for product management and flash sale activity management

Logic for processing order generation, countdown, and order processing

Front end development:

Design and implement a user interface that allows users to browse products, add shopping carts, place orders, and more

Integrated countdown function enables users to clearly understand the remaining time

Implement an interface for user registration, login, and personal account management

Safety considerations:

Introduce user authentication and permission management to ensure system security

Measures to implement data verification and prevent malicious attacks

Performance optimization:

Using appropriate caching techniques to improve the system's response speed and concurrency capability

Consider adopting distributed architecture and load balancing solutions to cope with high concurrency situations

Testing and deployment:

Conduct system testing, including unit testing, integration testing, and system testing

Deploy the system to the appropriate server environment and monitor and tune it

The above is a brief development logic and requirement plan, which can be adjusted and expanded according to specific situations.

运维 JavaScript 数据可视化
存储 安全 区块链
NFT链游借助区块链实现去中心化,确保游戏公平参与。然而,当前GameFi项目存在只重视初期Token发行、盲盒和NFT销售的问题,需要从GameFi 2.0过渡到GameFi 3.0,强调开发者责任和DAO精神。智能合约是区块链上的数据库操作脚本,负责数据存储和修改。区块链特性包括去中心化、时序数据、集体维护、可编程性和安全可信。DAPP的底层区块链平台类似手机操作系统,支撑各种DAPP发展。
新零售 供应链 搜索推荐
新零售 人工智能 供应链
新零售 人工智能 搜索推荐
存储 监控 架构师
142231 2
供应链 安全 算法