You are given nn segments on a coordinate line; each endpoint of every segment has integer coordinates. Some segments can degenerate to points. Segments can intersect with each other, be nested in each other or even coincide.
Your task is the following: for every k in [1..n] , calculate the number of points with integer coordinates such that the number of segments that cover these points equals kk . A segment with endpoints li and ri covers point x if and only if li≤x≤ri .
The first line of the input contains one integer n ( 1≤n≤2⋅10^5 ) — the number of segments.
The next n lines contain segments. The i -th line contains a pair of integers li,ri ( 0≤li≤ri≤10^18 ) — the endpoints of the i -th segment.
Print n space separated integers cnt1,cnt2,…,cntn , where cnti is equal to the number of points such that the number of segments that cover these points equals to i .
给你n个区间,求被这些区间覆盖层数为k(k<=n) 的点的个数
第一行一个整数,n ,n<=2*10^5
以下n 行,每行有两个整数,即这个区间的左右端点l,r (0<=l<=r<=1018)
输入 #1
1. 3 2. 0 3 3. 1 3 4. 3 8
输出 #1
6 2 1
输入 #2
3 1 3 2 4 5 7
输出 #2
5 2 0
The picture describing the first example:
Points with coordinates [0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] are covered by one segment, points [1,2] are covered by two segments and point [3] is covered by three segments.
The picture describing the second example:
Points [1, 4, 5, 6, 7] are covered by one segment, points [2, 3] are covered by two segments and there are no points covered by three segments.
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cmath> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; struct Sort//定义一个类 { long long w,a; //w为位置,a为做的操作 }p[1000000]; bool cmp(Sort a,Sort b) { return a.w<b.w;//按w的大小排序位置 } int i,j,k,sum=0,m; long long ans[1000000],l,r,n,now=0;//注意开long long int main() { long long n; cin>>n; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { long long l,r; cin>>l>>r; sum++; p[sum].w=l; p[sum].a=1;//区间起始位置为++ sum++; p[sum].w=r+1;//结束位置为-- p[sum].a=-1; } sort(p+1,p+sum+1,cmp);//排序 l=p[1].w;//当前位置最小 now=p[1].a;//当前覆盖层数 for(i=2;i<=sum;i++) { ans[now]+=p[i].w-l;//当前层数的个数为前后操作位置的差 l=p[i].w;//位置 now+=p[i].a;// } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) cout<<ans[i]<<" ";//输出呀 return 0; }