1 UDTF之explode函数
1.1 explode语法功能
explode(a) - separates the elements of array a into multiple rows, or the elements of a map into multiple rows and columns
一般情况下,explode函数可以直接使用即可,也可以根据需要结合lateral view侧视图使用。
1.2 explode函数的使用
select explode(array
(11,22,33)) as item;
select explode(map
1.3 案例:NBA总冠军球队名单
1.3.1 业务需求
1.3.2 代码实现
--step1:建表 create table the_nba_championship( team_name string, champion_year array<string> ) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '|'; --step2:加载数据文件到表中 load data local inpath '/root/hivedata/The_NBA_Championship.txt' into table the_nba_championship; --step3:验证 select * from the_nba_championship;
–step4:使用explode函数对champion_year进行拆分 俗称炸开
select explode(champion_year) from the_nba_championship;
select team_name,explode(champion_year) from the_nba_championship;
1.3.3 explode使用限制
org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.SemanticException:UDTF’s are not supported outside the SELECT clause, nor nested in expressions
1.3.4 explode语法限制原因
1、 explode函数属于UDTF函数,即表生成函数;
2、 explode函数执行返回的结果可以理解为一张虚拟的表,其数据来源于源表;
3、 在select中只查询源表数据没有问题,只查询explode生成的虚拟表数据也没问题
4、 但是不能在只查询源表的时候,既想返回源表字段又想返回explode生成的虚拟表字段
5、 通俗点讲,有两张表,不能只查询一张表但是返回分别属于两张表的字段;
6、 从SQL层面上来说应该对两张表进行关联查询
7、 Hive专门提供了语法lateral View侧视图,专门用于搭配explode这样的UDTF函数,以满足上述需要。
2 Lateral View侧视图
2.1 概念
Lateral View是一种特殊的语法,主要用于搭配UDTF类型功能的函数一起使用,用于解决UDTF函数的一些查询限制的问题。
侧视图的原理是将UDTF的结果构建成一个类似于视图的表,然后将原表中的每一行和UDTF函数输出的每一行进行连接,生成一张新的虚拟表。这样就避免了UDTF的使用限制问题。使用lateral view时也可以对UDTF产生的记录设置字段名称,产生的字段可以用于group by、order by 、limit等语句中,不需要再单独嵌套一层子查询。
一般只要使用UDTF,就会固定搭配lateral view使用。
2.2 UDTF配合侧视图使用
针对上述NBA冠军球队年份排名案例,使用explode函数+lateral view侧视图,可以完美解决:
–lateral view侧视图基本语法如下
select …… from tabelA lateral view UDTF(xxx) 别名 as col1,col2,col3……;
select a.team_name ,b.year
from the_nba_championship a lateral view explode(champion_year) b as year
select a.team_name ,b.year
from the_nba_championship a lateral view explode(champion_year) b as year
order by b.year desc;
3 Aggregation 聚合函数
3.1 基础聚合
通常情况下,聚合函数会与GROUP BY子句一起使用。 如果未指定GROUP BY子句,默认情况下,它会汇总所有行数据。
--------------基础聚合函数------------------- --1、测试数据准备 drop table if exists student; create table student( num int, name string, sex string, age int, dept string) row format delimited fields terminated by ','; --加载数据 load data local inpath '/root/hivedata/students.txt' into table student; --验证 select * from student; --场景1:没有group by子句的聚合操作 select count(*) as cnt1,count(1) as cnt2 from student; --两个一样 --场景2:带有group by子句的聚合操作 注意group by语法限制 select sex,count(*) as cnt from student group by sex; --场景3:select时多个聚合函数一起使用 select count(*) as cnt1,avg(age) as cnt2 from student; --场景4:聚合函数和case when条件转换函数、coalesce函数、if函数使用 select sum(CASE WHEN sex = '男'THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) from student; select sum(if(sex = '男',1,0)) from student; --场景5:聚合参数不支持嵌套聚合函数 select avg(count(*)) from student; --聚合参数针对null的处理方式 --null null 0 select max(null), min(null), count(null); --下面这两个不支持null select sum(null), avg(null); --场景5:聚合操作时针对null的处理 CREATE TABLE tmp_1 (val1 int, val2 int); INSERT INTO TABLE tmp_1 VALUES (1, 2),(null,2),(2,3); select * from tmp_1; --第二行数据(NULL, 2) 在进行sum(val1 + val2)的时候会被忽略 select sum(val1), sum(val1 + val2) from tmp_1; --可以使用coalesce函数解决 select sum(coalesce(val1,0)), sum(coalesce(val1,0) + val2) from tmp_1; --场景6:配合distinct关键字去重聚合 --此场景下,会编译期间会自动设置只启动一个reduce task处理数据 性能可能会不会 造成数据拥堵 select count(distinct sex) as cnt1 from student; --可以先去重 在聚合 通过子查询完成 --因为先执行distinct的时候 可以使用多个reducetask来跑数据 select count(*) as gender_uni_cnt from (select distinct sex from student) a; --案例需求:找出student中男女学生年龄最大的及其名字 --这里使用了struct来构造数据 然后针对struct应用max找出最大元素 然后取值 select sex, max(struct(age, name)).col1 as age, max(struct(age, name)).col2 as name from student group by sex; select struct(age, name) from student; select struct(age, name).col1 from student; select max(struct(age, name)) from student;
3.2 增强聚合
3.2.1 概述与表数据环境准备
--表创建并且加载数据 CREATE TABLE cookie_info( month STRING, day STRING, cookieid STRING ) ROW FORMAT DELIMITED FIELDS TERMINATED BY ','; load data local inpath '/root/hivedata/cookie_info.txt' into table cookie_info; select * from cookie_info;
3.2.2 Grouping sets
grouping sets是一种将多个group by逻辑写在一个sql语句中的便利写法。
等价于将不同维度的GROUP BY结果集进行UNION ALL。
---group sets--------- SELECT month, day, COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums, GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month,day GROUPING SETS (month,day) ORDER BY GROUPING__ID; --grouping_id表示这一组结果属于哪个分组集合, --根据grouping sets中的分组条件month,day,1是代表month,2是代表day --等价于 SELECT month,NULL,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,1 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month UNION ALL SELECT NULL as month,day,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,2 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY day; --再比如 SELECT month, day, COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums, GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month,day GROUPING SETS (month,day,(month,day)) ORDER BY GROUPING__ID; --等价于 SELECT month,NULL,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,1 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month UNION ALL SELECT NULL,day,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,2 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY day UNION ALL SELECT month,day,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,3 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month,day;
3.2.3 Cube
cube的语法功能指的是:根据GROUP BY的维度的所有组合进行聚合。
------cube--------------- SELECT month, day, COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums, GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month,day WITH CUBE ORDER BY GROUPING__ID; --等价于 SELECT NULL,NULL,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,0 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info UNION ALL SELECT month,NULL,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,1 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month UNION ALL SELECT NULL,day,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,2 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY day UNION ALL SELECT month,day,COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums,3 AS GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month,day;
3.2.4 Rollup
cube的语法功能指的是:根据GROUP BY的维度的所有组合进行聚合。
--rollup------------- --比如,以month维度进行层级聚合: SELECT month, day, COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS nums, GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY month,day WITH ROLLUP ORDER BY GROUPING__ID; --把month和day调换顺序,则以day维度进行层级聚合: SELECT day, month, COUNT(DISTINCT cookieid) AS uv, GROUPING__ID FROM cookie_info GROUP BY day,month WITH ROLLUP ORDER BY GROUPING__ID;