【图像分割】基于神经气体网络 (NGN)实现图像分割附matlab代码
clc; clear; close all; %% Load Image Org=imread('Veg.jpg'); X = rgb2gray(Org); X=double(X); img=X; X=X(:)'; %% Neural Gas Network (NGN) Parameters ParVal.N = 16; % Number of Segments ParVal.MaxIt = 50; % Number of runs ParVal.tmax = 100000; ParVal.epsilon_initial = 0.3; ParVal.epsilon_final = 0.02; ParVal.lambda_initial = 2; ParVal.lambda_final = 0.1; ParVal.T_initial = 5; ParVal.T_final = 10; %% Training Neural Gas Network NGNnetwok = GasNN(X, ParVal); %% Vector to image and plot Weight=sum(round(rescale(NGNnetwok.w,1,ParVal.N))); Weight=round(rescale(Weight,1,ParVal.N)); indexed=reshape(Weight(1,:),size(img)); segmented = label2rgb(indexed); % Plot Res figure('units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]) subplot(2,2,1) imshow(Org,[]); title('Original'); subplot(2,2,2) imshow(img,[]); title('Grey'); subplot(2,2,3) imshow(segmented); title(['Segmented in [' num2str(ParVal.N) '] Segments']); subplot(2,2,4) imshow(indexed,[]); title(['Quantized in [' num2str(ParVal.N) '] Thresholds']);