linux PulseAudio音频采集
首先,PulseAudio跟ALSA不同的不同之处是,ALSA是内核级的,而PulseAudio则是用户层的服务,并且是作为Sound Server的形式,来管理应用程序的各种音频输入和输出,跟ALSA相同,大多数linux发行版都默认安装PulseAudio。我们这里的国产化芯片平台的银河麒麟自然也不例外。PulseAudio的结构图是这个样子的:
sudo apt-get install libpulse-dev
#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h> /*** 申请一个包含线程的事件循环 */ pa_threaded_mainloop* pa_threaded_mainloop_new(); /*** 开启事件循环 @return: 0表示成功,小于0表示错误码 */ int pa_threaded_mainloop_start(pa_threaded_mainloop* m); /*** 终止事件循环,在调用此函数前,必须确保事件循环已经解锁 */ void pa_threaded_mainloop_stop(pa_threaded_mainloop* m); /*** 阻塞并等待事件循环中消息被触发,注意,该函数返回并不一定是因为调用了pa_threaded_mainloop_signal() 需要甄别这一点 */ void pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(pa_threaded_mainloop* m); /*** 触发消息 */ void pa_threaded_mainloop_signal(pa_threaded_mainloop* m, int wait_for_accept);
#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h> /*** 创建PulseAudio连接上下文 */ pa_context* pa_context_new(pa_mainloop_api *mainloop, const char *name); /*** 将context连接到指定的PulseAudio服务,如果server为NULL,则连接到系统默认服务。 @return: 小于0表示错误 */ int pa_context_connect(pa_context *c, const char *server, pa_context_flags_t flags, const pa_spawn_api *api); /*** 终止事件循环,在调用此函数前,必须确保事件循环已经解锁 */ void pa_context_disconnect(pa_context* c); /*** 引用计数减1 */ void pa_context_unref(pa_context* c); /*** 返回当前上下文状态 */ pa_context_state_t pa_context_get_state(const pa_context* c);
#include <pulse/pulseaudio.h> /*** 在当前PulseAudio连接上,创建一个stream,用于输入或输出音频数据 */ pa_stream* pa_stream_new(pa_context *c, const char *name, const pa_sample_spec *ss, const pa_channel_map *map); /*** 将context连接到指定的PulseAudio服务,如果server为NULL,则连接到系统默认服务。 @return: 小于0表示错误 */ int pa_stream_connect_record(pa_context *c, const char *server, pa_context_flags_t flags, const pa_spawn_api *api); /*** 从缓冲区中读取下一个采集的音频片段 */ int pa_stream_peek(pa_stream *p, const void **data, size_t *nbytes); /*** 放弃当前输入(采集)的音频片段 */ void pa_stream_drop(pa_stream* s); /*** 关闭输入输出流 */ void pa_stream_disconnect(pa_stream* s); /*** 引用计数减1 */ void pa_stream_unref(pa_stream* s); /*** 返回当前stream状态 */ pa_context_state_t pa_stream_get_state(const pa_stream* s);
- 创建事件循环,连接PulseAudio服务器,创建stream并设置参数。为了看起来更加直观,这里我删除了一些错误判断的代码。
bool PulseAudioCapture::Start(Observer* ob) { observer_ = ob; SIMPLE_LOG("try open %s\n", device_name_.c_str()); int ret = 0; const char* name = "HbsPulse"; const char* stream_name = "HbsPulseStream"; char* device = NULL; if (false == device_name_.empty()) { device = (char*)device_name_.c_str(); } const struct pa_sample_spec *pss = nullptr; pa_sample_format_t sam_fmt = AV_NE(PA_SAMPLE_S16BE, PA_SAMPLE_S16LE); const pa_sample_spec ss = { sam_fmt, sample_rate_, channel_count_ }; pa_buffer_attr attr = { (uint32_t)-1 }; pa_channel_map cmap; const pa_buffer_attr *queried_attr = nullptr; int stream_flag = 0; pa_channel_map_init_extend(&cmap, channel_count_, PA_CHANNEL_MAP_WAVEEX); mainloop_ = pa_threaded_mainloop_new(); context_ = pa_context_new(pa_threaded_mainloop_get_api(mainloop_), name); pa_context_set_state_callback(context_, context_state_cb, this); pa_context_connect(context_, pulse_server_, /*0*/PA_CONTEXT_NOFLAGS, NULL); pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop_); pa_threaded_mainloop_start(mainloop_); for (;;) { pa_context_state_t state = pa_context_get_state(context_); if (state == PA_CONTEXT_READY) break; if (!PA_CONTEXT_IS_GOOD(state)) { int ec = pa_context_errno(context_); SIMPLE_LOG("pulse context state bad: %d, err: %d\n", state, ec); goto unlock_and_fail; } /* Wait until the context is ready */ pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop_); } SIMPLE_LOG("pulse context ready!\n"); stream_ = pa_stream_new(context_, stream_name, &ss, &cmap); pa_stream_set_state_callback(stream_, stream_state_cb, this); pa_stream_set_read_callback(stream_, stream_read_cb, this); pa_stream_set_write_callback(stream_, stream_write_cb, this); pa_stream_set_latency_update_callback(stream_, stream_latency_update_cb, this); ret = pa_stream_connect_record(stream_, device, &attr, PA_STREAM_ADJUST_LATENCY|PA_STREAM_AUTO_TIMING_UPDATE); for (;;) { pa_stream_state_t state = pa_stream_get_state(stream_); if (state == PA_STREAM_READY) break; if (!PA_STREAM_IS_GOOD(state)) { int ec = pa_context_errno(context_); SIMPLE_LOG("pulse stream state bad: %d, err: %d\n", state, ec); goto unlock_and_fail; } /* Wait until the stream is ready */ pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop_); } pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop_); SIMPLE_LOG("pulse audio start ok, fragsize: %d, framesize: %d\n", fragment_size_, pa_frame_size_); ThreadStart(); return true; unlock_and_fail: pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop_); ClosePulse(); return false; }
- 读取音频数据
bool PulseAudioCapture::ReadData() { int ret; size_t read_length; const void *read_data = NULL; pa_usec_t latency; int negative; ptrdiff_t pos = 0; pa_threaded_mainloop_lock(mainloop_); if (IsPulseDead()) { SIMPLE_LOG("pulse is dead\n"); goto unlock_and_fail; } while (pos < fragment_size_) { int r = pa_stream_peek(stream_, &read_data, &read_length); if (r != 0) { SIMPLE_LOG("pa_stream_peek: %d\n", r); goto unlock_and_fail; } if (read_length <= 0) { pa_threaded_mainloop_wait(mainloop_); if (IsPulseDead()) { SIMPLE_LOG("pulse is dead\n"); goto unlock_and_fail; } } else if (!read_data) { /* There's a hole in the stream, skip it. We could generate * silence, but that wouldn't work for compressed streams. */ r = pa_stream_drop(stream_); if (r != 0) { SIMPLE_LOG("null data, pa_stream_drop: %d\n", r); goto unlock_and_fail; } } else { if (!pos) { if (pcm_buf_.empty()) { pcm_buf_.resize(fragment_size_); } //pcm_dts_ = av_gettime(); pa_operation_unref(pa_stream_update_timing_info(stream_, NULL, NULL)); if (pa_stream_get_latency(stream_, &latency, &negative) >= 0) { if (negative) { pcm_dts_ += latency; } else pcm_dts_ -= latency; } else { SIMPLE_LOG("pa_stream_get_latency() failed\n"); } } if (pcm_buf_.size() - pos < read_length) { if (pos) break; pa_stream_drop(stream_); /* Oversized fragment??? */ SIMPLE_LOG("Oversized fragment\n"); goto unlock_and_fail; } memcpy( + pos, read_data, read_length); pos += read_length; pa_stream_drop(stream_); } } SIMPLE_LOG("read pos: %d\n", pos); pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop_); return true; unlock_and_fail: pa_threaded_mainloop_unlock(mainloop_); return false; }