help show; show databases; # 查询所有库名 show tables; # 查询当前库的所有表名 show tables from world; # 查询world库下的所有表名 show create database world; # 查询world建库语句 show create table city; # 当前库下的city表建表语句 show create table world.city; # world库下的建表语句 show privileges; # 数据库中所有权限 show engines; # 数据库中支持的存储引擎 show grants for root@'localhost' # 查询某个用户权限 show charset; # 查询数据库字符集支持 show collation; # 查询所有校对规则的支持 show variables like '%trx%' # 查询数据库参数 show status like 'com_%' # 查询数据库的状态 show processlist; # 查询所有会话信息 show engine innodb status # 查询innodb引擎相关的状态 show binary logs # 查询二进制日志文件信息 show binlog events in 'xxx' # 查看二进制日志事件 show master status ; # 当前正在使用的二进制日志信息 show slave status\G # 查看主从状态相关信息 show slave hosts; # 查看从库主机信息
mysql # 权限表: user db # 统计信息表 : innodb_index_stats innodb_table_stats IS(information_schema) 对象属性: tables columns PS 性能有关 SYS 性能有关
IS中的 tables 和 columns 的应用
数据库资产统计 use information_schema; desc tables; -- table_schema 表所在的库 -- table_name 表名 -- engine 存储引擎 -- table_rows 表行数 -- avg_row_length 平均行长度 -- index_length 索引长度 -- data_free 碎片的大小
例子1 :每个业务库表的个数和名称 select table_schema,count(*),group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema','performance_schema','sys') group by table_schema; +--------------+----------+------------------------------+ | table_schema | count(*) | group_concat(table_name) | +--------------+----------+------------------------------+ | younggirl | 1 | student | | oldli | 2 | student,stu | | school | 4 | sc,course,teacher,student | | world | 3 | countrylanguage,country,city | +--------------+----------+------------------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
例子2:统计每个库的数据量 select table_schema,SUM(table_rows*avg_row_length+index_length) as total_B from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema','performance_schema','sys') group by table_schema; +--------------+----------+ | table_schema | total_KB | +--------------+----------+ | oldzhang | 16.0000 | | oldli | 0.0000 | | school | 63.9795 | | world | 779.7744 | +--------------+----------+ 4 rows in set (0.01 sec)
例子3: 查询业务表中,所有不是InnoDB引擎的表 select table_schema,table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema','performance_schema','sys') and engine!='innodb'; +--------------+------------+ | table_schema | table_name | +--------------+------------+ | oldli | test | +--------------+------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
命令拼接,完成批量工作 alter table oldboy.t1 engine=innodb; select concat("alter table ",table_schema,".",table_name," engine=innodb;") from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema','performance_schema','sys') and engine!='innodb' +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | concat("alter table ",table_schema,".",table_name," engine=innodb;") | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | alter table oldli.test engine=innodb; | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # 在原命令下添加into把数据导出 (工作中禁用source) select concat("alter table ",table_schema,".",table_name," engine=innodb;") from information_schema.tables where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema','performance_schema','sys') and engine!='innodb' into outfile '/tmp/alter.sql';