5 Rednet网络搭建
from torch.autograd import Function import torch from torch.nn.modules.utils import _pair import torch.nn.functional as F import torch.nn as nn from mmcv.cnn import ConvModule from collections import namedtuple import cupy from string import Template Stream = namedtuple('Stream', ['ptr']) def Dtype(t): if isinstance(t, torch.cuda.FloatTensor): return 'float' elif isinstance(t, torch.cuda.DoubleTensor): return 'double' @cupy._util.memoize(for_each_device=True) def load_kernel(kernel_name, code, **kwargs): code = Template(code).substitute(**kwargs) kernel_code = cupy.cuda.compile_with_cache(code) return kernel_code.get_function(kernel_name) CUDA_NUM_THREADS = 1024 kernel_loop = ''' #define CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(i, n) \ for (int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; \ i < (n); \ i += blockDim.x * gridDim.x) ''' def GET_BLOCKS(N): return (N + CUDA_NUM_THREADS - 1) // CUDA_NUM_THREADS _involution_kernel = kernel_loop + ''' extern "C" __global__ void involution_forward_kernel( const ${Dtype}* bottom_data, const ${Dtype}* weight_data, ${Dtype}* top_data) { CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, ${nthreads}) { const int n = index / ${channels} / ${top_height} / ${top_width}; const int c = (index / ${top_height} / ${top_width}) % ${channels}; const int h = (index / ${top_width}) % ${top_height}; const int w = index % ${top_width}; const int g = c / (${channels} / ${groups}); ${Dtype} value = 0; #pragma unroll for (int kh = 0; kh < ${kernel_h}; ++kh) { #pragma unroll for (int kw = 0; kw < ${kernel_w}; ++kw) { const int h_in = -${pad_h} + h * ${stride_h} + kh * ${dilation_h}; const int w_in = -${pad_w} + w * ${stride_w} + kw * ${dilation_w}; if ((h_in >= 0) && (h_in < ${bottom_height}) && (w_in >= 0) && (w_in < ${bottom_width})) { const int offset = ((n * ${channels} + c) * ${bottom_height} + h_in) * ${bottom_width} + w_in; const int offset_weight = ((((n * ${groups} + g) * ${kernel_h} + kh) * ${kernel_w} + kw) * ${top_height} + h) * ${top_width} + w; value += weight_data[offset_weight] * bottom_data[offset]; } } } top_data[index] = value; } } ''' _involution_kernel_backward_grad_input = kernel_loop + ''' extern "C" __global__ void involution_backward_grad_input_kernel( const ${Dtype}* const top_diff, const ${Dtype}* const weight_data, ${Dtype}* const bottom_diff) { CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, ${nthreads}) { const int n = index / ${channels} / ${bottom_height} / ${bottom_width}; const int c = (index / ${bottom_height} / ${bottom_width}) % ${channels}; const int h = (index / ${bottom_width}) % ${bottom_height}; const int w = index % ${bottom_width}; const int g = c / (${channels} / ${groups}); ${Dtype} value = 0; for (int kh = 0; kh < ${kernel_h}; ++kh) { for (int kw = 0; kw < ${kernel_w}; ++kw) { const int h_out_s = h + ${pad_h} - kh * ${dilation_h}; const int w_out_s = w + ${pad_w} - kw * ${dilation_w}; if (((h_out_s % ${stride_h}) == 0) && ((w_out_s % ${stride_w}) == 0)) { const int h_out = h_out_s / ${stride_h}; const int w_out = w_out_s / ${stride_w}; if ((h_out >= 0) && (h_out < ${top_height}) && (w_out >= 0) && (w_out < ${top_width})) { const int offset = ((n * ${channels} + c) * ${top_height} + h_out) * ${top_width} + w_out; const int offset_weight = ((((n * ${groups} + g) * ${kernel_h} + kh) * ${kernel_w} + kw) * ${top_height} + h_out) * ${top_width} + w_out; value += weight_data[offset_weight] * top_diff[offset]; } } } } bottom_diff[index] = value; } } ''' _involution_kernel_backward_grad_weight = kernel_loop + ''' extern "C" __global__ void involution_backward_grad_weight_kernel( const ${Dtype}* const top_diff, const ${Dtype}* const bottom_data, ${Dtype}* const buffer_data) { CUDA_KERNEL_LOOP(index, ${nthreads}) { const int h = (index / ${top_width}) % ${top_height}; const int w = index % ${top_width}; const int kh = (index / ${kernel_w} / ${top_height} / ${top_width}) % ${kernel_h}; const int kw = (index / ${top_height} / ${top_width}) % ${kernel_w}; const int h_in = -${pad_h} + h * ${stride_h} + kh * ${dilation_h}; const int w_in = -${pad_w} + w * ${stride_w} + kw * ${dilation_w}; if ((h_in >= 0) && (h_in < ${bottom_height}) && (w_in >= 0) && (w_in < ${bottom_width})) { const int g = (index / ${kernel_h} / ${kernel_w} / ${top_height} / ${top_width}) % ${groups}; const int n = (index / ${groups} / ${kernel_h} / ${kernel_w} / ${top_height} / ${top_width}) % ${num}; ${Dtype} value = 0; for (int c = g * (${channels} / ${groups}); c < (g + 1) * (${channels} / ${groups}); ++c) { const int top_offset = ((n * ${channels} + c) * ${top_height} + h) * ${top_width} + w; const int bottom_offset = ((n * ${channels} + c) * ${bottom_height} + h_in) * ${bottom_width} + w_in; value += top_diff[top_offset] * bottom_data[bottom_offset]; } buffer_data[index] = value; } else { buffer_data[index] = 0; } } } ''' class _involution(Function): @staticmethod def forward(ctx, input, weight, stride, padding, dilation): assert input.dim() == 4 and input.is_cuda assert weight.dim() == 6 and weight.is_cuda batch_size, channels, height, width = input.size() kernel_h, kernel_w = weight.size()[2:4] output_h = int((height + 2 * padding[0] - (dilation[0] * (kernel_h - 1) + 1)) / stride[0] + 1) output_w = int((width + 2 * padding[1] - (dilation[1] * (kernel_w - 1) + 1)) / stride[1] + 1) output = input.new(batch_size, channels, output_h, output_w) n = output.numel() with torch.cuda.device_of(input): f = load_kernel('involution_forward_kernel', _involution_kernel, Dtype=Dtype(input), nthreads=n, num=batch_size, channels=channels, groups=weight.size()[1], bottom_height=height, bottom_width=width, top_height=output_h, top_width=output_w, kernel_h=kernel_h, kernel_w=kernel_w, stride_h=stride[0], stride_w=stride[1], dilation_h=dilation[0], dilation_w=dilation[1], pad_h=padding[0], pad_w=padding[1]) f(block=(CUDA_NUM_THREADS,1,1), grid=(GET_BLOCKS(n),1,1), args=[input.data_ptr(), weight.data_ptr(), output.data_ptr()], stream=Stream(ptr=torch.cuda.current_stream().cuda_stream)) ctx.save_for_backward(input, weight) ctx.stride, ctx.padding, ctx.dilation = stride, padding, dilation return output @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): assert grad_output.is_cuda and grad_output.is_contiguous() input, weight = ctx.saved_tensors stride, padding, dilation = ctx.stride, ctx.padding, ctx.dilation batch_size, channels, height, width = input.size() kernel_h, kernel_w = weight.size()[2:4] output_h, output_w = grad_output.size()[2:] grad_input, grad_weight = None, None opt = dict(Dtype=Dtype(grad_output), num=batch_size, channels=channels, groups=weight.size()[1], bottom_height=height, bottom_width=width, top_height=output_h, top_width=output_w, kernel_h=kernel_h, kernel_w=kernel_w, stride_h=stride[0], stride_w=stride[1], dilation_h=dilation[0], dilation_w=dilation[1], pad_h=padding[0], pad_w=padding[1]) with torch.cuda.device_of(input): if ctx.needs_input_grad[0]: grad_input = input.new(input.size()) n = grad_input.numel() opt['nthreads'] = n f = load_kernel('involution_backward_grad_input_kernel', _involution_kernel_backward_grad_input, **opt) f(block=(CUDA_NUM_THREADS,1,1), grid=(GET_BLOCKS(n),1,1), args=[grad_output.data_ptr(), weight.data_ptr(), grad_input.data_ptr()], stream=Stream(ptr=torch.cuda.current_stream().cuda_stream)) if ctx.needs_input_grad[1]: grad_weight = weight.new(weight.size()) n = grad_weight.numel() opt['nthreads'] = n f = load_kernel('involution_backward_grad_weight_kernel', _involution_kernel_backward_grad_weight, **opt) f(block=(CUDA_NUM_THREADS,1,1), grid=(GET_BLOCKS(n),1,1), args=[grad_output.data_ptr(), input.data_ptr(), grad_weight.data_ptr()], stream=Stream(ptr=torch.cuda.current_stream().cuda_stream)) return grad_input, grad_weight, None, None, None def _involution_cuda(input, weight, bias=None, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1): """ involution kernel """ assert input.size(0) == weight.size(0) assert input.size(-2)//stride == weight.size(-2) assert input.size(-1)//stride == weight.size(-1) if input.is_cuda: out = _involution.apply(input, weight, _pair(stride), _pair(padding), _pair(dilation)) if bias is not None: out += bias.view(1,-1,1,1) else: raise NotImplementedError return out class involution(nn.Module): def __init__(self, channels, kernel_size, stride): super(involution, self).__init__() self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.stride = stride self.channels = channels reduction_ratio = 4 self.group_channels = 16 self.groups = self.channels // self.group_channels self.conv1 = ConvModule( in_channels=channels, out_channels=channels // reduction_ratio, kernel_size=1, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=dict(type='BN'), act_cfg=dict(type='ReLU')) self.conv2 = ConvModule( in_channels=channels // reduction_ratio, out_channels=kernel_size**2 * self.groups, kernel_size=1, stride=1, conv_cfg=None, norm_cfg=None, act_cfg=None) if stride > 1: self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(stride, stride) def forward(self, x): weight = self.conv2(self.conv1(x if self.stride == 1 else self.avgpool(x))) b, c, h, w = weight.shape weight = weight.view(b, self.groups, self.kernel_size, self.kernel_size, h, w) out = _involution_cuda(x, weight, stride=self.stride, padding=(self.kernel_size-1)//2) return out
6 实验
6.1 图像分类实验
6.2 目标检测实验
通过上表可以看出,RedNet作为Backbone的检测框架,不管是RetinaNet、Faster R-CNN还是Mask R-CNN都可以在参数量下降的情况下,依然有明显的AP的提升。
6.3 语义分割实验
7 参考
[1].Involution:Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition