创建一个表可以使用create table命令。在命令里面,需要指定表名,列名以及列的类型。例如:
create table my_first_table ( first_column text, second_column integer );
上面的命令创建了一个两列的表,一列为文本类型,一列为整数类型。删除刚刚创建的表可以使用drop table命令。
drop table my_first_table;
OushuDB现在支持多种存储格式:AO,Parquet,ORC,MagmaAP。AO是按行存储的格式,而Parquet,ORC,MagmaAP是按列存储的格式。 其中MagmaAP 是在4.0.0.0发布的全新的存储格式。MagmaAP,ORC都支持update/delete,支持事务, 且MagmaAP还支持index。
# 默认创建的是AO表 CREATE TABLE rank1 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ); # 和上面的创建的表一样,显式指定存储格式类型 CREATE TABLE rank2 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ) with (appendonly =true, orientation =row); # 创建一个snappy压缩的AO表 CREATE TABLE rank3 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ) with (appendonly =true, orientation =row, compresstype = snappy); # 创建一个snappy压缩的Parquet表,如果不指定压缩类型的话,默认不压缩。 CREATE TABLE rank3 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ) with (appendonly =true, orientation =parquet, compresstype = snappy); # 创建一个不压缩的ORC表,如果不指定压缩类型的话,默认不压缩。 CREATE TABLE rank3 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ) with (appendonly =true, orientation =orc); # 创建一个带压缩的ORC表,需指定压缩类型。 CREATE TABLE rank3 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ) with (appendonly =true, orientation =orc, compresstype = lz4); # 创建一个压缩的magma表, magma 内部自动实现了压缩。 CREATE TABLE rank3 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ) format 'magmaap'; # 创建一个有primary key的magma表, magma 内部自动实现了压缩。 CREATE TABLE rank3 (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int,primary key(id) ) format 'magmaap';
创建表时用户不指定分布方式的时候非magmaap表默认使用Random分布,magmaap表目前不支持Random 分布。下面这个两个例子等价。
CREATE TABLE rank (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ); CREATE TABLE rank (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ); DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY;
下面这个例子创建一个Hash分布的表,分布的Key使用三个列(rank, gender, year)的组合,数据分布到32个bucket里面。
CREATE TABLE rank (id int, rank int, year smallint,gender char(1), count int ) WITH (bucketnum = 32) DISTRIBUTED BY (rank, gender,year);
非Magma表: Random分布的表较灵活,在系统扩容添加节点后无需重新分布数据。而Hash分布的表在系统扩容后,为了利用新增加节点的计算能力,需要重新分布数据。另外,针对Hash分布的表资源管理器在分配资源的时候采取分配固定virtual segment数的方式,不如Random分布灵活。
SELECT l_orderkey, count(l_quantity) FROM lineitem, orders WHERE l_orderkey = o_orderkey
针对绝大多数查询,实验表明都不是网络瓶颈,基于Hash分布和基于Random分布性能差别不大。所以我们建议用户默认采取Random分布, 只针对特定需要优化的场合使用Hash分布的表。
Magma表具备的Hash和random 表的优势,通过 default_magma_hash_table_nvseg_per_node 来控制每个节点能启动的virtual segment数。 在系统扩容后不需要重新分布数据。
针对Hash分布的表,bucketnum决定了一个查询的并行度。在一些常见的硬件配置中(128G内存和12块SAS盘),我们建议选取6 节点数或者8 节点数。 硬件更好的话可以增加bucketnum。在系统初始化的时候,default_hash_table_bucket_number的初始化默认值为8 * 节点数。Magma table 使用default_magma_hash_table_nvseg_per_node, 表示每个节点是virtual segment 的个数。:
● 查询优化器可以针对分区表进行优化,如果查询只设计到某些分区,则查询计划只需要扫描这些分区,从而加速查询
● 如果我们按照日期进行分区的话,我们可以简单的加入分区和删除过期的分区。
● Range分区:依据数值范围进行分区,比如日期,价格等
● List分区:依据一个值的列表进行分区,比如地区等
# 创建一个sales表,按照date列Range分区,从2008年到2009年每月创建一个分区 postgres=# CREATE TABLE sales (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2)) PARTITION BY RANGE (date) ( START (date '2008-01-01') INCLUSIVE END (date '2009-01-01') EXCLUSIVE EVERY (INTERVAL '1 month') );
postgres=# \d+ sales Append-Only Table "public.sales" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description --------+---------------+-----------+---------+------------- id | integer | | plain | date | date | | plain | amt | numeric(10,2) | | main | Compression Type: None Compression Level: 0 Block Size: 32768 Checksum: f Child tables: sales_1_prt_1, sales_1_prt_10, sales_1_prt_11, sales_1_prt_12, sales_1_prt_2, sales_1_prt_3, sales_1_prt_4, sales_1_prt_5, sales_1_prt_6, sales_1_prt_7, sales_1_prt_8, sales_1_prt_9 Has OIDs: no Options: appendonly=true Distributed randomly Partition by: (date)
CREATE TABLE sales_exp (id int, date date, amt decimal(10,2)) PARTITION BY RANGE (date) ( PARTITION Jan08 START (date '2008-01-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Feb08 START (date '2008-02-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Mar08 START (date '2008-03-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Apr08 START (date '2008-04-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION May08 START (date '2008-05-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Jun08 START (date '2008-06-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Jul08 START (date '2008-07-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Aug08 START (date '2008-08-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Sep08 START (date '2008-09-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Oct08 START (date '2008-10-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Nov08 START (date '2008-11-01') INCLUSIVE , PARTITION Dec08 START (date '2008-12-01') INCLUSIVE END (date '2009-01-01') EXCLUSIVE );
postgres=# \d+ sales_exp Append-Only Table "public.sales_exp" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description --------+---------------+-----------+---------+------------- id | integer | | plain | date | date | | plain | amt | numeric(10,2) | | main | Compression Type: None Compression Level: 0 Block Size: 32768 Checksum: f Child tables: sales_exp_1_prt_apr08, sales_exp_1_prt_aug08, sales_exp_1_prt_dec08, sales_exp_1_prt_feb08, sales_exp_1_prt_jan08, sales_exp_1_prt_jul08, sales_exp_1_prt_jun08, sales_exp_1_prt_mar08, sales_exp_1_prt_may08, sales_exp_1_prt_nov08, sales_exp_1_prt_oct08, sales_exp_1_prt_sep08 Has OIDs: no Options: appendonly=true Distributed randomly Partition by: (date)
下面是另外一个根据Range分区的例子,这次使用的是整型列进行分区。这里面我们添加了一个DEFAULT PARTITION, 在不满足其他分区的条件下,数据会被插入DEFAULT PARTITION。
CREATE TABLE rank (id int, rank int, year int, gender char(1), count int) PARTITION BY RANGE (year) ( START (2001) END (2008) EVERY (1), DEFAULT PARTITION extra );
下面的例子创建了一个基于List的分区表。List分区表可以基于任意支持等值比较的数据类型。对与List分区,你需要 显式的指定所有子分区。
postgres=# CREATE TABLE rank (id int, rank int, year int, gender char(1), count int ) PARTITION BY LIST (gender) ( PARTITION girls VALUES ('F'), PARTITION boys VALUES ('M'), DEFAULT PARTITION other );
postgres=# \d+ rank Append-Only Table "public.rank" Column | Type | Modifiers | Storage | Description --------+--------------+-----------+----------+------------- id | integer | | plain | rank | integer | | plain | year | integer | | plain | gender | character(1) | | extended | count | integer | | plain | Compression Type: None Compression Level: 0 Block Size: 32768 Checksum: f Child tables: rank_1_prt_boys, rank_1_prt_girls, rank_1_prt_other Has OIDs: no Options: appendonly=true Distributed randomly Partition by: (gender)
CREATE TABLE sales (trans_id int, date date, amount decimal(9,2), region text) PARTITION BY RANGE (date) SUBPARTITION BY LIST (region) SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE ( SUBPARTITION usa VALUES ('usa'), SUBPARTITION asia VALUES ('asia'), SUBPARTITION europe VALUES ('europe'), DEFAULT SUBPARTITION other_regions) (START (date '2011-01-01') INCLUSIVE END (date '2012-01-01') EXCLUSIVE EVERY (INTERVAL '1 month'), DEFAULT PARTITION outlying_dates);
注:当你在使用多级分区的时候,系统会产生大量的小表,有些表可能没有数据或包含很少数据,这样会对系统元数据管理产生过多压力。 建议不要创建具有过多分区的表。一般限制分区数在100或以内比较合理。
postgres=# SELECT partitionboundary, partitiontablename, partitionname, partitionlevel, partitionrank postgres-# FROM pg_partitions postgres-# WHERE tablename='sales'; partitionboundary | partitiontablename | partitionname | partitionlevel | partitionrank ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+--------------------+---------------+----------------+--------------- START ('2008-01-01'::date) END ('2008-02-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_1 | | 0 | 1 START ('2008-02-01'::date) END ('2008-03-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_2 | | 0 | 2 START ('2008-03-01'::date) END ('2008-04-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_3 | | 0 | 3 START ('2008-04-01'::date) END ('2008-05-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_4 | | 0 | 4 START ('2008-05-01'::date) END ('2008-06-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_5 | | 0 | 5 START ('2008-06-01'::date) END ('2008-07-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_6 | | 0 | 6 START ('2008-07-01'::date) END ('2008-08-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_7 | | 0 | 7 START ('2008-08-01'::date) END ('2008-09-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_8 | | 0 | 8 START ('2008-09-01'::date) END ('2008-10-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_9 | | 0 | 9 START ('2008-10-01'::date) END ('2008-11-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_10 | | 0 | 10 START ('2008-11-01'::date) END ('2008-12-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_11 | | 0 | 11 START ('2008-12-01'::date) END ('2009-01-01'::date) EVERY ('1 mon'::interval) WITH (appendonly=true) | sales_1_prt_12 | | 0 | 12 (12 rows)