The development of artificial intelligence technology mainly relies on technologies such as big data,machine learning,deep learning,and natural language processing.By inputting a large amount of data into algorithms,artificial intelligence systems can continuously improve their performance and efficiency through self-learning and improvement.
onnx_import_file(str):被量化的onnx模型文件路径onnx model location
calib_dataloader(DataLoader):校准数据集calibration data loader
calib_steps(int):校准步数calibration steps
collate_fn(Callable):校准数据的预处理函数batch collate func for preprocessing
a list of ints indicating size of input,for multiple inputs,please use
keyword arg inputs for direct parameter passing and this should be set to None
the torch datatype of input,for multiple inputs,please use keyword arg inputs
for direct parameter passing and this should be set to None
for multiple inputs,please give the specified inputs directly in the form of
a list of arrays
Quantization setting,default setting will be used when set None
do_quantize(Bool,optional):是否执行量化whether to quantize the model,defaults to True.
platform(TargetPlatform,optional):量化的目标平台target backend platform,defaults to TargetPlatform.DSP_INT8.
device(str,optional):量化过程的执行设备execution device,defaults to'cuda'.
verbose(int,optional):是否打印详细信息whether to print details,defaults to 0.