作为我写的第一个excel vba demo,必须好好记录下。
通过excel添加信号,并生成Verilog module代码,每个sheet作为一个模块,最终的实现的效果如下:
7.点击“生成代码”,直接生成module rtl,除了对齐失败以外,可以说非常完美;
1. Option Explicit 2. 3. Dim sigName As String 4. Dim sigWidh As String 5. Dim sigType As String 6. Dim sigPort As String 7. 8. Public Type sigInfo 9. name As String 10. widh As Integer 11. type As String 12. port As String 13. End Type
1. Private Function gainLastRow() As Integer 2. 3. Dim lastRow As Integer 4. 5. lastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count 6. gainLastRow = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows(lastRow).Row + 1 7. 'Debug.Print gainLastRow 8. 9. End Function
1. Private Function gainSigIn() As Boolean 2. 3. sigName = InputBox(prompt:="信号名称") 4. If sigName = "" Then 5. gainSigIn = False 6. Exit Function 7. End If 8. 9. 10. sigWidh = InputBox(prompt:="信号位宽", Default:="1") 11. If sigWidh = "" Then 12. gainSigIn = False 13. Exit Function 14. End If 15. 16. sigType = InputBox(prompt:="信号类型reg/wire??", Default:="wire") 17. If sigType = "" Then 18. gainSigIn = False 19. Exit Function 20. End If 21. 22. sigPort = InputBox(prompt:="接口属性no/input/output/inout??", Default:="no") 23. If sigPort = "" Then 24. gainSigIn = False 25. Exit Function 26. End If 27. 28. gainSigIn = True 29. 30. End Function
1. Public Sub mainAddSig() 2. 3. Dim addRow As Integer 4. 5. Do 6. If gainSigIn() = True Then 7. 'Debug.Print "@@@@@@@" 8. addRow = gainLastRow() 9. With ActiveSheet 10. .Cells(addRow, 1).Value = sigName 11. .Cells(addRow, 2).Value = sigWidh 12. .Cells(addRow, 3).Value = sigType 13. .Cells(addRow, 4).Value = sigPort 14. End With 15. Else 16. Exit Sub 17. End If 18. Loop Until MsgBox("是否继续输入", vbOKCancel) <> vbOK 19. 20. End Sub
1. Private Function gainOrgLoc() As Integer 2. 3. Dim keyCell As Range 4. 5. Cells(1, 1).Select 6. 7. 'Set keyCell = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Find(What:="???????", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=False) 8. Set keyCell = Cells.Find(What:="???????", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=False) 9. 10. If keyCell Is Nothing Then 11. gainOrgLoc = -1 12. Else 13. gainOrgLoc = keyCell.Row 14. 'Debug.Print gainOrgLoc 15. End If 16. 17. End Function
1. Private Function gainSigInfo(setRow As Integer) As sigInfo 2. 3. With ActiveSheet 4. gainSigInfo.name = .Cells(setRow, 1) 5. gainSigInfo.widh = .Cells(setRow, 2) 6. gainSigInfo.type = .Cells(setRow, 3) 7. gainSigInfo.port = .Cells(setRow, 4) 8. End With 9. 10. End Function
1. Public Sub genRtlCode() 2. 3. Dim inputArray As New Collection 4. Dim outputArray As New Collection 5. Dim inoutArray As New Collection 6. Dim wireArray As New Collection 7. Dim regArray As New Collection 8. 9. Dim startRow As Integer 10. Dim sig As sigInfo 11. Dim ss As New Collection 12. 13. Dim i As Integer 14. Dim s As String 15. 16. startRow = gainOrgLoc() + 1 17. 18. For i = startRow To gainLastRow 19. sig = gainSigInfo(i) 20. If sig.name <> "" Then 21. If sig.port = "input" Then 22. inputArray.Add (" input " & sig.type & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";") 23. 'Debug.Print " input " & sig.type & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";" 24. ElseIf sig.port = "output" Then 25. outputArray.Add (" output " & sig.type & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";") 26. 'Debug.Print " output " & sig.type & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";" 27. ElseIf sig.port = "inout" Then 28. inoutArray.Add (" inout " & sig.type & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";") 29. ElseIf sig.port = "no" And sig.type = "wire" Then 30. wireArray.Add (" wire " & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";") 31. 'Debug.Print " wire " & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";" 32. ElseIf sig.port = "no" And sig.type = "reg" Then 33. regArray.Add (" reg " & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";") 34. 'Debug.Print " reg " & " [" & sig.widh & " -1:0] " & sig.name & ";" 35. End If 36. End If 37. Next 38. 39. Open "C:\Users\gaoji\Desktop\RISC_SPM\gen.sv" For Output As #1 40. Print #1, "module " & ActiveSheet.name & "(" 41. 42. For i = 1 To inputArray.Count 43. s = inputArray.Item(i) 44. Print #1, s 45. Next 46. For i = 1 To outputArray.Count 47. s = outputArray.Item(i) 48. Print #1, s 49. Next 50. For i = 1 To inoutArray.Count 51. s = inoutArray.Item(i) 52. Print #1, s 53. Next 54. 55. Print #1, ");" 56. 57. For i = 1 To regArray.Count 58. s = regArray.Item(i) 59. Print #1, s 60. Next 61. For i = 1 To wireArray.Count 62. s = wireArray.Item(i) 63. Print #1, s 64. Next 65. 66. Print #1, "endmodule" 67. 68. Close #1 69. 70. 71. End Sub