-- 1. 查询员工表所有数据,并说明使用*的缺点
select * from employees;
-- 使用*查询效率低,可读性不好
-- 2. 查询 email 以 "N " 结尾的员工信息
select * from employees
where email like '%N';
-- 3. 查询公司里所有的 manager_id(去除重复数据)
select distinct manager_id from employees;
-- 4. 按照入职日期由新到旧排列员工信息
select * from employees
order by hiredate desc;
-- 5. 按照工资由高到低的顺序显示员工信息
select * from employees
ORDER BY salary desc;
-- 6. 查询职位(JOB_ID)为'ST_CLERK'的员工的工资
select * from employees
where job_id='ST_CLERK';
-- 7. 查询 50 号部门的员工姓名以及全年工资.
SELECT CONCAT(FIRST_NAME,last_name) as 姓名,salary*12 as 年薪,department_id 部门
from employees
where department_id in(50);
-- 8. 查询 80 号部门工资大于 7000 的员工的信息.
select *
from employees
where department_id in(80) and salary >7000;
-- 9. 查询工资高于 7000 但是没有提成的所有员工.
select *
from employees
where commission_pct is null and salary>7000;
-- 10. 查询入职日期在 1992-1-1 到 2012-12-31 之间的所有员工信息 2016-03-03 00:00:00
FROM employees;
where hiredate BETWEEN STR_TO_DATE('1992-01-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') AND STR_TO_DATE( '2012-12-31 00:00:00' ,'%Y-%m-%d %h:%i:%s') ;
-- 11. 显示first_name中没有'L'字的员工的详细信息
select * from employees
where first_name not like ('%L%');
-- 12. 查询电话号码以 6 开头的所有员工信息.
select * from employees
where phone_number like '6%';
-- 13. 查询 80 号部门中 last_name 以 n 结尾的所有员工信息
select *
from employees
where department_id in(80) and last_name like '%n';
-- 14. 查询工资大于4000小于8000的员工信息
select * from employees
where salary between 4000 and 8000;
-- 15. 查询 first_name 中包含"na"的员工信息.
select *
from employees
where first_name like '%na%';
-- 16. 显示公司里所有员工的工资级别 case when
-- 级别 工资
-- A <5000
-- B >=5001 and <=8000
-- C >=8001 and <=15000
-- D >15000
select first_name,salary,
when salary>15000 then 'D'
when salary>=8001 then 'C'
when salary>=5001 then 'B'
else 'A'
end as 工资级别
from employees;
-- 17. 根据入职时间打印出员工级别
-- 员工级别 入职时间
-- 资深员工 2000 前(包含 2000)
-- 普通员工 2001~2010(包含 2010)
-- 新员工 2010 年后
select first_name 姓名,hiredate 入职日期,
when date_format(hiredate,'%Y')<=2000 then '资深员工'
when date_format(hiredate,'%Y')<=2010 then '普通员工'
else '新员工'
end as 员工等级
from employees;
-- 1. 请打印出 1992 年入职的员工
select * from employees
where date_format(hiredate,'%Y')=1992;
-- 2. 把 hiredate 列看做是员工的生日,求本月过生日的员工(可能没有结果)
select * from employees
where date_format(hiredate,'%M')=date_format(SYSDATE(),'%M');
-- 3. 查询出员工表中最高工资,最低工资,和平均工资
max( salary ) AS 最高工资,
min( salary ) AS 最低工资, avg( salary ) AS 平均工资