Given an m x n matrix of positive integers representing the height of each unit cell in a 2D elevation map, compute the volume of water it is able to trap after raining.
Both m and n are less than 110. The height of each unit cell is greater than 0 and is less than 20,000.
Given the following 3x6 height map:
Return 4.
The above image represents the elevation map [[1,4,3,1,3,2],[3,2,1,3,2,4],[2,3,3,2,3,1]] before the rain.
After the rain, water is trapped between the blocks. The total volume of water trapped is 4.
- 这道题虽然叫 Trapping Rain Water II,但是题目的解法和 Trapping Rain Water 并不一样。
- 这道题用到的基本数据结构是小顶堆。
- 基本思路是:我们想象海平面的海水慢慢侵入方格,依次找到会被海水填满的格子。
- 我们把最外面的四边当成四面墙,想象海水面不断的升高,首先会浸过墙面最低的格子,如果墙面最低格子的四周(出了在墙面的格子)有比它矮的格子,那么这就可以形成一个蓄水池,蓄水池的最高高度就是墙面最低的格子,于是我们计算这个蓄水池可以获得的蓄水量;然后这个蓄水池被添加到墙面中;继续在墙面中找最低的格子;
- 这个视频的动画解释的非常清楚。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author: 何睿 # @Create Date: 2019-10-03 08:11:17 # @Last Modified by: 何睿 # @Last Modified time: 2019-10-03 11:57:48 import heapq from typing import List class Solution: def trapRainWater(self, heightMap: List[List[int]]) -> int: if not heightMap or not heightMap[0]: return 0 queue, visited, max_heigth, water = [], set(), 0, 0 row, col = len(heightMap), len(heightMap[0]) count = row * col self.fill_border(queue, heightMap) visited = {(row, col) for _, row, col in queue} while queue: # 当所有的格子都在墙面上时,结束 if len(visited) == count: return water height, i, j = heapq.heappop(queue) max_heigth = max(max_heigth, height) # 以最低的格子为起点,判断四周是否可以形成蓄水池,返回蓄水池蓄水的大小 water += self.visit_neighbors(queue, visited, heightMap, max_heigth, row, col, i, j) return water def visit_neighbors(self, queue, visited, heightMap, max_heigth, row, col, i, j): water = 0 for x, y in [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)]: nrow, ncol = i + x, j + y if (nrow, ncol) not in visited and self.is_in_border(row, col, nrow, ncol): num = heightMap[nrow][ncol] water += max(0, max_heigth - num) visited.add((nrow, ncol)) heapq.heappush(queue, (num, nrow, ncol)) return water def fill_border(self, queue, heightMap): row, col = len(heightMap), len(heightMap[0]) for i in range(row): heapq.heappush(queue, (heightMap[i][0], i, 0)) heapq.heappush(queue, (heightMap[i][-1], i, col - 1)) for i in range(1, col - 1): heapq.heappush(queue, (heightMap[0][i], 0, i)) heapq.heappush(queue, (heightMap[-1][i], row - 1, i)) def is_in_border(self, row, col, i, j): return 0 <= i < row and 0 <= j < col
源代码文件在 这里 。