2.2.1 创建和存储的方法
CreateFeature方法被用来在地理数据库中创建单个要素,它的作用是分配一个系统ObjectID (OID),即OIDField字段的值
Store 方法将这个新特征存储到数据库中
【The CreateFeature method is used to create individual features in the geodatabase. It has the effect of assigning a system-generated ObjectID (OID), which is the value of the OIDField. Use the IFeature.Store method to store this new feature in the database.This basic process to create a feature is used independently of whether the feature is created in a point, line, polygon feature class, or in a feature class participating in a geometric network or topology.】
Creating the feature:在一个要素类中调用CreateFeature 方法,其效果等同于在ITable 接口中调用CreateRow 方法,一旦方法被调用,其OID就是可用的;例外的情形是IFeatureClass 方法返回的是表示行对象的IFeature接口的引用【Calling the CreateFeature method on a feature class has the same effect as calling the CreateRow method on the ITable interface, except that the IFeatureClass method returns a reference to the IFeature interface representing the returned row object. The OID of the feature is available once the CreateFeature method is called.】
Create the geometry for the feature:一个行对象与要素的基本差异之一就是要素和几何图形的关系,创建集合图形有很多不同的方式【One of the fundamental differences between a feature and a row object is the association between a feature and a geometry. There are many different ways to create the geometry for the feature. For more information on creating geometries, see How to create a polyline and How to create a polygon.】
Store the geometry in the feature:使用IFeature.Shape 方法存储几何图形到要素中【Use the IFeature.Shape property to store the geometry with the feature.】
Set the subtype, initialize any default values, and set other field values:调用CreateFeature方法后,默认的子类型和字段值不会被自动初始化【After calling CreateFeature, the default subtype value is not automatically set nor are default values initialized. For features without a subtype that have defined default values, calling IRowSubtypes.InitDefaultValues initializes the default values. For features created within a feature class containing subtypes, use IRowSubtypes.SubtypeCode to set the subtype value for features before calling IRowSubtypes.InitDefaultValues to ensure the default values are set for the particular subtype. After initializing the default values, the remaining field values can be set through the IFeature.Value property. If the field values are not correct for the type of field, an error is raised. However, if the field is too small to accept the defined value, an error is raised after the call to the Store method.】
Store the feature:IFeature.Store 方法调用要素才会被存储到数据库中,一旦存储方法被调用,在统一编辑会话中的后续查询都将反映到要素中。【The feature is not written to the database until the IFeature.Store method has been called. Once Store has been called, all subsequent queries in the same edit session, using the geodatabase application programming interface (API), reflects the modified state of the feature.】
一旦IFeature.Store 方法调用,将会触发以下行为:
任何与特征相关的复杂行为都会发生。例如,网络要素创建相应的网络元素,拓扑在编辑的功能上创建dirty 区域,并且在覆盖IRowEvents接口的自定义功能上调用OnNew方法。【Any complex behavior inherent to the feature occurs. For example, network features create corresponding network elements, topologies create dirty areas over edited features, and the OnNew method is called on custom features that override the IRowEvents interface.】
如果要素属于实现IObjectClassEvents接口的拓展类,他的IObjectClassEvents.OnCreate也会被调用,这通常用于将对象的字段值设置为应用程序定义的变量【If the class the feature belongs to has a class extension that implements the IObjectClassEvents interface, its IObjectClassEvents.OnCreate method is called. This is often used to set an object's field values to application-defined variables.】
要素类的IObjectClassEvents接口公开事件。如果OnCreate事件有侦听器,则引发该事件,触发所有事件处理程序。【The IObjectClassEvents interface of a feature class exposes events. If the OnCreate event has listeners, the event is raised, triggering all event handlers.】
如果要素类参与具有通知的关系类,并且相关类具有实现IRelatedObjectClassEvents接口的类扩展,则会在扩展上触发RelatedObjectCreated方法。【If the feature's class participates in a relationship class with notification and the related class has a class extension that implements the IRelatedObjectClassEvents interface, the RelatedObjectCreated method is triggered on the extension.】
public static void CreateFeature(IFeatureClass featureClass, IPolyline polyline) { // Build the feature. IFeature feature = featureClass.CreateFeature(); feature.Shape = polyline; // Apply the appropriate subtype to the feature. ISubtypes subtypes = (ISubtypes)featureClass; IRowSubtypes rowSubtypes = (IRowSubtypes)feature; if (subtypes.HasSubtype) { // In this example, the value of 3 represents the polymer vinyl chloride (PVC) subtype. rowSubtypes.SubtypeCode = 3; } // Initialize any default values the feature has. rowSubtypes.InitDefaultValues(); // Update the value on a string field that indicates who installed the feature. int contractorFieldIndex = featureClass.FindField("CONTRACTOR"); feature.set_Value(contractorFieldIndex, "K Johnston"); // Commit the new feature to the geodatabase. feature.Store(); }
2.2.2 使用插入光标创建
下面的代码示例使用要素缓冲区将一组新要素插入到道路要素类中。特征的数量由geometryList参数的大小决定,特征从列表中按顺序获取其形状属性。所有功能的“TYPE”值都设置为“Primary Highway”。这些插入文件存储在缓冲区中,只有在调用Flush时才会刷新。
2.2.3 使用仅加载模式插入行
//仅插入模式加载 public static void LoadOnlyModeInsert(IFeatureClass featureClass, List < IGeometry > geometryList) { // 将FeatureClass转化为IFeatureClassLoad接口 IFeatureClassLoad featureClassLoad = (IFeatureClassLoad)featureClass; //要素解锁,独占此数据库 ISchemaLock schemaLock = (ISchemaLock)featureClass; try { schemaLock.ChangeSchemaLock(esriSchemaLock.esriExclusiveSchemaLock); // 设置要素类为仅加载模式 featureClassLoad.LoadOnlyMode = true; using(ComReleaser comReleaser = new ComReleaser()) { //创建要素缓冲 IFeatureBuffer featureBuffer = featureClass.CreateFeatureBuffer(); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(featureBuffer); // 创建插入光标 IFeatureCursor insertCursor = featureClass.Insert(true); comReleaser.ManageLifetime(insertCursor); // 获取TYPE字段索引,并将其赋值为Primary Highway int typeFieldIndex = featureClass.FindField("TYPE"); featureBuffer.set_Value(typeFieldIndex, "Primary Highway"); //遍历几何要素列表 foreach (IGeometry geometry in geometryList) { //设置几何图形,并将要素缓冲插入 featureBuffer.Shape = geometry; insertCursor.InsertFeature(featureBuffer); } //缓冲区刷新 insertCursor.Flush(); } } catch (Exception) { // 异常处理失败的情形 } finally { // 解除要素类的仅加载模式 featureClassLoad.LoadOnlyMode = false; //解除独占锁,设置为共享锁 schemaLock.ChangeSchemaLock(esriSchemaLock.esriSharedSchemaLock); } }
2.2.4 使用缓冲和刷新
当对插入光标使用缓冲时,对insert row的调用不会向数据库管理系统(DBMS)写入新行,而是向客户端缓冲区写入新行。当调用ICursor.Flush或当缓冲区达到其最大大小时,缓冲区中包含的行作为批处理操作写入DBMS。由于DBMS写入可以发生在Flush调用或InsertRow调用上(如果缓冲区已达到其最大大小),这两个调用都应该具有适当的错误处理。
X 重要参考
Updating existing features
Updating attributes of existing features
Updating geometry of existing features
Adjusting feature locations with spatial adjustment
Editing with the geodatabase API
Creating features
Updating features
Obtaining changes made in the current edit session
Validating features
Listening to object class events
How to listen to workspace edit events