《Towards A Fault-Tolerant Speaker Verification System A Regularization Approach To Reduce The Condition Number》电子版地址

简介: Towards A Fault-Tolerant Speaker Verification System: A Regularization Approach To Reduce The Condition Number

《Towards A Fault-Tolerant Speaker Verification System: A Regularization Approach To Reduce The Condition Number》Towards A Fault-Tolerant Speaker Verification System: A Regularization Approach To Reduce The Condition Number


屏幕快照 2022-06-17 上午9.58.35.png

算法 数据挖掘
文献解读-Consistency and reproducibility of large panel next-generation sequencing: Multi-laboratory assessment of somatic mutation detection on reference materials with mismatch repair and proofreading deficiency
Consistency and reproducibility of large panel next-generation sequencing: Multi-laboratory assessment of somatic mutation detection on reference materials with mismatch repair and proofreading deficiency,大panel二代测序的一致性和重复性:对具有错配修复和校对缺陷的参考物质进行体细胞突变检测的多实验室评估
43 6
文献解读-Consistency and reproducibility of large panel next-generation sequencing: Multi-laboratory assessment of somatic mutation detection on reference materials with mismatch repair and proofreading deficiency
机器学习/深度学习 自然语言处理 计算机视觉
【计算机视觉】MDETR - Modulated Detection for End-to-End Multi-Modal Understanding
对于图像模型,MDETR采用的是一个CNN backbone来提取视觉特征,然后加上二维的位置编码;对于语言模态,作者采用了一个预训练好的Transformer语言模型来生成与输入值相同大小的hidden state。然后作者采用了一个模态相关的Linear Projection将图像和文本特征映射到一个共享的embedding空间。 接着,将图像embedding和语言embedding进行concat,生成一个样本的图像和文本特征序列。这个序列特征首先被送入到一个Cross Encoder进行处理,后面的步骤就和DETR一样,设置Object Query用于预测目标框。
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语音技术 机器学习/深度学习 开发者
语音顶会Interspeech 论文解读|Towards A Fault-tolerant Speaker Verification System: A Regularization Approach To Reduce The Condition Number
Interspeech是世界上规模最大,最全面的顶级语音领域会议,本文为Siqi Zheng, Gang Liu, Hongbin Suo, Yun Lei的入选论文
语音顶会Interspeech 论文解读|Towards A Fault-tolerant Speaker Verification System: A Regularization Approach To Reduce The Condition Number