
注册配置 MSE Nacos/ZooKeeper,118元/月
服务治理 MSE Sentinel/OpenSergo,Agent数量 不受限
云原生网关 MSE Higress,422元/月
简介: 快速学习实操讲解:微服务运行状态监测(二)

开发者学堂课程【Elasticsearch 实战进阶营实操讲解:微服务运行状态监测(二)】学习笔记,与课程紧密联系,让用户快速学习知识。



三、Elastic Stack 技术栈



早期 Elastic Stack 名为 ELK,对应 Elasticsearch,Logstash,Kibana 这三个开源软件,但由于在做日志收集时 Logstash 过于重量级,因此官方又开发了各种 Beat 组件,比如 FileBeat,PackBeat 等等。

随着这些角色的加入 ELK 更名位 Elastic Stack。

Elastic Stack 组件的主要优点有如下几个:


Elasticsearch 是实时全文索引,具有强大的搜索功能。


Elasticsearch 全部使用 JSON 接口,Logstash 使用模块配置,Kibana 的配置文件部分更简单。




Elasticsearch 和 Logstash 都可以灵活线性扩展。


Kibana 的前端设计比较绚丽,而且操作简单。

为什么要用 Elastic Stack 组件?

Elastic Stack 组件在海量日志系统运维中,可以用于解决以下主要问题:





Elastic Stack  在大数据运维系统中,主要可解决的问题如下:





四、Elastic+kibana 自有环境

1、动手配置自己的 ES 运行环境


## ############并并Heartbeat Configuration Example #并# ## ##并####### # ## ##并##并井

is file is an example configuration

file highlighting only some common options。

# The heartbeat. reference .yml file in the same directory contains all the supported options

# with detailed com

ments. You can use it for reference。


# You can find the full configuration reference here ;

# https://www. elastic。co/ guide/ en/ beats/ heartbeat/ index。html

######## ###井林## ### ###井#井####井Heartbeat ###井 ### ##井并井

### ## # ####并##井井林##井#并##井并井

# Define a directory to load monitor definitions from. Definitions take the form

# of individual yaml files. .

heartbeat . confi


be loaded.

type: http # monitor type http 。Connect via HTTP an optionally verify response

# Monitor name used for job name and document type

name: eureka

t Enable/Disable monitor

enabled: true

# Configure task schedule

schedule: ' @every 5s' # every 5 seconds from start of beat

# Configure URLS to ping

hosts: ["http: //1ocalhost:8020"]

# Configure IP protocol types to ping on if hostnames are confi gured。

# Ping all resolvable IPs if" mode is" all^ ,or only one IP if mode is" any.

ipv4: true

ipv6: true


mode: any

# Optional HTTP proxy url.

#proxy_ url: '

# Total test connection and data exchange t imeout

#timeout: 16s

# Optional Authentication Credentials

#uS ername :

g。monitors :


# Directory + glob pattern to search for configuration files

path: ${path . config}/ monitors .d/* . yml

# If enabled, heartbeat will periodically check the config . monitors path for c


reload. enabled: true

# How often to check for changes

reload.period: 5s

# Configure monitors inline

# heartbeat 。monitors ;

# - type: http

# List or urls to


# urls: ["http://localhost:9200" ]

# Configure task schedule

# schedule:" @every 10s

输出地要到 es 里面

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# You can find the full configuration reference here :

# https:/ /www. elastic。co/ guide/ en/ beats/ heartbeat/ index. html

##########################并并并Heartbeat ###并 ###井#井# # ## ## #井# # # # ## ## ### # # #并# ####

# Define a directory to load monitor definitions from. Definitions take the form

# of individual yaml files。

heartbeat。config。monitors :

# Directory + glob pattern to search for configuration files

path: ${path. config}/monitors . dA . yml

# If enabled, heartbeat will periodically check the config 。monitors path for changes

reload .enabled: true

# How often to check for changes

reload. period: 5s

# Configure monitors inline

# heartbeat 。monitors ;

# - type: http

# List or urls to query

# urls: ["http://localhost:9200"]

# Configure task schedule

# schedule:" @every 10s

# Total test connection and data exchange t imeout

#timeout: 16s

# These files contain a list of monitor confi gurations identical

# to the heartbe

at。monitors section in heartbeat。yml

# The 。example extension on this file must be removed for it to

# be loaded 。

type: http # monitor type http^ 。Connect via HTTP an optionally verify res ponse

# Monitor nam

e used for job name and document type

name: eureka

# Enable/Disable monitor

enabled: true

# Configure task schedule

schedule:' @every 5s' # every 5 seconds from start of beat

# Configure URLS to ping

hosts:| [ "http://localhost:8020"]

并Configure IP protocol types to ping on if hostnames are

configured .

# Ping all

resolvable IPs if mode i S

all,or only one IP if" mode is" any.

ipv4: true

ipv6: true

mode: any

# Optional HTTP proxy url.

#proxy_ url:

并Total test connection and data exchange t imeout

#timeout: 16s


# cluster 集群配置

cluster.name: dmall_ test_ es #名字自己起,确保集群名不同

cluster. initial_ master_ nodes: ["ip:port"] #初始主节点的ip和端口,填你本机ip,默认端口是9300

network.host: ip #填你本机ip

http.port: 9200


transport. tcp.port: 9300 #端口绑定节点之间的通信默认是9300



discovery. zen. ping. unicast.hosts: ["ip:port"] #端口一般填 TCP 端口,如9300


xpack. security . enabled: false #没置为 true 则在节点上启用 X-Pack 安全特性,false 表 示禁用 X-Pack 安全:

xpack. security. transport. ssl.enabled: false #xpack ssl 配置,设置成 false 就可以。


"name" : "6LUo_ Ih",

"cluster_ name" :


"cluster_ uuid" : "tnCuoQs9RQOTkDevKI4y6Q" ,

"version”: {

"number" : "7.5.1".

"build_ flavor" : "default",

"build_ type”: "tar",

"build_ hash" : "1fad4e1",

"build_ date”: "2019-06-18T13:16:52.517138Z",

"build_ snapshot" : false,

"lucene_ version" : "7.7.0",

"minimum_ wire_ compatibility_ version" : "5.6.0",

"minimum_ index_ compatibility_ version" : "5.0.0"


"tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

启动 kibana

2nd2no yse2s807 -

“unKTe@ypJeasoTaseT3. :pJomssed



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02 23auUOS of S2Soy 4o KeJuy #


seTa "2nd2no

andzno ypueasoTset3 ---

# You can find the full configuration reference here :

# https:/ /www. elastic。co/ guide/ en/ beats/ heartbeat/ index. html

path: ${path. config}/monitors . dA . yml

# If enabled, heartbeat will periodically check the config 。monitors path for changes

reload .enabled: true

# How often to check for changes

reload. period: 5s

# Configure monitors inline

# heartbeat 。monitors ;

# - type: http

# List or urls to query

# urls: ["http://localhost:9200"]

# Configure task schedule

# schedule:" @every 10s

# Total test connection and data exchange t imeout

ElasticSearch 入门精讲
ElasticSearch是一个开源的、基于Lucene的、分布式、高扩展、高实时的搜索与数据分析引擎。根据DB-Engines的排名显示,Elasticsearch是最受欢迎的企业搜索引擎,其次是Apache Solr(也是基于Lucene)。 ElasticSearch的实现原理主要分为以下几个步骤: 用户将数据提交到Elastic Search 数据库中 通过分词控制器去将对应的语句分词,将其权重和分词结果一并存入数据 当用户搜索数据时候,再根据权重将结果排名、打分 将返回结果呈现给用户 Elasticsearch可以用于搜索各种文档。它提供可扩展的搜索,具有接近实时的搜索,并支持多租户。
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