《CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南》——6.1节摸底测验


本节书摘来自异步社区《CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南》一书中的第6章,第6.1节摸底测验,作者【美】Sean Wilkins , Trey Smith,更多章节内容可以访问云栖社区“异步社区”公众号查看

6.1 摸底测验
CCNP安全Secure 642-637认证考试指南




1.Which of the following three components comprise Cisco 802.1X authentication? Cisco 802.1X认证架构由以下哪3部分构成?

  a. Cisco IOS Software 802.1X authenticator Cisco IOS软件802.1X认证方

  b. Cisco Secure ACS 4.2

  c. Cisco Secure Services Client wired 802.1X supplicant Cisco SSC有线802.1X请求方

  d. Cisco MARS

  e. Microsoft SQL Server Microsoft SQL服务器

2.Which 802.1X component is also known as the client? 在802.1X认证架构中,哪种设备又被称为客户?

  a. Cisco IOS Software 802.1X authenticator Cisco IOS软件802.1X认证方

  b. Cisco Secure ACS 4.2

  c. Cisco Secure Services Client wired 802.1X supplicant Cisco SSC有线802.1X请求方

  d. Cisco MARS

  e. The user用户

3.Which 802.1X component is the switch or router between the client and the AAAserver? 在802.1X认证架构中,客户与AAA服务器之间的交换机或路由器属于哪种角色?

  a. Cisco IOS Software 802.1X authenticator Cisco IOS软件802.1X认证方

  b. Cisco Secure ACS 4.2

  c. Cisco Secure Services Client wired 802.1X supplicant Cisco SSC有线802.1X请求方

  d. Cisco MARS

  e. The user用户

4.Which 802.1X component is also known as the AAA server? 在802.1X认证架构中,哪种设备又被称为AAA服务器?

  a. Cisco IOS Software 802.1X authenticator Cisco IOS软件802.1X认证方

  b. Cisco Secure ACS 4.2

  c. Cisco Secure Services Client wired 802.1X supplicant Cisco SSC有线802.1X请求方

  d. Cisco MARS

  e. The user用户

5.Which command adds a RADIUS server to an IOS device’s configuration? 管理员可以使用哪种命令将RADIUS服务器添加到IOS设备的配置中?

  a. Router(config)# RADIUS server add

  b. Router(config)# aaa authentication server RADIUS

  c. Router(config-if)# ip aaa RADIUS host

  d. Router(config)# radius-server host

6.What UDP ports are used by Cisco as the default authentication and accounting ports? Cisco ACS使用哪两种UDP端口作为默认的认证与结算端口?

  a. 67 and 68 67与68端口

  b. 1645 and 1646 1645与1646端口

  c. 1812 and 1813 1812与1813端口

  d. 20 and 21 20与21端口

  e. None of the answers are correct.以上答案均不正确

7.What must the Keyfield on the Network Configuration screen in Cisco SecureACS match? 配置Cisco ACS时,管理员在Network Configuration窗口的Key文本框中输入的值必须与哪个值相匹配?

  a. The cryptographic key that was entered on the IOS-based switch whendefining the RADIUS server 定义RADIUS服务器时,在IOS交换机上输入的加密密钥

  b. The IP address of the switch 交换机的IP地址

  c. The password that was entered for the user in the Protected Access Credentialfile PAC文件中的用户密码

  d. The passphrase used to encrypt data between the AAA server and theauthenticator用于加密认证方与认证服务器之间通信的密码短语

  e. The password entered on the supplicant请求方使用的密码

8.If the network between the supplicant and the AAA server is trusted, you can deployuser PAC files using which method? 如果请求方与认证服务器之间的网络路径可信,可以采取以下哪种方式部署用户PAC文件?

  a. Manually by importing a PAC file into each client’s supplicant手动将PAC文件导入每个请求方

  b. Configure the switch to copy the PAC file from its flash to the client将PAC文件从交换机闪存复制到客户

  c. Push the PAC file to the user from the Windows Server Active Directory store将PAC文件从Windows Active Directory复制到用户

  d. Automatic (anonymous)自动(匿名)部署

9.What is the tool used to create the Cisco SSC configuration profile?哪种工具用于创建Cisco SSC配置文件?

  a. Cisco Secure ACS CSUtil command-line utility Cisco ACS的CSUtil命令行工具

  b. dot1x test eapol-capable command命令dot1x test eapol-capable

  c. Cisco SSC Management Utility Cisco SSC管理工具

  d. Cisco Security Device Manager Cisco安全设备管理器(Cisco SDM)

10.From where are the Cisco SSC supplicant and the Cisco SSC Management Utility obtained?如何获取Cisco SSC请求方与Cisco SSC管理工具?

  a. Included in the IOS image包含在IOS镜像中

  b. Included in Microsoft Windows Operating Systems包含在Windows操作系统中

  c. Downloaded from Cisco.com从Cisco网站下载

  d. Obtain from a TAC engineer从Cisco技术支持中心获取


IEEE 802.1X标准是一种基于端口的访问控制架构,它对连接到局域网端口的设备进行认证与授权,确保只有合法用户才能访问网络资源与服务。802.1X认证架构由请求方(客户主机)、认证方(路由器、交换机、无线接入点等)与认证服务器(RADIUS服务器)组成。这一章将介绍与802.1X部署有关的基本知识,包括802.1X/Cisco IBNS的规划、配置与排错。






